Ren'Py - Decked in Love [v0.2.0] [MrSilverLust]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A great deck builder game that keeps you coming back for more! Different builds are possible and with so many rewards to acquire, you have to replay a lot. Every run is different. With the new progression system you get better each run.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Sad to see that all the old criticisms are still valid with 0.2.0. The art is sexy as hell, but the average player will never see most of it because the game is too damn hard. I had really high stats and was demolishing all the enemies with ease in one round, and then one bad card came up in the next round and I was fucked. And it's not like I didn't prepare for that one bad card's keyword. I had two different cards that could've countered it, but they just didn't happen to be in my hand at the time.

    I think the biggest problem with this game, and the way it has some enemies that are way more dangerous than the others, is that you only have three cards in your hand (at most). Even if you made all the right choices building your deck, you don't have much control over what cards are in your hand at the moment, so the deckbuilding choices you made are just as likely to not matter at all.

    What a waste of good art. For power-gamers, I strongly recommend this game, I think it has a lot of intense challenge to offer you. For the rest of us, you might as well call this game "cock-tease simulator."
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Me:"Where would you put this game difficulty ?"

    The game concept is here, the card game is entertaining and enjoyable, the aicg is well done, music is well picked. So why the 3 stars ?
    I couldn't managed to pass 3 rounds. Is it done on purpose to hide the lack of content ?

    Wish the love points loss where showed near the mouse cursor before the clic but that's not a real problem.

    Edit: I managed to beat the first girl, second is just too hard for me. Wish we could keep some stats from previous attempts like in roguelike games.

    Tested 0.2.0: Now i don't even beat Myriam. Too much random, almost impossible to win when ennemies stack 5 to 6 special boosts. Need complete rebalance.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Love the AI art, though that may just be my own little kink, imho looks nicer than most normal art on this site. Completed both routes once, reviewed version is v0.1.3

    Things that annoyed me:

    1: Difficulty curve. First hour or two I had no idea of what I was doing and it was incredibly frustrating to understand all of the mechanics. Once I figured it out - opposite happens, it almost impossible to lose, unless you get absolutely destroyed by RNG

    2: No saving between stages. If you lose, you start all over

    3: Very little sexual content. Pretty much none, just a few teasing shots, which isn't enough tbh

    4: Writing is non-existent, fill in the blanks kind of deal here

    Things I enjoyed:

    1: There's a interesting concept somewhere in there, in theory. It's not here yet, but game where you have to balance between competing for your main girl with other dudes, not get distracted by side chicks - it sounds like NTR paradise. I doubt author will take this game in this direction though. All that needs to be done to achieve this - let both you, and your LI, to be a victim of "attacks" by hostile cards. Flirts, gropes, maybe even as far as acts, with end only at the point of no return. Should be preventable, but it would be pretty cool. I would enjoy if game would go in that direction

    2: Idea with different types of NPC is good. Some are smarty pants, some strong and pushy, some are sneaky, gives them more character, and helps spruce up gameplay a bit

    3: Everything works nicely, production quality is really good

    4: Systems and numbers in the background are pretty smart and with some polish and balancing would be pretty enjoyable

    Overall - game has promise. I don't regret time that I've spent, and I will be checking for future upgrades. My biggest issue at this time - game seems to be too vanilla, a bit softcore if you will. The bones are good, it remains to be seen if there will be some meat on them by the end...
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    A card game with erotic images as a reward. I am not a fan of those games, but cute girls made me try it out:

    + Great art: beautiful interface, cards and girl models
    + Chill music that fits just right
    - Gameplay seems to be broken, my shrimp sized brain was not able to figure out how to avoid all these gameover screens

    Game has potential, but needs rebalancing imo