I have played most of the choices of the game now and the longer i tryed all choices the more disapointed i was, but in order:
- The overall illustration are average, nothing bad but also not really good or unique
- The storytelling is overly fancy and way to detailed sometimes, but often "empty" <- (You know empty words and so), also i dont really know why its needed sometimes to descrip things in 3-8 sentences that i can see
-The Story it self is a bit of a feverdream, it starts aprupt explains nothing and only fires lyrics and continues jumping around to evade explain more then the basic state that you are not welcome
-Now for gameplay wise things like choices it get terrible, mostly its just flavour changes and view of scence but the worst is some are inconsistent with what they say and most are just outright a lie of a choice, 2 times you can choose left or right, dosnt matter the same happens, looking at a servant or the princess -> dosnt matter you run down some stairs anyway, you choose to be confident nono you need to be timed no matter what you choose
-The used tech is renpy so is fine but i dont know where animation should be just to long frame for frame pictures if you skip it almost looks like a animation
-The overall sum is that if you go eyes closed though this you will mostly think Hä?? or why?, if you look in to it and hunt achivments(i did it) you will be disappointed the more you test, and some times the scence are just jumping back and forth between 2 perspectives which is confusing as the charakters just talk and dont move at all, and also probably bored then as it look for me the game is just to brag filled with a LOT extra words and meanigless choices.
Result: Beware the waste of time and atleast dont go exploring there is barely anything to found. Can absolutly not recommend.