By far one of the most fun games I've played so far on this site.
Let's go in parts, the good parts are:
The combat is fluid, with a wide variety of combos that are both interesting and fun. Not to mention that the animation is also impeccable. 10/10 for the combat.
The music is fun, with a certain loop that isn't annoying to listen to. 10/10 for the music.
The story seems okay, it's something I can't remember the last time I saw, a person becoming a woman's armor, so at least for me it's something a bit “original” and different, I didn't go that far to find out more about the game's story for reasons I'll talk about later. 8/10 for the story.
The artwork is nice, it doesn't have that special or unique touch, but it's pretty enough for me. 7/10.
Now for the bad parts and the ones that really bothered me.
This game feels like it's been ripped straight out of a PlayStation console and thrown into a computer game with barely any effort to change the keyboard commands. The menu may look “right”, so to speak, but in games and the like, it becomes very difficult to even find out what the character can and can't do. I only found out everything I could do, especially those 4 special moves that appear on the screen, only at the end of chapter 3.
For a H-Game, the sex scenes seems... well, it lacks content honestly, and it's kinda hard to be grabbed by the enemy.
The initial art, before the game starts, is ugly and lazy, I almost left the game thinking that the art would be lazy like that, but fortunately I was surprised by more than wonderful combat.
The platforming in general also seems a bit... lazy, nothing much changes, at least a few more jumps here and there, but apart from that, it's just more of the same.
And well, something you can all agree on, machine translation is asking for your game to be called lazy.
In short, the game is a 3.5, but since I can't give it half a grade, just 3. It's worth playing, but expect bugs and a few inconveniences.