Unreal Engine - Dayshift at Milkers [v2] [SparklingPishy]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    I share the previous reviewers' sentiments. Currently, this feels like a concept demo rather than an actual game(Which it probably is). The walking simulator had me pick up pictures and VHS tapes to watch. That was it, or that was all I bothered to discover in my playthrough. There was a key somewhere that may have unlocked something. But truthfully speaking, nothing within this game held my attention long enough to reach that point. There isn't anything else to do. The graphics and atmosphere the game provided were pleasant. I was fond of the liminal space vibe I felt from looking around.

    Walking into this game, I didn't have any strong expectations. The description seemed to have a direction in mind. However, due to the game's recent creation, I figured that direction had not been realized yet. From a personal standpoint, having animatronics roam the place as we, the players, wonder about would be a welcoming idea. Perhaps making them interactable also would be very nice. Of course, the game doesn't need to make them aggressive. Not that I think the developer would. (Note: If there are animatronics, I didn't stay around long enough to see them.)

    If puzzles are something the developer envisions within their game, I am all for it. But I'd prefer it isn't something like "look around for this item, walk to this place, use this item, and repeat." Exploring seems to be encouraged, so if that's the approach to puzzles, that's just how it is. Still, I'd prefer an entertaining spin on it. Perhaps, instead of going to point A and back to point B. Maybe introduce puzzles that need to be solved within the room the player is in to move on to the next. Or something like that.

    As long as walking around doesn't feel like a drag, there are interactable objects(preferably roaming animatronics), and puzzles are varied with clear things to do. I think this game will do just fine. As it stands, this game isn't a game. The concept seems entertaining, and I look forward to a more fleshed-out and substantial product with each update.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Some kind of test demo/concept with a lot of "stolen" mechanics+models.
    Nothing worthwhile now.

    -Story, Originality
    You spawn in a place that feels like will explode your video card (mine survived).
    And walk around figuring out what to do.

    Some bad quzlity photoes, okay 3D models and too much glossy textures.

    Some basic sounds.

    Finished it in 10-20 minutes.
    A lot of stuff, but nothing to do.

    And it is hard to find some items (a dark key in a dark room on a dark chair)

    Runs okay.

    You can jump out of the map.

    Sample animations.

    -Voice Acting
    No voices.

    Didn't see any mistakes.

    -Amount of content
    Everything expect "bad ends" and "vhs" was boring (but vhs have videos stolen from 2015 furry creator...).


    There is nothing to see or to do.

    But, maybe it is a good "scap project" to start from or practice...
    Definetely not a game at the moment.
    Maybe an alpha "ver. 0.0.1" at max.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    little to no sexual content. also all the tapes are just gay furry sex with no warning? the fuck? could use a lot of work in the performance department, as well as story, graphics, sex scenes, and basically content as a whole. you just solve a couple puzzles where information is blatantly withheld from you over and over.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    This game it's REALLY BAD, you can fap to it but I really recommend that you just go watch porn instead of playing this.

    It uses a lot of my 6700xt for a game of this kind... it's runnable but bad optimized.

    It's kind of a scape room where you advance by solving some puzzles or finding keys. It rewards you with porn drawings and furry porn vhs, also there's a tv with 3 channels again with furry porn... And on the end there's female foxy with some scenes if she grabs you. All of these you can find by typing furry porn on pornhub really.

    It looks like a school project or a demo, 1/5.