Unreal Engine - Completed - Day on Mars [Final] [One Hand Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Why 1 star?

    1. The bloom is horrifically bad. Like Syndicate (2012) bad. It is absolutely blinding to the point that I cannot see the prompts to interact with things, and the UI font color is white... on a primarily white background, so I couldn't even change graphics settings to tone things down as I couldn't see what I was selecting.

    2. I got a random sex scene and I have no idea how I got it. There is also no prompts on keys to use during sex, and by trial and error I found that space bar advances the scene.

    There is no cumshot and animations isn't well done. Decent sound though.

    3. It told me to grab a suit to wear. I could not find the suit. Maybe it was hiding in plain sight because of the bloom, but I couldn't leave the starting room until I wear it, so I couldn't progress and gave up.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Ai Shoujo Fan

    I was expecting a crappy game when I downloaded this, and it did start off as a disappointment. The starting area looked very low effort compared to some spaceship and Mars colony games that I played. I mean, it's pretty simple. You add a Mars planet asset. Then you put down some spaceship looking structures. Add other crap like metal box cubes to give it a Sci Fi look. Done. The interior of the starting room was not at all fun to look at. Everything was really bright and shiny, unrealistically so. Here on planet Earth, even if you found a bunch of electronic machines and metal boxes and put them in a room with bright sunlight coming through the windows it wouldn't look that shiny. After I got out of bed, a female NPC told me that I needed to cover my boner by putting on a suit. The dialogue went by too fast so I didn't see what she said exactly. It looked like she said on the table behind me. I ran around the room 2-3 minutes not seeing anything resembling a uniform. But I kept looking. It was in plain sight, but hard to tell apart from anything else. And it wasn't a complete suit. It didn't cover my arms, legs, genitals, feet, head. It was just the torso part without the arms. It wouldn't let me put it on and said something about energy. So I ran around the room until I was able to interact with something. It was a puzzle that I played in one or two other games before. So I expected it to be very easy, but unfortunately the timer was set too short. So I repeated it I dunno six times. Maybe more. I finally completed it and then nothing happened. So I talked to the female NPC and she told me that I needed a multi tool and gave it to me. So I had to start the puzzle completely over. This time it didn't take as long. Also, it was buggy. Anytime that I failed to complete the puzzle, I could never start the puzzle again. I'd spam the E key. I'd run really far away from the charging device and back again and press E and it still would not activate. Very frustrating. Then after I beat the puzzle, I still couldn't put the damn torso armor on. Oh, another bug is that I can't resize the game window to what I like because it messes up the UI. But not only that, anytime I pressed the Esc key, it would reset the size of the window. Because I didn't want a tiny 1280x720 window or a large 1600x900 window covering my taskbar, or my window size to keep resetting every time I pressed the Esc key, I just went ahead and Alt + Enter'ed into Fullscreen so I could see everything properly. So far, I'd wasted 30 minutes and still couldn't put the vest armor on. The NPC just kept telling me to use a multitool, even though I beat the puzzle with and without it, twice already. I finally got past that puzzle area. The trick was to talk to the NPC then go directly to the machine. And keep doing that until the machine lets you put on the torso part of the suit. By the way, during the entire time, I was not able to look down and see my legs or any other part of my body. Apparently, the MC is invisible to himself. That's a pretty bad game design. I was then sent on a mission to find "three pieces of land". The English in the game is pretty bad, so I wasn't sure what that meant. I actually ran around a huge area of the map trying to find the second and third pieces of land. But there aren't three pieces of land. There is only one nearby part of land that is darker than the rest and you have to collect soil from it three different times and bring it back to the garden. But even after doing that, I wasn't able to complete the mission. I had to go back a fourth time and pick up some vegetation thing that looks like a dick. Only then could the mission be completed. I'm not going to uninstall the game. And I won't keep writing about every single thing that I encounter. I'm just going to give this game a generous 3 stars even though I haven't seen any sex scenes yet and they probably suck. The game isn't good, but it's not completely terrible either. I like how you can WASD move around and how you get little mini quests. The map looks better outside of the starting room. This game isn't polished and it feels unfinished and buggy, but it's okay I guess. I will lower the rating and rewrite this review if I encounter any problems or if the game gets worse.

    UPDATE: I decided to give the game one star. When I was looking for the female NPC's small house, I wandered into a building in which the interior looked exactly like the starting room. Talk about low effort. Then I encountered an alien and had the worst sex ever with her. She's ugly and disgusting to look at, so I don't know why a sex scene was wasted on her. And even if she had been a hot human, the sex scene was garbage. Also, at this point, I encountered another bug. I could easily run into a nearby windmill structure and turn a switch on and start all three windmills. But that's not what you are supposed to do. You are supposed to repair two wires and turn on three generators (on the roofs) first. I repaired two but the third one was "blown away" and I could not find it. So I gave up. This game isn't worth anyone's time.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Since it Completed can not recommend at all.

    Its messy, very poor in everything needed more work in everything from animations to sound (lack of to often included) to writting to bugginess to everything.

    Mini games that are timed and made to cause frustration.

    Story with 0 sense but meant to be something.

    Characters that have nothing to them it seems.


    Poor ui/info.

    Some things can't tell if were skipped over and or from bugs like being able to do a ton of the story bits out of order not to mention again just poor writing.
    At very start click woman and you will talk about how you lost your memory and need a suit to hide your boner or be killed for it, very next moment click near the woman and she will say things like I hear you screwed pinkie 2x, now I want you to screw me, dah ok always wanted to-proceed to sex, then click near her again, I hear (forget her name) is also someone you screwed (or something), something something, sex pun that she doesn't get and doesn't want to accept you wanting to screw her? go find her for me (Quest update find her or pinkie).

    Again animations are painful to look sometimes and only some the graphic moments save this and proved potential.

    This 100% not completed and was released in bad condition, 1 the worse ones I seen in long while (not that I play a huge number).