DAZ, Dforce and OpenCL


Apr 28, 2020
Dforce was working fine on my Windows 10 laptop (with integrated Intel GPU) until Windows performed an automatic update around about July/August time.

Since then DAZ tells me it can't find an OpenCL device.

I suspect it has something to do with this:

" IMPORTANT Starting in July 2020, all Windows Updates will disable the feature because of a security vulnerability. "

I believe that RemoteFX vGPU thing has some sort of dependency on OpenCL.

Way to go Microsoft !!!!!

Anyway, I looked at updating the OpenCL drivers but apparently to do that I have to uninstall the GPU, which I'm more than slightly nervous about.

Any ideas ?


Old Fart
Respected User
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2017
It's possible that there are updated drivers available for your GPU from Intel that might restore OpenCL. Intel also provides installable standalone OpenCL support. I guess a lot would depend on exactly what Intel device you have.


Apr 28, 2020
Thanks Rich. I've googled the tits off it and TBH it's not very clear which OpenCL drivers are doing what on which platforms and/or what's a safe way to install, uninstall or re-install them.

My main concern, since everything else actually works really well, is to avoid ending up down some kind of hideous driver/regedit type rabbit hole where I might very well fuck up other stuff along the way. I've done that before and it's horrible.

That's basically why I've lived without Dforce since July/August. It's just so annoying that it was working fine until Windows did the auto-update. Fucking bastard dildo Microsoft cunts - Grrrrr !!


Old Fart
Respected User
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2017
Thanks Rich. I've googled the tits off it and TBH it's not very clear which OpenCL drivers are doing what on which platforms and/or what's a safe way to install, uninstall or re-install them.
Have you looked to see if Intel has a set of drivers available for your GPU? The Microsoft-offered drivers aren't always the latest and greatest. Seems, if nothing else, you ought to be able to put back the drivers you had before the auto-update. (This is why I always keep the install file for drivers - in case I have to go back and re-install them for whatever reason.)


Apr 28, 2020
The OpenCL drivers came preinstalled. I did download some "fresh" drivers from Intel.
Apparently these are not the GPU drivers. The GPU drivers themselves are not the problem but the GPU needs to be uninstalled before the new OpenCL drivers are installed (or reinstalled), and then the GPU is reinstalled.

That's the part I don't like; uninstalling the GPU when it's all working fine.

I could try uninstalling all the Windows updates and see if that fixes it, but it's only possible to switch them off for like 30 days or something, so the next one will presumably just fuck it up again.