On top of the massive amount of choiceless linear visual novels made with Ren'Py, there stands Defiler Wing. More of a gamebook than a Visual Novel, you won't be locked progressing through the story from one dialog to another, but rather using the map to plan what to do according to your situation and the kingdom's.
It is important to note that ingame artworks are "borrowed" from the internet, leading to some inconstencies ... You'll eventually get used to it and focus the game itself when you realize that your choices truly matter ! From your evolution path to your year-to-year actions, you'll be so hooked that you won't mind the volatile artstyle and might even play the game several times.
Grindy at times, with lots of things left unexplained (I'm thinking of you, trinket mission !) but overall a pretty solid implementation of the Ren'Py engine in a game.
EDIT: this review covers the 1.0.1 English version. I haven't played the MTL version but seeing that the negative reviews of this game all mention terrible English, I do not plan on doing that anytime soon.