
New Member
Jul 19, 2021
i'm trying to download it but it's not working, browser keeps saying theres a virus.

i've tried both brave and operagx


Apr 29, 2020
I see people defending the pregnancy update but it was a completely useless update if you play a male character because every non story NPC is random and the only named NPCS that have any content so far are Alex and the Great Hawk instead of... I don't know, Kylar? The character who LITERALLY brings up pregnancy.
Alex is a pointless NPC who 90% of players will never encounter because they require 5 hours of walking to get to and 3+ hours of grinding the same shit every day to get ANY content for, and the Great Hawk is double that distance, AND can't actually rape you.
Do people really play DoL for this le wholesome chungus dating simulator? Do we really need 20+ scenes for Whitney and Robin every update? What about the players who don't give a shit about these characters? Should they just eat shit and piss off because Vrelnir has to spend all his update time merging content and fixing bugs because the contributors only care about these two characters?
Oh look its the weekly complaint about the preg content. Gotta love the other overused complaint about being mad that they are adding content for characters they dont like. Its like you are a walking personification of everything people are sick of hearing people complain about. At least the username is on point though ill give you that.

If you want to make your perfect game where only the things you like are added in the ways you want then make your own game. Until then you have to realize that you are not the only person playing this game.


Active Member
Feb 10, 2018
The wolves don't come this deep if I remember right. You gotta be in shallower forest, up to few steps beyond the lake. Idr if there was a way to differentiate between Eden and Wolf hunting, but it's the same mechanic.
You can tell because when you get the red 'something is hunting you' text, you will get indications. Like there being fur or hear howling for the wolves, or gunshots and boot prints for Eden.
Also I've gotten both hunting me no matter where. Using the lake as the middle, I tend to actually get Eden closer to town and the wolves closer to the end. But that just be my RNG luck always landing that way. I have gotten both on either side plenty of times.
I've always had odd RNG in this game. I say this after raiding the catacombs and getting so dang many of the rarer finds and like none of the easy ones. I had to go back TWICE just to get a dang silver coin! Not back to the entrance, no, I had to fully leave to rest cause I went straight there after school. Three nights to get a silver coin.
May 26, 2019
Oh look its the weekly complaint about the preg content. Gotta love the other overused complaint about being mad that they are adding content for characters they dont like. Its like you are a walking personification of everything people are sick of hearing people complain about. At least the username is on point though ill give you that.

If you want to make your perfect game where only the things you like are added in the ways you want then make your own game. Until then you have to realize that you are not the only person playing this game.
I hate the complaining about preg content a lot but honestly this is by far one of the most fair critiques of the update I've seen. At least they don't make up stuff like "People didn't want this" when that was clearly not the case. They do make a good point that male MCs just don't get as much focus... Although if I'm being fair I think male MCs just in general get the short end of the stick. I understand it's a more female MC oriented game but if you're gonna ignore one side this much, then why give the option in the first place?

As for the named NPC's I just don't have a strong opinion (Other than Kylar, I do agree with that), so it's not my place to critique.
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Apr 29, 2020
Critique is one thing but people constantly running around complaining because something is added that isnt their fetish is another. I dont really like playing as a male character much but that doesnt mean im gonna get mad because the addition of a male character has "stolen" content from elsewhere. Im not going to absolutely seethe whenever there is an addition to male centered gameplay. I dont like Whitney but im not gonna launch into a rant whenever there is a new event added for them.

If people want to critique they are free to do so but "This kind of content is bad to put in because i dont like it" is not a critique. Complaining about content being added solves nothing and does nothing other than annoy everyone. If you dont like the direction some things have taken or want more content for characters you like learn to code and submit it. Impotently shaking your fist on forums wastes everyones time.

Some content is higher priority than others for the simple fact that its more in demand and/or the people making said content want to see it. Thats it. Thats the whole situation.


Mar 22, 2022
Critique is one thing but people constantly running around complaining because something is added that isnt their fetish is another. I dont really like playing as a male character much but that doesnt mean im gonna get mad because the addition of a male character has "stolen" content from elsewhere. Im not going to absolutely seethe whenever there is an addition to male centered gameplay. I dont like Whitney but im not gonna launch into a rant whenever there is a new event added for them.
Yeah, just a page or two ago, we had a former developer of the game mention how difficult it had become to write new content for the game precisely because of player freedom with regards to character it's literal concrete proof that having the choice of being male takes time away from development for those who aren't ever going to play as a male character. I don't understand the appeal of playing a male character in the slightest, but you don't see me going around whining and complaining about it being a choice and how it's affected me personally... I personally hope no new male-specific content is ever developed, but I'm not going to bemoan the state of the game if that happens to be one of the contributor's own interests and they decide to work on it.


Engaged Member
Jan 5, 2019
Yeah, just a page or two ago, we had a former developer of the game mention how difficult it had become to write new content for the game precisely because of player freedom with regards to character it's literal concrete proof that having the choice of being male takes time away from development for those who aren't ever going to play as a male character. I don't understand the appeal of playing a male character in the slightest, but you don't see me going around whining and complaining about it being a choice and how it's affected me personally... I personally hope no new male-specific content is ever developed, but I'm not going to bemoan the state of the game if that happens to be one of the contributor's own interests and they decide to work on it.
What's more fun than choosing a male char and playing them like a girl :3


Mar 22, 2022
What's more fun than choosing a male char and playing them like a girl :3
I'd be much more inclined towards (and have done) the opposite: be a girl and play them like a boy. Tomboys are always cool. Though with regards to specifically DoL, I think the fact that characters who know you aren't able to keep track of whether you're a boy or a girl and just switch on the fly depending on what you present as has always been a bit of a deterrent to wanting to commit to it. Or at least, I thought that was an issue last time I tried.


Active Member
Apr 4, 2018
I'm gay as hell so there's my hat in the ring for playing a male MC, and appreciate the (usually) bottom PC, though it's unfortunate when the NPCs try to get me to penetrate, (looking at you, Eden and other random NPCs), but otherwise yeah, I'm either chilling or just patiently waiting for more similar things! Though for similarly stated reasons, I have a hard time making my PC wear feminine clothes since again, NPCs don't track your gender, and therefore just switch up based on presentation without a second thought or so.


Engaged Member
Jan 5, 2019
I'm gay as hell so there's my hat in the ring for playing a male MC, and appreciate the (usually) bottom PC, though it's unfortunate when the NPCs try to get me to penetrate, (looking at you, Eden and other random NPCs), but otherwise yeah, I'm either chilling or just patiently waiting for more similar things! Though for similarly stated reasons, I have a hard time making my PC wear feminine clothes since again, NPCs don't track your gender, and therefore just switch up based on presentation without a second thought or so.
There's settings to how much genitals weigh into gender perception, and outside of that there would be ways to balance your looks to still appear male with girly clothing on, though I suppose it would be mildly annoying.


Engaged Member
Jan 5, 2019
Obligatory All Feats save for, includes all Special Clothing for the Boost.
391 Total VrelCoins.
Pointless given that there have now been posted two different commands to get vrelcoins (one to unlock all feats and one to get any amount of vrelcoins). The knowledge of those should be spread more instead of those saves every time.
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Jun 26, 2022
Hi there, I posted that first command here a long time ago I believe, but I've since found a better alternative.

SugarCube.State.variables.feats.allSaves.points = 720
When creating your char will get you more points than you can normally even have (normal max is 480) to avoid choice stress, yet still allows you to earn feets and get the satisfaction of discovering and unlocking every part of the game yourself.

It just offers a lovely flying start for people not into keeping saves and restarting multiple times to get their best character.

Both commands work with online, but the mobile version of the feat command and the new one (just put javascript: in-front of the latter and put it into a bookmark or in the url bar) will not work on dolmods because dolmods runs the game in an iframe. It'll work fine on any place that does not.

Now, you're thinking, 'But I want dolmods on mobile!"

I got you my hypothetical friend..

will get you out of the iframe and while at it, make dolmods' banner stop taking up valuable screenspace on your mobile device (and fix the issues of menu things sometimes going off screen).

After this,

Should get you all the points your heart desires.
the second command there can do it instead. Sorry for posting this amendment so so late, I ran into the issue on mobile myself, switched to another site and forgot all about having posted it here.
This may have been posted before but looking for a way to play fair but with a bonus (all feats, no cheats), I found it pretty annoying to constantly look for people's saves and couldn't dig up a console code to achieve it.

So, here you go. A code to instantly get all feats on a save. Run it in your browser Javascript Console (F12), save once, make a new character and have fun.

for (featName in SugarCube.setup.feats) {

$.wiki("<<earnFeat \""+ featName + "\">>")


Now, I imagine some of you play on mobile (as do I, no judgement). Well, got a fix for that too.

Just put the below in your URL bar. Make sure 'javascript:' is still in-front of it after pasting, browsers tend to remove it for security reasons (bad code can use it to steal your passwords and such. Anyone who knows programming can easily confirm that this code has 0 risk of any of that).
Did someone mention spreading awareness of useful points cheat commands?

Presuming these still work, they may be handy for someone ^^


Active Member
May 5, 2018
They do make a good point that male MCs just don't get as much focus... Although if I'm being fair I think male MCs just in general get the short end of the stick. I understand it's a more female MC oriented game but if you're gonna ignore one side this much, then why give the option in the first place?
I exclusively play as a male, but have never noticed a lack of male MC content. Maybe that's playstyle related? :unsure:
Feb 17, 2023
I exclusively play as a male, but have never noticed a lack of male MC content. Maybe that's playstyle related? :unsure:
The idea that there's more female MC content is debatable on its own, but insofar you assume it to be true:
- This is because female characters simply have more options (e.g. getting pregnant) that don't involve other characters
- Is always circumventable by simply wearing female clothes or using appropriate settings

that being said:
It has been polled many times, and the devs are aware that people seem to play a relatively even distribution of male/female mc. The idea one angle gets more attention is just not true - nor is there really much reason to assume that would be the case.

What specific things do people think of when they mention this anyways?
Like what content is female MC specific, bar getting pregnant?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2020
I exclusively play as a male, but have never noticed a lack of male MC content. Maybe that's playstyle related? :unsure:
Or maybe it's due to the fact that you play exclusively as a male and thus have nothing to relate to. Why don't you try to play as a female MC to see the fuller picture?

And by 'male' you probably mean the male parameters as defined by the game dev, while the other fella probably has a different 'male' experience in mind he feels the game is missing. It's quite obvious the game's default paperdoll is that of a female and most scenarios have the feminine in mind (or should I say, the feminine as imagined by the masculine), with the masculine being the by-product of the default. Let's be honest, this is not Love and Sex 2nd base, where Mike's playthrough is not interchangeable with Bree's playthrough the same way that male MC and female MC's playthroughs are here, where only pronouns and genitals are different, while the scenes and sex combat are otherwise the same. There, you have basically two stories and two separate points of view which cross paths here and there. Here, you have a customizable attempt at providing everyone with some sort of ecumenical sex experience, which ultimately, does not work. And by definition, will not work.
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