
Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2018
what kind of otherworldly power is this? where can I get it?
It's any of the transformations, which you can find plenty of guides on how to acquire in the thread and in the Wiki. That will just unlock some appearance control such as which wing/ear/horn sprite version you'd like to use or on which layer that part will be drawn(over hats, under hats, behind back, etc), nothing cool.

is she needed to enter the mirror with tentacles?


Engaged Member
Jan 5, 2019
what kind of otherworldly power is this? is she needed to enter the mirror with tentacles? where can I get it?
As post above states, transformations. Regarding mirror and tentacles, you can interact with tentacles every day at 3:00, to enter the tentacle ppains it needs to be a blood moon and you need high deviancy iirc


Aug 9, 2020
As post above states, transformations. Regarding mirror and tentacles, you can interact with tentacles every day at 3:00, to enter the tentacle ppains it needs to be a blood moon and you need high deviancy iirc
last i checked you need to be hallucinating to interact with the tenticles
Sep 3, 2023
It's been a minute but I recall winter tries to rip your ears off. They're definitely not paper as they would tear or at least get crumpled. Also you can glide with the wings. Who tf thinks "I'm such a slut. Let me strap a glider on my back 24/7"?
I don't think delusions would let you travel the moors significantly faster, or drop down from great heights without any harm
You're not meant to take the game's narration literally at all times. There's heavily implied to be an unreliable narrator and your character's perception gets explicitly altered as trauma increases. The animal-people are explicitly hallucinations according to the game's settings, but the narration treats them as real. Some of the supernatural elements seem pretty clearly real in the fiction of the game, but there's a lot of stuff in between that's open to interpretation.

Are the animal ears really attached to you, or are you feeling "phantom ear" pain and ignoring them getting crumpled? Are the wings real, or are you delusionally experiencing the sensation of gliding or altered perception of travel time as a coping mechanism for your traumatic life? Do you really grow cat fangs, or do you bite harder because you think you're a cat-person?


Apr 29, 2020
Honestly the whole argument for and against unreliable narrator and all of that doesnt really matter much unless the game actually references it directly or brings it up in some way. Its really a useless discussion. It really doesnt matter if what is happening is really happening or not since the point is showing what is happening and not why it is happening.


Engaged Member
Jan 5, 2019
Honestly the whole argument for and against unreliable narrator and all of that doesnt really matter much unless the game actually references it directly or brings it up in some way. Its really a useless discussion. It really doesnt matter if what is happening is really happening or not since the point is showing what is happening and not why it is happening.
This isn't a "for and against", unreliable narration is clearly present in the game, what is told directly is only what the protagonist sees (which includes a lot of hallucinations), and through other characters there is additional glimpse of doubt. Regardless, what this is about is illustrating that it has to be considered when thinking of new transformations and why there is only so far they can go within this set narrative.


Active Member
Sep 7, 2020
You're not meant to take the game's narration literally at all times. There's heavily implied to be an unreliable narrator and your character's perception gets explicitly altered as trauma increases. The animal-people are explicitly hallucinations according to the game's settings, but the narration treats them as real. Some of the supernatural elements seem pretty clearly real in the fiction of the game, but there's a lot of stuff in between that's open to interpretation.

Are the animal ears really attached to you, or are you feeling "phantom ear" pain and ignoring them getting crumpled? Are the wings real, or are you delusionally experiencing the sensation of gliding or altered perception of travel time as a coping mechanism for your traumatic life? Do you really grow cat fangs, or do you bite harder because you think you're a cat-person?
My main issue is that "it was just a hallucination" is unfalsifiable in fiction. If any potential evidence pops up, you could just claim that's a hallucination too. A crowd of people saw it? Mass hallucination. Same thing about claiming it was all a dream. How am I supposed to have any meaningful discourse when it can all be shut down by reapeating a single statement?

Side note: Since animal-people can be set to always active regardless of hallucination, that part is "depending on the game's settings" rather than "according to".


Nov 15, 2023
the cow TF gives double milk/semen volume, which is something tangible you can actually measure
and it is measured when youre on remys farm or the cafe
you cant exactly hallucinate the lines on a measuring cup, or at least not when theres other ppl who can comment on the amount

unless you can somehow enhance the amount only through sheer force of will, in which case damn lol ig anythings possible
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
My main issue is that "it was just a hallucination" is unfalsifiable in fiction. If any potential evidence pops up, you could just claim that's a hallucination too. A crowd of people saw it? Mass hallucination. Same thing about claiming it was all a dream. How am I supposed to have any meaningful discourse when it can all be shut down by reapeating a single statement?

Side note: Since animal-people can be set to always active regardless of hallucination, that part is "depending on the game's settings" rather than "according to".
its been a very long time, but there is several instances where the TFs are acknowledged by others so the hallucination theory is pretty weak IMO this is a world where rape is a hobby, commonly accepted and nothing wrong with it and all sorts of weird shit happens everyone's pretty fucked up


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
the cow TF gives double milk/semen volume, which is something tangible you can actually measure
and it is measured when youre on remys farm or the cafe
you cant exactly hallucinate the lines on a measuring cup, or at least not when theres other ppl who can comment on the amount

unless you can somehow enhance the amount only through sheer force of will, in which case damn lol ig anythings possible
Could be a number of things. Drugs that increase production of body fluids, placebo effect, MC is hallucinating the amount and the responses from other people, or maybe it's actual milk from an animal, and MC's just adding their own to the mix and convinced themselves it's 100% their own contribution.


Nov 6, 2020
On that note also, the TFs are purposefully implemented in the way where it's unknown whether the protag actually transforms in any way or runs around with paper ears glued to their head
The thing about transformations being visual and not physical is kinda dumb when traits like dark horns, sharp eyes, fangs exist along with certain events like students pulling on your tail or being able to fly/glide


Active Member
Sep 7, 2020
Oh look. A bunch of points (some of which I brought up in a similar conversation on Reddit) that would be perfectly valid to most sane people. The response I've gotten? "Why not?" Seriously, what's stopping someone from claiming some crap like "Everyone else is hallucinating too,", "You're just biting really hard", "Hallucinations make you feel things that aren't there, explaining how you can feel your extremities being grabbed," and other such ass pulls. At least mass hysteria could be countered easily (how are everyone hallucinating the same thing every time and they're in sync with your own every time?)


Active Member
Sep 7, 2020
Oh... FFS...
Why are people looking for logic in a porn game :WaitWhat:
Is the emphasis supposed to mean porn shouldn't have logic or games? If the later it because it's fun to discover the lore and systems holding the world together. Breaks in logic make that task tedious instead. If the former it's because breaks in logic make me soft so fast I risk rupturing a blood vessel from the sudden spike in pressure.


Nov 15, 2023
Oh... FFS...
Why are people looking for logic in a porn game :WaitWhat:
i find just saying its "just a porn game" to invalidate all the thought and work put into it very disingenuous
at baseline, ye youre supposed to get horny/jerk off/nut to it, but that doesnt take away from the amount of effort and care put into its world building
its discussed seriously bc ppl feel strongly about its characters and setting, which goes to show that its not only a rape simulator; its a rape simulator that ppl talk about :D
and wanting to share your thoughts, opinions, theories, etc. on things you enjoy w others, and gaining new perspectives is what ppl do when they want to know more about the thing they like
a gamer may call this "immersion" or whatever

is this somewhat pathetic? yes, but the actual reason for this is bc any sincerity is shown at all and not being wrapped in 10+ layers of irony


Nov 15, 2023
Could be a number of things. Drugs that increase production of body fluids, placebo effect, MC is hallucinating the amount and the responses from other people, or maybe it's actual milk from an animal, and MC's just adding their own to the mix and convinced themselves it's 100% their own contribution.
how convinient lol

hold on, i just came up w an absolutely bulletproof theory that will explain everything!
the PC is actually asleep the entire time and everything they experience is just a dream and the game technically never even starts :3


Mar 22, 2022
One of the biggest things I dislike about 99% of NSFW content is how lazy or insincere all of it is* - often times both. It's not necessarily a matter of taking itself too seriously or not (after all, I think humor can be an essential part of most any setting, and it can come in many different flavors), but rather coming across as a complete and cohesive creative vision that allows the person experiencing it to mentally engage with and become lost inside it. DoL was very easy to get attached to because of an expansive amount of consistently interesting writing that works very hard to flesh out its world, but also because it doesn't resort to all the quick cliches and writing shortcuts that most everything else does. Even when DoL does make use of tried-and-true conventions/archetypes, the game approaches them with both enough effort and sincerity that the game owns it and it works. I can't say the same is true about hardly anything else out there, where even a single glance at how they present themselves is enough to tell you that they just don't really give a shit.

*Actually, I'd honestly say that this problem also applies to a majority of non-NSFW content as well, but not quite to the same degree. With NSFW stuff, there seems to be this completely overbearing thought that as long as it looks good, then nothing else really matters, which I think is an unfortunate mentality for any medium of art. You don't really see the same kind of thinking with books ("as long as the author's prose is good, nothing else matters"), music ("as long as it sounds good, nothing else matters"), movies, or games. Like, yes, the most basic element of each medium is very important, but there are also other things to consider, like world, characters, story, themes, framing, tone, style...and others, as applicable. Each medium has its own strength and limitations, but they can be surprisingly versatile in what they can accomplish given the right creative minds, and NSFW works shouldn't be any exception.
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