Ren'Py Define character as layeredimage

Mr. TurTur

Jun 12, 2020
Hey ho,
I try to connect my defined character with my layer image.
So i dont have to ___show name happy "Hi im eileen"___ all the time, and can rely on the basic ___a happy "Hi im eileen"___
I know i coud just render the combination of every expression and outfit and could get the same result, but that sucks.

I cant imagine its that hard.
Thank you in advance :)

layeredimage Anelise:

    group clothes:
        attribute clothes_1 default:

    group faces:
        attribute neutral default:
        attribute angry:
        attribute happy:
        attribute shock:
        attribute horny:

define a = Character("Anelise") #image=layerdimage Anelise / i know it doesnt work this way but i hoped it would :/

label start:

    scene bg room
    a neutral "You've created a new Ren'Py game."
    a happy "im happy rn"
    a angry "now im angry"
    a angry "grrrrrr"



Sep 9, 2019
I haven't ever played with layeredimage, but did you define it as a side image?
layeredimage Anelise:

define a = Character("Anelise")

image side a = "Anelise" #layeredimage Anelise as str
:unsure: That won't help if you are already using side images...

You may want to look into proxying as well depending:


Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
It's my understanding that layered images are a stand in for a displayable and *should* be usable in the situation you've stated.

Looking at the first example on here, , it shows that the character image is "show"n first, then the dialogue lines change the display attribute

If you do the following, what happens?

layeredimage Anelise:

    group clothes:
        attribute clothes_1 default:

    group faces:
        attribute neutral default:
        attribute angry:

        # snipped a couple of faces

define a = Character("Anelise", image="Anelise")  # note that there is no need to use "layeredimage" here, and that the image name must be a string.

label start:
    # this is the new line compared to your example
    show anelise angry

    a "i'm very angry"

    a neutral "But not any more"
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Mr. TurTur

Jun 12, 2020
It's my understanding that layered images are a stand in for a displayable and *should* be usable in the situation you've stated.

Looking at the first example on here, , it shows that the character image is "show"n first, then the dialogue lines change the display attribute

If you do the following, what happens?

layeredimage Anelise:

    group clothes:
        attribute clothes_1 default:

    group faces:
        attribute neutral default:
        attribute angry:

        # snipped a couple of faces

define a = Character("Anelise", image="Anelise")  # note that there is no need to use "layeredimage" here, and that the image name must be a string.

label start:
    # this is the new line compared to your example
    show anelise angry

    a "i'm very angry"

    a neutral "But not any more"
Hey there :)
Yes you are right.
Turnes out i was the problem all along and didnt really try it.