Ren'Py - Abandoned - Deeper [v2.1_b96a] [Thundorn Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Mostly posting 5 starts to help the average.

    In general this game has a lot of potential, while there are some flaws in the technical side, I really enjoyed the story and visually is very interesting. I hope the devs improves what it has because it could be an amazing game in the future
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Who thought that disabling the "options" was a good idea?
    You can't mute or adjust sounds, you can't rollback, you can't choose text speed and most importantly (for me) you cant pick "skip everything" for Lctrl-ing through all the bs some dev's call "story".
    Character variety is meh.
    MC design and appearance will turn away some players.
    Story is also rather niche.
    Visuals are fine - for 2018, now they look dated.
    So nothing really makes you want to stay and play through this unfriendly to user experience.
    Wouldn't recommend.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for Version: 2.1_b96a
    Great artwork ( I really like the style, the models and the ambience) and what seems like a good background story that could lead to an interesting game.

    However I am not fond of sanbox style games and this is one (though at the moment it does not have a sandbox tag, hopefully it will be added). I am also not fond of shota (another tag not yet implemented) and since the MC is young this is going to be a problem for me. I am just not the target audience. But I am sure others will find the game great, the artwork alone should ensure that.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    version 2.1_b96a - alpha

    28. Juli 2023

    renders - sehr gut
    movies - ziemlich gut
    code - Es ist Alpha - bedarf Verbesserungen
    ich mag das
    das Ende blieb im Klinik stecken

    review version 2.1_b96a - alpha

    28. July 2023

    renders - improved much, v good
    movies - v good
    code - Alpha code - needs fix
    like it (y)
    the end stuck in hospital and motel
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    The game looks good in terms of CG. The story seems to have some potential (for such games that is...). Other than that though, the implementation is disastrous. The game is buggy as hell, mechanics are awful and of course there is a lot of grinding. I wouldn't bother any more unless something drastic happens.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    [review for v0.3011p]
    The initial story looked promising and the models and CG look decent, but the game is ABSOLUTELY EMPTY. You are just shown a bunch of locations on the map which just have a background scene, nothing more. The game moves in 1hr time step but there are barely any events. You end up clicking 'skip time' more than anything else. The quests are either bugged or incomplete; it tells you to do something but there is no action on the screen. You are thrown into an empty uneventful world with no good way of making money. Not to mention useless icons and buttons littered everywhere that mean nothing and do nothing. The game even manages to lag with so little going on.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Popped up in "what's new" and hadn't seen in before, so I thought I'd give it a go.

    First observations, the MC looks like the lead singer of tokyo hotel. I couldn't give you a name of a song of theirs or to this day tell you the gender of the lead singer, but that's all I can think seeing this silly emo model for the MC. This is definitely trying to be a game, and to give it its fair fucks it's doing a much better job at trying to have game elements than other titles I've seen, but that doesn't mean it's good.

    -Empty Space
    Generally a big failing of early open-world projects. You give me an open world of.... generic backgrounds and "work in progress" or "nothing to do here" messages.

    -Empty Time
    Maybe I was totally missing something , but spent the first two weeks just skipping, there was literally nothing to do but chores (what that accomplishes I'm not sure).

    -Grind.... without actually being allowed to grind
    Usually I can't think of any worse sin that grind, but grind without even being allowed to grind has got to be the worst. Starting off I can only work for a pittance once a week. I can only succesfully farm (again on one tile, for a pittance) once I've got the watering can, hoe and insecticide which I can work towards by SKIPPING A WHOLE WEEK, just to BE ALLOWED to work for 20$. Can I not get a stupid 2h job or something where I get 5$ for picking up trash around the property or something. You can't actually grind this, just hit skip time

    -Open (empty) world occupies 99% of the time
    Maybe I didn't give it enough time, but scenes were just here in there in between skipping 3 days in a row, and then I'd get two frames with a couple of sentences of dialogue.

    On top of all that it's clunky and hasn't even hinted at being sexy, besides the transexual who flashed an emo child in the street, but cocks just aren't my thing really. If a proper "game" is going to be the vessel of your story, make it worth playing or at the very least playable.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    A years ago stop this game, comeback to play but still full of bug, you need at leas 15 s to save games with veryyyyyyy bad save interface more worst that default save interface of other renpy games, WTH, this game ia not worth, the creator is paranoid anti playing man, he will make 1001 way to prevent you enjoy playing a game, this is first game i not recommend to be playing
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    The story seems a bit bleak at first but it eventually opens up into an interesting setting. I like that there are also trans characters as well. I am interested to see where the main story and side stories go. The setting and characters have clearly had some thought put into it.

    The visuals look good, character models look nice. All of them look unique as well, which is great because you don't want to see everyone looking the exact same. Gotta have some variety. The main character looks kinda ugly in my opinion though. He kinda looks like Mowgli from the jungle book at times.

    Game play
    The game play is a bit hit and miss. I like that theres this farming minigame going on but its a bit janky. Produce just disappearing before you have a chance to harvest and with no reason why. It's also a bit too grindy for my liking. I came here for the goods, I don't want to spend 2+ hours on it before I see a single tiddy. But that's just me. Also maybe some sort of hint function would help guide you as to what you should be doing. At one point I spent the whole week doing the same actions just waiting for the story to progress.

    I think this is going really well so far and I'm interested to see what is next. I understand it is still early days, but what its got at the moment is definitely a good foundation for things to come.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Gotta say this game is decent. Hope he continues with the project.
    Admittedly a bit grindy but amazing cg, great fetishes - at least the build up to them - wicked story line
    i know its a big project being attempted here so only the first foundations have been laid it seems but of those it looks like its gonna be great(y)
    Keep up the good work bud
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    good game , good plot , graphic 's are O.K , has some glitches at the mall store #1 , girls outlines are visible , I liked it and will keep an eye on it :)
    it's good to have option on the right bottom of screen , having no roll back is a bit odd , the motel is so fancy in looks but game characters describe it non fancy and cheap !
    overall is a good game :)
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Didn't even make it past the first few screens. Tried to "Toggle Music", music would turn off (blessed silence), then would RESUME playing when the game resumed. Thought, ok, well there must be an in-game volume control...NOPE. Figured, "Maybe I should toggle music, save, then load and that would do it", STILL NO. Then was like, fine, not gonna play this. Hit quit, then game was like, "Oh you're trying to quit the game? Well FUCK YOU, here come the credits." Took several attempts to finally close this ... w/e this is, and delete it from my comp forever.

    It's been a few months since I have found F95, have tried a great many games, some I didn't care for and just deleted. But this is the first time a game has triggered me enough to make me give it a shitty rating and leave a vitriol-laced review. Almost made me quit jerking off as a past-time altogether. never again.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    what caught my attention for this game was the fact of having a shemale and so far has not had any good update that is worth playing, and the gameplay is really bad and confusing you don't know where to go.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    it sadden me to write it, but, the game is perhaps good, but i really can't understand how to play. each time i try, i can't advance, i can't understand what i should go, i can't find any logic at all...
    that game is for "fap hardcore gamer" (not sure so many player exist)
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    this game's gash, it's nothing but a humongous grindfest, no more no less - make no mistake. It has decent renders and all but the content's bare mininum and you'll easily find yourself spending 600 ingame hours for little to no reward, stay clear until at least 10 updates from when this review was posted, maybe then we'll see something resembling an erotic game. Cheers
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A game in the early stages of development that shows a lot of potential. Too many people want instant sex and this is actually telling the story of how this boy and family are trying to better themselves after tragedy strikes them. An adult story for a grown up audience.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Instead of Deeper this game should be called Deep Grinder. I'm not someone who needs porn 5 minutes into one of these games, but goddamn. I usually like these kinds of click around games. As long as the pacing is good and the story is decent I'm willing to play a bit of grind before the first sex scene. But there are what felt like 30 minute grind sessions between each story moment. There shouldn't be this much grind in a porn game. Especially one where people have said they've been on the grind for four hours with no sex scenes. I was only at it for a few hours before the game finally crashed and I just didn't care anymore.

    The characters for the most part look fine except for the PC. He kind of looks like a young lowbrow caveman. The plot is decent, just executed very poorly.

    And I know it's his game, but if the dev could keep his personal politics out of it that would be great. It's not outright stated, but I'm guessing he's a bit of an SJW. The game starts off making sure you get woke about transgender people, which I can overlook since I have no issue with transgenders, but then he inserts a violent rape fantasy into one of the radio broadcasts about Ben Shapiro because he correctly states that gender fluidity is not a thing. That's when I really started to tune out.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    There is nothing to play with.. ive spent an hour playing it but most i do is pass the time by clicking watch.. very slow progressing story and bad ui.. very few earning opportunities..its like a decent movie but bad direction.. doesn't know where plot is actually moving
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game. Agree with the grinding issues though, as I think it might cross the limit of reasonable...ness?; I was about to give up at several points thinking I had reached the "end" of the build after my eyes glazing over but kept going because I love the circumstance, renders, plot and writing so much.

    I appreciate that this actually HELPS you kind of feel the desperation and "grind" of trying to survive and claw your way out of the hole slowly and steadily; I would gladly grind away if that were the case, but maybe some sort of progress indicator or even just a notice/tracker that I have not reached the end of the build yet, somehow?

    I find the revised models looking great so that is something to look forward to. If your the type that likes saving females in tough situations/helping broken women, etc, this game is for you. All that and it has a hot trans chick that can karate-size yo' a$$... what's not to love?

    Game is a great beginning and I hope to see more of it. I know I am going to head on over and sponsor the work.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the very best games on this board. Story and characters are amazing.
    the low votes come from three kinds of people.
    1. people looking for a quick wank, this game is story first and eroticism after that
    2. pissed off devs which were mocked ingame for their rapey stories and
    3. people who don't quite grasp what alpha testing means, so they complain about lack of content