VN - Others - Completed - Daughter for Dessert [Ch. 19] [Palmer/Love-Joint]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Great VN, full of well-made, non-repetitive characters. Sadly, I couldn't get that interested in going through it, as the game doesn't offer anything new in terms of setup, and the beginning doesn't let you lean into the porn content very much.

    Graphically, it's good, all things considered. The sex scenes are solid, though the first two chapters don’t offer much, as mentioned. The characters look great, and the same can be said for the backgrounds, which create solid immersion. The music isn’t bad either, but the voice lines take it to a whole other level.

    Gameplay-wise, it's hard to tell. From what I played, the minigame wasn’t annoying, which is a nice plus. However, the overlay and progression through the VN parts feel sketchy and aren’t very comfortable.

    I recommend giving it a try—maybe it will work better for you than it did for me.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    DAUGHTER FOR DESSERT: The Official PatreonGamer Review

    General Verdict: Frustrating, But Fascinating If You Only Let Yourself Be Swept Away

    Most of the people pronouncing judgement on Daughter For Dessert, the first of Palmer’s two "epic" games completed (mostly) in his lifetime (Double Homework being the second), tend to focus on the game’s negative sides, probably because they are so blatantly obvious. Let us quickly move them out of the way, as this has all been written about many times:

    1) The game features its own engine rather than the standard RenPy, Unity, RPGM etc. packages — partly out of ambition and vanity, partly to prevent theft and unsolicited dissemination (which, as the very existence of F95 proves by itself, is a futile affair anyway). The engine, with its poor handling of every mechanic that RenPy does ten times better (transitions, skips, hiding the screen, saves, etc.), is cumbersome and annoying; I think there is not a single person in sight who would dare defend it against the insurmountable odds.

    2) The game has relatively few graphic renders (most of the action is represented by static cut figures) and no animations whatsoever — Palmer and his team just couldn’t be bothered with something as trivial as movement on the screen. Coupled with the fact that there are long, REALLY long dialog or monolog sequences, it really sounds like a perfect recipe for boredom.

    3) The voice acting in the game is weak and perfunctory; the "actresses" voicing Amanda and Kathy sound wooden, bored, and overall easily replaceable by AI these days. The samples provided for free can in no way serve as proper motivation for people to support the game financially.

    4) The plot of the game, generally speaking, is stupid, unrealistic, and illogical, and it seemingly gets worse and worse, rather than improving, as the game goes on. By the time of the final denouement, you MAY want to be seriously posing yourself the question of whether the game’s writer really lived on the same planet with us and had any idea of how real people think and act on the surface of Earth, regardless of their race, nation, or creed. More details on this later.

    5) The game largely develops as a kinetic novel, with your choices overall meaning very little, unless you just want to lock yourself out of sexy content with some of the girls. It does have some replay value depending on whether you are going for a more harem-like setting (although there are no true harem paths) or want to stay true to a single lady, but since the game has to be replayed as a sequence of 19 stand-alone episodes, it is a serious hassle to actually go through with the replay, and in the end you’ll probably be relying on cheat codes to see everything.

    I could go on with these criticisms, but, like I said, they’ve all been done before, and even the four points listed should, for most people, already suffice to condemn Daughter For Dessert as a very, very bad game, one where unbridled ambition does not even begin to get tempered with intelligent, professional, user-friendly realization. (It should also be briefly added that the game ONLY makes sense if you play it in its "untampered", incest-oriented version, but that’s something that applies equally to pretty much any game whose creators are forced to follow the strict Patreon content guidelines these days).

    So this is where the tricky part begins. Why, despite all these obvious issues, would I want to give it a four-star rating and urge everybody who still hasn’t done so to give it a try (or, at least, everybody belonging to a certain psychotype, as you’ll find out very soon)?

    There are two reasons — one fairly simple and one that may be a bit harder to explain. Let’s start with the simple one in plain sight.

    To put it bluntly, many, if not most, of the sex scenes scattered throughout Daughter For Dessert — alas, there are usually, at best, only one or two per chapter — are AMAZING, and I do not use that word lightly. Amazing not from the technical point (as I said, no animations), but rather from the angle of the careful build-up, the love invested in the graphic depiction of the girls, and the attention dedicated to the fine-tuning of their personalities, all of which tie in directly into the love-making. Very, very few games I have experienced here ever try to go for the same depth.

    All the four main girls — the daughter Amanda, the nerdy sidekick Kathy, the rational helper Heidi, and the quirky outsider Lily — are written with such distinct, interesting, and generally believable characters that it’s a genuine thrill to then witness them bring in their character traits into bed with them (and with you, of course), with the accompanying pictures telling an even better story than Palmer’s text (although his erotic writing, as opposed to his plot construction skills, is not half-bad either).

    Curiously, the main character — Amanda, the MC’s daughter — is perhaps the least charming of the four. She has somewhat of a "cute-girl-next-door" look, is written as a capricious and unpredictable human being with lots of ridiculous mood swings, and almost as soon as we are finally ready to believe her obsessive infatuation with her father, she is shown to be capable of abandoning him on a whim. Still, in places it’s a reasonably decent portrait of a young girl who chooses to confirm and strengthen her identity through surrendering it to an object of «Forbidden Love», and that’s pretty much the image she projects every time she takes her clothes off before your character. It’s a slightly disturbing, perverted (but not seriously traumatic) kind of passion that is hard to resist even if her facial and body features are (to me at least) generally less alluring than everybody else’s.

    Then there’s Kathy, Amanda’s best friend, the voracious nerdy student-cum-waitress at your cafe. Kathy may be my single most favorite AVN character of all time — the classic example of that "brainy intellectual built like a brick shipyard ", "stimulating conversationalist by day, fire-breathing demon in the sack by night" stereotype that so many of us dream about but so few of us ever encounter in real life. If you remember Woody Allen’s classic "woman interested in Mozart, James Joyce, and sodomy" line from Annie Hall, well, that’s more or less Kathy. She’s usually got the wittiest and funniest (yes, this game can be funny, though it fails at that just as often as it succeeds) lines of them all, she’s got an intelligent face above and reasonably big tits below, she’s willing to risk, experiment, and cross all sorts of lines, and her pictures always show her totally getting into the spirit of things. She’s totally awesome.

    Heidi, the redhead bartender turned manager of the diner, is the "motherly figure" of the game, a sort of rational anti-thesis to Kathy’s wildness, which is precisely why the scene in Chapter 12 (where Kathy finally seduces Heidi into a threesome) is probably one of the hottest scenes in any AVN ever written — milking the "opposites attract" idea for all it’s worth and more. She’s the stability anchor of the group, which works just fine when packaged with red hair, freckles, and the usual voluptuous (but realistically voluptuous) mass of tits and ass.

    Finally, Lily, the relative latecomer to the game, is a bit of an acquired taste, but the combination of her Far East Asian (nominally Korean) features with her naive-eccentric character gives her a completely different flair from all the other girls — she could have been just another Kathy or Heidi, but Palmer decided otherwise: first, he made her into a comic relief figure for the game, and then he masterfully gave her an adorable soul (along with a thin, slender body with very different proportions from anybody else’s). Her sex scenes on the whole just may be my favorite in the end — in some ways, she feels even less experienced and more innocent than Amanda, and her gradual falling for the MC is especially thrilling when it finally happens.

    Of course, to get the proper mileage out of the game’s sex scenes, you have to spend some time with the characters, so the lengthy build-ups and seemingly boring stretches of the plot with endless conversations have their own worth. To me, the thrill of getting there and living through these experiences, even if it does not entirely justify the many technical deficiencies of the game, at least makes them forgivable. Sure, it would be great to have all that in simple, stable, trusty RenPy (maybe some day some thoughtful modder might just get around to that), but in my opinion, the experience of sharing Amanda / Kathy / Heidi / Lily as one’s waifus is still worth the pain of slugging through Palmer’s rusty game engine.

    But now we get to the second reason why Daughter For Dessert is such an unforgettable piece of work, though I sense that only a certain (and not very large) category of people shall be able to bear with me here. This reason has to do with the game’s overall atmosphere — and with its writing, which, as I already mentioned, fluctuates between inspired / literate / humorous and utterly embarrassing / cringeworthy... and it sort of fascinates me.

    Honestly, the late Palmer (R.I.P.) must have been a very odd person in the flesh. I would not be surprised to learn that he was some sort of shut-in all his life, like that dude in Twin Peaks, because both of his games that I have played (this and Double Homework) focus on protagonists that basically live within themselves and a tiny space that they occupy, only occasionally letting some beautiful outsider into their lives. This focus makes Daughter For Dessert a perfect game for introverts of all kinds — you know, those quiet and shy nerdy types who struggle with crossing the threshold of their own apartment, but also secretly dream of sharing it with that one special person "interested in Mozart, James Joyce, and sodomy", with an equal propensity for intellectual conversation and wild, uninhibited sex.

    The heroes in Palmer’s games are definitely not normal people living in any kind of normal world. In this case, their entire life — heck, the life of the entire world — revolves around the MC’s diner, with pretty much the only road he knows of leading to it from his apartment and back there again. There is one major exception, when he and Amanda are forced to take a trip to «Whiskeyville» in order to repair a broken jukebox (!), but even then the entire road trip is claustrophobic, most of it taking place either inside the car or one or two motels along the way. People in this world do not talk or act like normal people, but more like people invented by somebody who has never talked to actual people — and yet, at the same time they sometimes say interesting and occasionally even deep things.

    The central plot of the game is a trashy parody of a trashy soap opera, so ridiculous in execution that feeling any genuine emotions of sympathy or sadness is out of the question. Only a true babe in the woods could probably shed real tears for Amanda’s or her mother’s plight. On top of that, we have ridiculous incarcerations, ridiculous trials, ridiculous lawyers called «Saul» (of course, what would you expect of somebody whose conception of the real world was probably formed by watching endless re-runs of Breaking Bad?), and a mock-detective story about the theft of a precious heirloom that would make poor Gilbert Chesterton spin around his axis in the grave. Not that Daughter For Dessert is so utterly unique in this aspect — lots of adult games have equally ridiculous plotlines — but DfD seems to take things so seriously that I almost visualize Palmer himself believing in his plot and the emotional weight it is supposed to carry.

    But then you have the characters and their inner worlds, and suddenly, the writing takes a sharp turn and becomes... well, not Dostoyevsky level or anything, but mature, funny, and reasonably deep. To me, that betrays the psychology of a reclusive shut-in: totally clueless and helpless when it comes to depicting life outside, but with all his senses sharpened and thoughts refined when dealing with one’s own inner world. Dialogs between the MC and Kathy, particularly in the first half of the game, can be really golden, and even morally instructive to some people. This, to me, is an absolutely fascinating contrast that I have never met with any other AVN author. Typically, people in this business are usually either consistently decent, or consistently atrocious. Palmer is the only one who’s literally like a fish, totally pitiful while above the water but comfortably at home while under it. Unbelievable.

    Being a bit of an introvert myself (though hardly enough to be that clueless about the world outside my window), I can relate very strongly to this paradox, and this is why Daughter For Dessert remains a weirdly crippled favorite of mine. I realize that what I write here may be completely unrelatable for many people — supposedly all those one-star reviews on F95 are indicative of that inability to relate — but I also feel that there is a specially targeted minority that will understand exactly what it is I’m saying.

    My only wish for the future is that Palmer’s successors in Love-Joint come to their senses and one day put out a proper remake of Daughter For Dessert in a "normal" game engine like RenPy. This way, fewer people will be put off during the initial episodes of the game and more will be able to concentrate on the lovable characters and their personalities rather than the grueling technical aspects of the interface.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I kinda wanted to like this one, but the only things it really has going for it are that its writing is above average and its mini-games are fun (although some people seem to hate them, so YMMV).

    On the other hand:
    • Its story feels contrived with a ton of padding,
    • It not only forces you to choose a love interest even though the relationships are fairly shallow and a harem wouldn’t feel out of place, but also punishes you with a neutral or bad ending if you don’t make specific choices,
    • It only uses full renders for sex scenes yet doesn’t have a single animation,
    • Its transitions take forever and the “skip” feature is all-or-nothing,
    • It’s split into 19 chapters and uses autosaves instead of letting you export them manually to keep track of your choices,
    • The first 10 chapters or so are all interrupted at one point or another to promote the devs’ Patreon.
    In addition, this is more subjective but I really don’t find the eponymous daughter all that interesting, whereas one of MC’s coworkers is hotter than all the other love interests combined, so…
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Great renders and an interesting story line, but the way it has been built (seperate chapters as seperate games) is frustrating. The fact that old arcade games were put in as mini-games that you have to win is extremely frustating especially when you HAVE to win them to get future content.
    Over all I'd say it's worth a play as long as you don't mind minigames and don't mind missing out on some content because there is no indication if you answered a question the correct way.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I wont say much as i feel Antosha mostly covered fairly well in his review and i would most likely be just repeating what he and others have said.

    Only thing i would add would be a clarification to point about the Harem issue. While i am actually okay with this not being a "full Harem" game as the MC does have an inner monelogue about how it is kinda messed up that he screwing several chicj at once, i dont understand why we did not at least get a Throuple ending with Kathy and Heidi. This was clearly being built up too then all of a sudden Heidi gets cold feet and forces us to choose 1 girl? This felt like character regression which i am not a fan of.

    But other than that and of the overall interface which i admit i am not a fan of, enjoyed the game.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    The pauses are terrible, what is the easiest way to spoil a game - pauses
    What is the easiest way to make the game a top played game - Pauses
    What is the difference, the first one is acheived through UI and the second one is achieved through story and nuanced gameplay

    Though this author is supposedly no longer alive and wont be affected by this, in the interest of future game makers, dont delay things through UI
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    Ai Shoujo Fan

    Daughter for Dessert, Chapters 1-19

    I have no problems with developers using Unity, Unreal Engine, or whatever Others engine the want, but only if there is a good reason to. For example, a lot of Ren'Py games can be made in Unity and even have the same controls and features and it would be a good thing because the animations and videos would be less laggy and the developers could add more complicated things like first-person shooting or whatever their hearts desire. But Daughter for Dessert should have never been made in any other engine except for Ren'Py because it consists of only still renders. It really bothers me how limited this Others engine is that the dev used. I can't hold CTRL and skip. There is a Skip button but it's not any good. I like keeping CTRL held down when I want to get through parts really fast, or just pressing it quickly for short fast-forward bursts at a time. But you can't do that with the Skip button in this game. You have to press ESC to stop skipping. Not only that, but if you skip too far, there is no way to rewind and go back. The skipping process is so much slower than it is in Ren'Py. You are also forced to see textboxes. I like how a lot of Ren'Py games give you the option for 0% opacity text boxes with outlined text, and even if some Ren'Py games don't have that, there is a patch that will let you have that. But no, in this Others engine the dev used, everything sucks. Nothing is good.

    My other complaint is that there are 19 separate parts and downloads for a single game. Of the 300 adult games I played, maybe only two or three had the game split up but only in two or three parts. It's just incredibly stupid and inconsiderate to split a game in 19 different parts. Imagine you want to see something in around Chapter 14, but you can't remember if it is Chapter 14 or if it is Chapter 11 or if it is Chapter 15 because your memory isn't that good or it's been a while since you played the game. But let's say you do figure out which chapter it was, well what if it was a clean install? It will tell you that you can't play that chapter and see that chapter's scenes because you haven't played the previous chapter. So yeah, gotta go play all 19 chapters again which might waste 500 hours of your time because it is so painfully slow to play.

    Then the content. Of the four love interests, there is only one girl I truly like and that's Amanda (the daughter). I downloaded the CG and the amount of renders with sex content is so freaking few. Most just have her being nude and posing. The actual pictures of you with your D inside of her might be like 5 for the entire game of 19 chapters. And I'm not interested in the other females. So this game is just a tease with lots of dialog and story telling but not much else.

    I asked the dev if he would combine all the chapters into one game. He basically just told me what I wanted to hear and said he might after he finishes his current game. Then a year later, he finished his current game and I asked him again and he said no, he won't do that. And that's fine. Even if he did, I wouldn't have been happy because he is using a crap game engine and I would not have been able to do what I want, like how I can in Ren'Py. And then even if he used Ren'Py, there is the problem with basically no sex content between the MC and Amanda. So yeah, worthless game. He should have just made this an Android only game so people can "read" it when they are bored. But if it is 19 separate parts for PC, it would probably be 400 separate parts for Android, and would anyone want to bother with that? No.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Game, nothing much to say other than I played it some time back and after all this time, the renders are memorable.

    Sad to say, I don't recall much of the story but it serves its purpose. Give it a go if you are into this kink.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of my all time favorite adult visual novels. May Palmer rest in peace. We miss your extraordinary work.

    The story is compelling and the characters interesting and unique. You can pursue every girl simultaneously (for the most part) unlike his second masterpiece Double Homework, but you must choose one girl in the end. While I do think forcing the player to genuinely pursue one particular character is more realistic and leads to greater replayability, I do think this game is a tour de force. A must play of the adult visual novel genre. Like Double Homework, the incest is all implied and dependent upon the player to lean into the kink or not.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    The story is a decent premise with the daugther having a father complexe or whatever. However that starts to get dry quickly and the other relationships are far more interesting. So it doesn't seem so bad that she gets distant except that the game spends a lot of focus on that. However, I loved many of the renders. Heidi and Kathy ones were my favorite.

    The gameplay isnt too bad but the game engine isn't quite as good Ren'py. There is no `auto` for instance. Also no gallery to replay scenes. (Also no mods like what many ren'py games have) No rollback either. The skip feature doesn't have a way to stop to if you pass a scene you're interested in you have to go back to you last save.

    I'd recommed playing through it once and going for one of the heidi endings. There are like 10 endings and it's hard to know which ones you'll get. I've only done 4 ending (one per love interest). Hers is the only one that didn't underwhelm me and lets face it she's the one I woulve chossen anyway.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    This starts strong, and the girls are all sexy and the renders are beautiful.

    However, the writing changes dramatically mid-game and the game becomes boring and stupid.

    The free version dosen't include all the epilogues, so it leaves you without a good closure.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    This was a great game back when you had no options and it was a 10/10 for the first 5 chapters. After that - a clear and resounding "no". Do yourself a favor and play this game ONLY until the sex scene with your preferred character, then stop and never play through it further or try it again.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This was the first game I really got into at F95 (well, this and Long Live the Princess), and I mostly loved it. Mostly. I eagerly awaited each new chapter, and almost always enjoyed what arrived. Three years after I finished it, I remember DFD with real pleasure -- not something I can say about every VN I've played.

    • The writing is strong (good dialogue, strong narrative which is affected by your choices, distinctive character voices, some actual LOL moments of humor).
    • The plotting is mostly good -- though it occasionally gets a bit carried away with itself. The whole climax and resolution with the aunt and your daughter goes way overboard, especially for what mostly feels like a slice-of-life VN
    • The art is terrific. 'Nuff said. The girls are gorgeous, the backgrounds are lovely, and the rendered scenes are beautiful -- well composed and fabulously designed.
    • The girls are distinct -- each sexy in a different way, each with strengths and weaknesses. Most of them develop as characters in interesting and believable ways over the course of the VN.
    • The sex scenes are excellent across the board, which given where we are is kind of important, right? The threesome scene in chapter 12 with Kathy and Heidi may be just about my favorite VN scene ever -- sexy as all fuck, but still honoring the characters
    • Moe, the slovenly detective with the toast obsession, may very well be the greatest VN character of all time.
    So why not five stars?

    • As many others have said, the daughter while sweet and sexy, becomes more than a bit of a drag as the game goes on.
    • As I mentioned above, the plotting becomes a bit over the top. I cared about the central story of the MC, his daughter, and her late mother, but the climax and resolution got a bit EPIC for me.
    • There are also some scenes and chapters that sort of come from nowhere and go to nowhere. Usually there's some nice sexy times, occasionally with a one-shot character, but this is the problem with releasing a story as you're writing it -- dead ends don't get trimmed.
    • The minigames are... minigames. They're annoying. It's not a short VN -- I'm not sure why Palmer & Co. felt the need to pad the playtime with connect-the-pipes tasks.
    • The reliance on the proprietary web-based anti-piracy solution was annoying as well. I don't begrudge people who want to make money for their work -- especially original work like this that doesn't rely on others' prepackaged IP (original story, no parody, no KK/HS art), but as the VN was coming out, Love-Joint seemed to be more obsessed with battling pirates than finishing the game. They did finish though, so yay, that.
    • This is a me problem, but the setup got my inner harem shipper all excited -- but this really isn't a harem story. You have to choose one of the girls, and that choice affects your relationships with all of the others (just as it would IRL). Well, fine. I was all in on Heidi anyway (nothing against any of the others girls, but they're all, you know, a bit nuts, and I'm more than a bit of a fan of redheads). Still, I was sorry that, at the triumphant ending, I couldn't have my cake and eat them too. ;)
    Those negatives are all picky, to be honest, and only stick with me because I really did get caught up in the game.

    All in all, a worthwhile game-- and a fitting tribute to the late dev Palmer, a true AVN artist.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    The first part of the game where you slowly develop your intimate relationship Amanda, the daughter, and attempt to save the diner is around a 4/5.

    Then the aunt arrives, and initially Amanda refuses any attempts of scheming from her but then suddenly does a complete 180, abandoning her father, the guy who deeply cares about her and someone she idolizes and fantasizes about, to go with a complete stranger that wants nothing more than to ruin their relationship. At that point, Amanda, who had been the main love interest, became a despicable character to me and I didn't really care about the plot afterwards. This part is a 2/5 for me.

    Overall something like a 3.5/5, but I rounded down to 3 because of the abrupt personal betrayal.

    Some observations:

    Writing is superb and really stands out.

    Game was running really slow for me, especially during the transitions, but then one of my drivers got updated, thanks to Windows update, and suddenly the game became buttery smooth.

    Also had an inconsistency during my playthrough, where I ended things with Amanda but still ended up with her despite romancing Heidi the entire game because I missed one random yet game-changing scene when I refused to go drinking with Kathy and Heidi because I thought it was inappropriate to celebrate after failing to save my daughter from her manipulative aunt. Makes sense.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for version Chapter 19:

    Palmer's "Emily - Sister Attraction" was my first foray into Adult Interactive Fiction some ten or so years ago, so I was excited when I stumbled upon this novel.

    The novel is split into nineteen chapters of varying length. Each chapter varies in length from twenty minutes to an hour each. Visually, the renders are stunning; the eyes, in particular, really bring life to the characters.

    The MC is a forty-something single father who runs a diner with his daughter Amanda and her friend Kathy. One day, the MC finds Kathy's phone and stumbles upon some fairly steamy stories about a father and daughter's sexual antics in their diner. From this point, your choices will dictate who he will pursue romantically. In my first playthrough, I pursued a relationship with Amanda but there is also Kathy, Heidi, Lilly and, possibly Veronica (I think. I didn't pursue her in the bar you first meet her so she didn't play a large role in the story.)

    Over time, the MC's past catches up to him when Amanda's aunt shows up to take her away, swearing the MC has secrets regarding Lanie (Amanda's mother) that will destroy him if he tries to stop her. It's hard to say anything with spoiling the story but I can say that the writing is well done.

    There appears to be sexual content in every chapter, depending on who you pursue but I tend to skip through the, though they seemed to be pretty good quality.

    I give this VN 4* for two reasons. The first is that there is no offline version for android users. I'd have liked to have a Ren'py port so that I could play through it without needing a browser and internet connection. The other complaint I had was that transitions are agonizingly slow. For example, in a shower scene, it takes fifteen to thirty seconds for the scene to progress as the steam slowly fades away.

    All-in-all, I enjoyed the story. Sadly, I won't bother with it a second time due to the online requirements for mobile users.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    As with many people 'round here DFD was what got me invested into the VN world. Nicely written and with great artwork the story of falling in love with someone you absolutely shouldn't (which is your stepdaughter) was a real thrill. Thought it couldn't get any better than this - but it did.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    - quite interesting at first ( and I know who is Palmer )
    contra - terribly boring in the second half (after a trip to Whiskeyville)

    The author's big mistake is that the main sex goal was achieved by the middle of the game. MC seduced a daugther, they began to live a boring sex life (like a husband and wife 20 years after the wedding), he began to deceive her with other girls (and for some reason worry about her), and she stopped communicating with him at all ... and this middle game for adults!? And where is the further "discovering taboo erotica", where is at least a stupid collection of a harem? In general, the whole sex story has become simply unimportant, and the replay value is almost zero.

    - cute models
    contra - very few renders

    In fact, several backgrounds by the number of locations and several characters' avatars superimposed on them in the same poses. Sex scenes are monotonous and end with standard pseudo-animations for everyone.

    - no
    contra - worse than RenPy

    I understand why the game was not made in RenPy, but it's still unpleasant to play: there is no convenient scrolling of dialogs back, it's impossible to stop the "skip" (in the second half it becomes very important), periodically extremely unpleasant delays during transitions forward. Plus (that is, minus) - there is no possibility of translation, lack of mods, etc.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I am writing this while playing the game because it's way too infuriating.
    The are a bunch of 30 second transitions of unskippable black screens.And there are a BUNCH of other slooooow unskippable transitions that adds absolutely nothing of value to the game.

    I really hope this is ported over to some other engine because so far the story, characters, and renders have been decent. But it is ruined by feeling like a slog to play through because of the engine.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    5/5 for the toaster plot. If that was the main plot, I'd ditch the idea of fapping to the girls.

    Actual story is great until about, halfway?, where the aunt comes in and the whole plot just goes in the trash. It's convoluted and holds no consistency. It got to the point I didn't even care about the story.

    The girls are unique and each have their pros. Ironically though, I liked every other girl except for the daughter. Probably because of the garbage plot twists.

    The office puzzle can go to hell though.

    Can't say anything about audio as I play porn games muted 99% of the time.

    Is it worth a play? Sure, if you can ignore a good story going south. Also if you can find an easy way to download it because holy fucking shit is the download on F95 a terrible way to go. I'm sure it wasn't bad when this was in development, but redownloading is a nightmare.

    The diner is cute though :D
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Stringy Bob

    Despite some plot holes and the characters sometimes acting out of character, its much better written with a more engaging plot than your average adult visual novel. The whole lost heiress thing is cheesy, but again, less cheesy than your average VN plot, just differently cheesy.

    Technically its probably a bit primitive and the backdrops are definitely on the basic side, but to me at least that doesn't distract much from the story, especially with the quality of the character models and their rendering, they feel much more individual than on many VN's

    The major drawback is probably its division into separate episodes, which is a rather cumbersome for the player, especially with having to download and upload a save file with the online version or as far as I can tell working from a predetermined save in the offline version. Still the story is engaging enough that I don't find it that much of an annoyance. Its good to see the creators have avoided this issue with their latest game, though.

    Also the toaster saga and this image alone is worth 1 star

    ED spelling, more thoughts