RPGM - Defenestration [v0.5d] [Fresh Mulan]

  1. 4.00 star(s)



    I give it about 3.5 rounded up.

    Unique art style. Whether you like it or not is subjective, but it's a bit different.
    Costume/body changes. They aren't always 100% consistent, but it's nice to see a bit of variety.
    Sexy scenarios. Being a corruption game, it's not breaking a lot of new ground, but they are still enjoyable.
    Interesting Story/Setting. It's a bit goofy at times and doesn't always make a ton of sense, but it's entertaining.

    RPGM. Yet another game in RPGM that doesn't really need to be. Sure, there are some location based things in here, but the rpg elements are largely underused. Why is it such a pain in the ass to get from the residential subway to the apartment? The other subways dump you out right into the map.

    Bit of a grind. There is a small amount of grind for money. I will give credit for there being some different scenarios while working. Later in the game things seem to get more expensive. I just hope it doesn't get any more grindy than it already is.

    It's a corruption game involving mind control/brainwashing. I mean it's fine as a premise and it's got a bit of a spin on it, but it's still forced corruption instead of willing corruption. Sure you can choose to do or not do certain things, but at the end of the day the adult content is going to be mostly under the corruption route. At the same time, because of the nature of the corruption, several characters will tell you to stop. I'd rather have my cake and eat it too as far as corruption goes, but maybe that's my personal bias.

    Reused assets. When you get to the "New You" section of the game near the current end of content, it's some stuff you've already seen before with a bit of new stuff mixed in. Feels a bit lazy to me.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    While I am taking a break from Defenestration to allow Fresh Mulan time to roll out a bunch more content, I have been an avid supporter of the game from day 1. The dev is awesome, the premise of the story is awesome, and Kira is one one of the hottest pixel chicks I've ever seen. The entire game is a gem and it has so much potential to be one of the best adult RPGM games out there. I love everything about it. Give it a try.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Joe Steel

    I downloaded this mainly because of the setting - an alt-history where the USSR survives into the future. This didn't disappoint from the standpoint of being both commie-corny and yet still strangely believable. The game is kind of on rails at the moment, which is understandable in a first release - you have to get the customer to the "good stuff" quickly if you want to compete with other, more established games. The story is great (though eccentric, to say the least), the artwork good to great, and the maps are interesting, showing lots of little touches that reflect the dichotomy between what this society wants to be and what it is. NPCs are not cookie-cutter, even when they are just eyecandy. Great sense of humor (Bobby Fischer is a hoot). The one thing I'd work on as the author is the music. Standard RPGMaker music doesn't fit this environment. Surely there is free music somewhere like http://www.free-internet-music.com/russian-music.html#.WrZT7YgbOHs that could be used?

    I'm intrigued by this game more than just about any RPGMaker game bar One Hour Agent. Well worth checking out, and a lot of play for a 0.1 version.