Unity - Abandoned - Date Me Dot Com [v0.5.1] [SHZX Studio]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of promise. But it definitely needs more content.
    I enjoyed it but it's incredible short. I'd also like to see some gameplay added in between the story since now it's not engaging enough in my opinion.

    Art 3.5/5
    Story 4/5
    Gameplay 2.5/5
    Fapability 3.5/5
    Originality 4.5/5
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Since the game is short and I finished it in like 15 minutes (As of Dec 29th 2022), I'll keep my review short while also going over some of the issues and some of the nice things.

    Art 3.5/5 : It has it's issues and it's obviously not perfect. But it has a style that is more unique than koikatsu or honey select models. The characters have unique designs and there's a few pictures of each.

    Story 3/5: There really isn't a story here. You're basically using Tinder and you're chatting with girls. Then you go meet up with them. As basic as it gets.

    Characters 4/5: The characters are very much cookie cutter. You got the milf, the introvert, the party girl, the exercise girl, etc. But there's a good amount of them and they all look different and unique. Some girls outshine others by a lot and that's just because they have more content.

    Gameplay 2/5: I think the gameplay of this game has HUGE potential. Unfortunately, I'm scoring it low just because of the efforts the dev has seemingly gone through to make it just annoying if you don't have some kind of code (that I assume you get from their patreon). That being said it's not like the wait time is long, I finished this game fast, but come on man. Developers fishing for patreon money with a game with this little content is just screaming red flag. On top of that, I would want the game to work more like a dating app rather than a visual novel that I have to wait for lines to pop up. Let it update while you're alt tabbed ( you have to be tabbed in currently), let players speed up the game for free if they want to, give us more branching paths than the on rails feeling you have now, and allow the girls to react to liking pictures or give us more conversation than we have now. As of now you click 3-4 lines of text that are the OBVIOUS answer, you get blue line of text to click that takes you to "A FEW MOMENTS LATER" like spongebob and then you get a sexy pic of the thing you did. I'd like more than that. Give us the picture with a few lines of dialogue of the moment. Talk about what happend in the picture more outside of "it was a great time" then you move on to the next few lines of dialogue.

    Overall 4/5: I was actually intending on keeping this shorter, but as I was typing out about the gameplay, I realized how much it was bothering me. Overall, the design here is unique, it's hot and allows the characters to flesh themselves out more. Unfortunately, what is here so far based off of 4 months of work(I'm assuming since the game was posted here in Aug), it's pretty bare bones and only 2 girls have any kind of character outside of the very shallow cliche archetype they are. Give us more meat and more dialogue so we can explore the characters more. I'm gonna be optimistic and assume the developer isn't as bad as the red flags are giving off and help support the game with a positive score.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A short but promising game as of now. The idea of a dating app game might sound a bit boring at first, but it's actually pretty fun. Getting to know the different girls in the game is enjoyable (I especially like Claire and also Christine because of her yandere personality). There's not a ton of content right now, but I can definitely see a future where you could end up on different routes with some of the girls depending on your choices. The art is visually appealing and quite unique and the "h scenes" look great.