Popped up in "what's new" and hadn't seen in before, so I thought I'd give it a go.
First observations, the MC looks like the lead singer of tokyo hotel. I couldn't give you a name of a song of theirs or to this day tell you the gender of the lead singer, but that's all I can think seeing this silly emo model for the MC. This is definitely trying to be a game, and to give it its fair fucks it's doing a much better job at trying to have game elements than other titles I've seen, but that doesn't mean it's good.
-Empty Space
Generally a big failing of early open-world projects. You give me an open world of.... generic backgrounds and "work in progress" or "nothing to do here" messages.
-Empty Time
Maybe I was totally missing something , but spent the first two weeks just skipping, there was literally nothing to do but chores (what that accomplishes I'm not sure).
-Grind.... without actually being allowed to grind
Usually I can't think of any worse sin that grind, but grind without even being allowed to grind has got to be the worst. Starting off I can only work for a pittance once a week. I can only succesfully farm (again on one tile, for a pittance) once I've got the watering can, hoe and insecticide which I can work towards by SKIPPING A WHOLE WEEK, just to BE ALLOWED to work for 20$. Can I not get a stupid 2h job or something where I get 5$ for picking up trash around the property or something. You can't actually grind this, just hit skip time
-Open (empty) world occupies 99% of the time
Maybe I didn't give it enough time, but scenes were just here in there in between skipping 3 days in a row, and then I'd get two frames with a couple of sentences of dialogue.
On top of all that it's clunky and hasn't even hinted at being sexy, besides the transexual who flashed an emo child in the street, but cocks just aren't my thing really. If a proper "game" is going to be the vessel of your story, make it worth playing or at the very least playable.