The game's alright. Animation is pretty smooth and the art style is appealing. I would give it 4 stars if it weren't for its annoying and slightly unintuitive design.
The good: There's a cheat sheet at the bottom of the screen that you can pull up to see what's available in the game. You can move her legs around and pose them however you want. You don't just jam your dick in her, you have to loosen her up first. Her facial expression and breathing actually respond to your actions in a fitting manner.
The bad: The game doesn't tell you what you can click. You have to blindly grope the air until you realize that the thighs and one ass cheek are the only things you can interact with for free. Well, that and jacking off, but you'd normally avoid whipping out your dick first in these games. There's an individual cost on everything, regardless of whether it makes sense. You paid for the right to remove her underwear? Pay an additional fee to shift her underwear to the side instead. Paid to lick her breast? Pay to grope them too. Paid for last available action in the tree? You get the idea. Going back to the first point, angling her legs is a pain. I can't for the life of me figure out how I managed to put her thighs together. It also took me a long time to realize the last interaction on the list is sticking your dick in her stocking.
You get points based on what body parts of yours that you are using, regardless of where you're touching or how intense you're doing it, even though some actions wake her up faster. Strangely enough, licking gives you more points than using your dick, but using your dick wakes her up fastest. Then again, masturbating by yourself also counts. When she cums once, the waking mechanic no longer matters, but you still have to pay to unlock the rest of the shit.
If you managed to make her cum (which only needs high sleep and fingers 3), sleepiness stops mattering, but you still have to unlock the rest of the actions.