Dark Griffin Games


New Member
Apr 21, 2023
Hello there. My name is Griffin, but you can call me Griff. I am the creator/developer of Dark Griffin Games.

I am currently the Writer for 3 other AVN's currently in development by other Dev's. So I'm no stranger to writing. In fact my BA is in English Lit.
I also attended the Art Institute of Dallas where my field of Study was Multimedia which covers everything from Graphic arts, to video production and editing.
So I decided that it was time to learn how to code and then put all my skills together and begin telling my own stories.

My first Game will be UC8 (University Cinema 8) which is the story of a recently divorced man who manages a movie theater.

What can I tell you about Jason, or whatever you choose to rename him. First off, he's not some 18 to 20 year old boy/man like so many other MC's seem to be these days.
He's a man in his mid-thirties. Secondly, he isn't goofy looking.
View attachment jason uc30p2.webp
Well, at least not most of the time.

Oh yeah, he also just found out that his high school sweetheart, who he had to move away from because his father got stationed over seas, was pregnant when he moved and never told him. So, surprise. here's your daughter...
View attachment Kayla teaser.webp

And don't worry, there will be plenty of women for Jason to choose from...
View attachment Amber teaser1a.webp
View attachment erin anderson1.webp
View attachment Mina teaser text.webp
View attachment Joanna teaser text.webp
View attachment Alexis teaser1.5.webp

So whenever you're looking for something to do, remember your friends over at...
UC8 Neonfan.gif

"The most fun you can have in a dark public room without getting arrested!"

DGGstormfan1.gif View attachment DGGbanerstatic.webp


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
Hello there. My name is Griffin, but you can call me Griff. I am the creator/developer of Dark Griffin Games.

I am currently the Writer for 3 other AVN's currently in development by other Dev's. So I'm no stranger to writing. In fact my BA is in English Lit.
I also attended the Art Institute of Dallas where my field of Study was Multimedia which covers everything from Graphic arts, to video production and editing.
So I decided that it was time to learn how to code and then put all my skills together and begin telling my own stories.

My first Game will be UC8 (University Cinema 8) which is the story of a recently divorced man who manages a movie theater.

What can I tell you about Jason, or whatever you choose to rename him. First off, he's not some 18 to 20 year old boy/man like so many other MC's seem to be these days.
He's a man in his mid-thirties. Secondly, he isn't goofy looking.
View attachment 2604576
Well, at least not most of the time.

Oh yeah, he also just found out that his high school sweetheart, who he had to move away from because his father got stationed over seas, was pregnant when he moved and never told him. So, surprise. here's your daughter...
View attachment 2604581

And don't worry, there will be plenty of women for Jason to choose from...
View attachment 2604583
View attachment 2604584
View attachment 2604586
View attachment 2604587
View attachment 2604588

So whenever you're looking for something to do, remember your friends over at...
View attachment 2604592

"The most fun you can have in a dark public room without getting arrested!"

View attachment 2604594 View attachment 2604598
Sounds like it's going to be a good game good luck.
Kayla looks hot I like short hair on girls