Davinci Resolve question


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I use Davinci Resolve to carve up longer videos into smaller pieces for the real porn game I'm working on. For MP4s it works great. For Avi, according to the docs I could find for Davinci Resolve it should be able to read the avi format but for me it doesn't. If I use ffmpeg to convert it from avi to mp4, then Davinci can load it and can carve it up into smaller slices like I normally do. The problem is, when I go to render the timeline it fails and says the media is offline. Is there some trick to getting avi files to work with it? The only solution I have found is to go searching for the same video again and download it in mp4 format, which seems like kind of a waste.

I'm wondering if it's maybe just a missing codec or something. One of the other quirks that I have noticed with it is that when I render a timeline as mp4 files, windows media player won't play them and wants me to buy a codec to do it. vlc will play it fine, and if I convert it to webm then media player will play that fine as well.