VN - Ren'Py - Darker [Ch. 1 Part 6] [Director Unknown]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Unfortunately it started with great expectations, graphically not bad, if we consider the skin color of the protagonist too pale, but I was not convinced by this system of three separate chapters, with these adventure variants. In my opinion, a very messy plot
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is a slow burn and is good if you are looking for a story that builds up.

    The characters also stand out well because their personalities are well developed.

    The only compliant I have would be that the animations are just two different pictures that move.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Ch5 played.
    Very good story so far - may benefit from a native speaker reviewer to get the proper expressions in English.
    Graphics: good in general, more colour and more intense facial expressions on the MC's face (like when reaching the end of the hobo scene where she does not seem to be that bothered) would make it even better.
    Well worth checking it out! Well done dev.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Review based on Ch. 1 Part 5:

    Interesting game with quite unique character designs which some might really like (like me) or absolutely hate. Story is so-so, a bit hard to understand as we are controlling all the characters actions instead of following one MC and making decisions just as him/her. But I guess things will start to clear up story wise as we move further into it. Starts of more or less like a kinetic novel, which for me was initially a turn off but after the 1 hour mark we finally started to get some decisions to make and it was totally worth the wait, cant wait to see how this develops further. If you are looking for a game with plenty of H scenes then this might not be the game for you yet, what is there is mostly just teasing and setting up for future scenes. Some here say the main girl is to forward and kind of a total slut in hiding, the story do hint at her having a wildside that she has suppressed and dev is doing a ok job at teasing that. That is at least how I see it.
    And yes this game will feature netorare/sharing, however the player controls the narrative of how far you will let it go but there is unavoidable parts to it so if that is not your thing then this game is absolutely not for you. You cant name the characters of the story which is a bummer, would make it more immersive if we could imho.

    All in all a game that I will follow, sadly has developed quite slow so far but seems like the dev has built a new render computer which might make upcoming updates larger and maybe arriving quicker, we will see I guess.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good story telling, interesting. Renders are quality but animations needs some works. Recommend everyone to try it out..

    9 out of 10 game
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    The porn logic is strong with this one.

    Husband agrees to send his wife (unbenownst to her) on a two month fuckfest with a guy he knows is going to torture her and use her like people use toilet paper. But does it so he can advance in the company.

    She refuses because she knows the guy is only out to fuck her. She then changes her mind when hubby tells her that he's going on a two month trip of his own with out her. Her reasoning is that they live in a risky neighborhood and she might be safer on the trip with the guy who wants to fuck her.

    You get what you pay for folks.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I''ll give it props for being shinier than a lot of its contemporaries, 'tis above average in terms of production values. Unfortunately there is no amount of gloss and glitter that'll make up for what is, in my view, substandard writing.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    This game bored me out of my mind.

    I'm giving it 3 stars because it looks like there's a decent amount of work in it.

    I'm not feeling any connection to the characters or the story. It takes a long time into the game for any choices to pop up.

    I ended hitting the skip button, (and from the reviews I can sense I'm not the only one), waiting for anything meaningful to happen.

    It wasn't worth the time in the end. So 3 stars for a working product, with lots of scenes, but that don't spark any interest in me
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Promising start, and a well implemented VN. If you expected the choices to matter, I can say they don't do much at this point.

    On the bright side, dev has made the skipping slow enough to read so you can blast through the current content in no time.

    Story and lighting need some work though, as MC is sometimes pale as vampire.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Absolutely gorgeous renders.
    The story and writing are pretty good for a porn game and I haven't noticed any grammar issues or weird phrasing.
    Not a big fan of female mc games, but this one is working for me.
    -1 star for making skipping so insanely slow that I had to look up how to fix it.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Another game with a weak protagonist and a whore girlfriend who sleeps with everyone, visually it's fine but the writing and development of the story leaves a lot to be desired.

    Recommended only if you like NTR and are not looking for a story that makes a lot of sense (yes, it has ntr, why isn't the tag there? because the moderators don't want to put it in, it's that simple).
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I came in not knowing what to expect but it's one of the best games I've played on here. The art and models look good and it has a good flow to the story. It's a great start with the slow corruption but still having plenty of content that doesn't feel forced in or out of place.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Too bad, I was thinking of a game made with a finally strong and vengeful MC, but as you progress through the game you realize that the game already has something seen and revised, useless, this is now the trend, the majority of players love these versions of games with a weak MC, a slutty wife, and a strong and gifted enemy, graphically it has a lot to give, even in terms of sound, but the original plot is missing, the scenes to follow are obvious, with very few choice options, a porn film I would say , not a Game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice and engaging. has elements to satisfy all.. will wait and see how it goes from here on. Hopefully it keeps the same tone.....of Dominant husband with a faithful wife corruption...and also looking to see how some choices in initial parts affect later
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Would love to give this game a higher rating, but I simply can't. Renders are nice, story somewhat promising, characters decent for the most part.

    But the writing...It's just bad. This game needs a mature writer. Some of the dialogue is so cringe and straight up dumb that it almost made me want to quit. One example; Pretty much at the beginning of the game, when Oliver and Ryan start drinking, Oliver keeps calling Grace a slut for the accidental towel malfunction earlier. Ryan, her husband, is completely unphased by it, acting like it's the most normal thing in the world to call his wife a slut. Ryan and Olliver met for the first time, mind you. The entire discussion and both character's behavior is just stupid beyond belief, and there are several scenes which had me left thinking "What the actual fuck?!".

    My recommendation: English (fluent) writer would elevate the game to be easy 4 stars. Right now, the writing makes it borderline unenjoyable for me. 2/5.

    Best of luck!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh my! A new favorite! Deliciously vulgar (always a fave), lot of dark things happen and much darker promise to happen (delicious), a promising dark storyline and events, descent artwork, lots of sexual situations and sexy clothes, but most of all the build up of anticip- ... ation. Oh I so can't wait for chapters 3 and 4, I am Here for it.

    My only bits of 'hm..' is that it is hinting it might become one of those 'terrible things happen to the heroine and she discovers she likes all of them' which is always a bit weird to me if no mind-control is involved.. but it sounds like chapter 3 won't do that? (hope) Also there's certainly very few choices / feeling of control. It helps that you can go through the phone whenever (and there are some funny things in there) and the choices you do have promise to be somewhat meaningful (though really, we're all gonna pick the same ones, I'm pretty sure. But is what it is, some games are just more linear / illustrated stories then others.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    just ended the game and its up to be one of the best of this dark genre, the art is great, the music is good, the writing works and the overall felling in the game is really enjoyable if u are ofc into these flavors, that atm ofc are soft for what the dev clearly tell you is coming, game isnt called "lighter" lol the ui is clean too, for me a 5/5 for sure, hope to see more soon
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    A honest review... I always try to give one, but i also give my 2 cents. A review should be mostly technical, but i'm sure no professional writer or critic. So in the end i'll give my opinion.

    Now, i wanted to leave 3 stars, and i'll get into it, but i can see, behind this project, a genuine big load of good will and effort. It shows on the technical quality of the product, which is, by all means, high.

    Yet the story is... weird. Hard to pin point why, apart from the questionable writing for the dialogues, but both the characters and the plot feel odd and unlikely and hard to believe.

    Maybe it's just not my kind of story.

    Sure the gameplay didn't help. You have rare options to choose and when you do, in some of them, you get the very same scenes, in a different order.

    It feels like the project is more akin to a web comic or a cinetic novel then to a game.

    By the way it's still a good project and i'll see to play it through when all releases are out.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    It is good, but I think, it will be more appealing if you corrupt the girl slowly. "the naked in the house" scenes it is much for beginning. the girl is not nympromaniac yet. She must be broken slowly
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Another VN well done with this start. I hope story will develop good. It seems that MC this time starts not so innocent as usual in this kind of genre and she will eventually take the lead of the situation even if she'll fall into corruption.

    - Very good renders
    - Amazing MC
    - Setting well set with some backstories for all actors
    - As far not the usual blackmail stuff as starter

    - maybe males are too canonical (in any sense)