I have played this game on and off for almost 2 years and it has been one of the games I can always keep coming back to and really enjoy each time for many hours. I am unsure why I didn't review this sooner, but it has always been one of my favourites so hear me out and I'll go decently in depth for a nice clear picture.
The theme is unique, brave, implemented very smartly and very well. It pays off and opens up a world with lots to do, even if the larger chunk of it is to be raped or whore yourself out, there are a lot of ways to do so lol.
It has many non-rapey/sexual things too like helping at a friends' lemonade stand, managing school grades, selling flowers, working different jobs etc, and even rewards you remaining a pure virgin and avoiding being raped or embracing the role pushed onto you by others in the city, since a more recently added church content, where you take monthly purity (virginity) tests pays you for maintaining that and you can even eventually transform into an angel, giving you a special ability, extra dialogue/content and a unique aesthetic. Losing purity makes you turn into a fallen angel and changes all those things around instead of you just losing the transformation. - There are several more transformations like this.
In regards to the complaints I've seen about you being unable to fight back/are always a victim... well yeah, you're a school girl/boy being targeted by mostly adults, what the fuck do you expect lol. But regardless of that fact, you can fight back and there is a defiance and strength rating that as you fight more and more you unlock new abilities and methods to do so (same applies to being submissive and seductive etc) - I have fought off many people in some playthroughs with a small body build and only ever can not beat multiple people at once and while re-loading would always allow you to beat the more muscular NPC's at high stats, it is still hard to beat them. In those situations when you beat them, it takes a few turns thus it is still possible to fight off penetration but if someone grabs you, obviously you'll be exposed to molestation for a little until you can turn the tables, alternatively you can hold them off using your thighs or mouth etc and just make them cum while you avoid being penis'd, or if people are around you can just call for help to avoid that situation. Seems realistic to me.
In terms of scenes, there are just sprites, a kind of gif of the outer pussy/penis movements and an x-ray inside during combat and consensual sex that change based on your worn clothing/transformation and have a couple of different positions. It portrays the events described in text pretty well and even accurately depicts gang-bang scenes or tentacle scenes etc. While the text itself does most of the work building arousal, the sprites are certainly appealing and welcome.
Expanding on the above point, the character creation after choosing your gender allows the aforementioned sprite to be seen as you made them with the clothes you picked for them in those situations. And there are a fair few options. Many hair types for fringe+back, different lengths and access to a colour wheel for any colour shade out there or presets of the more common choices. Also clothes have many different styles and categories they fit into. (Formal, Slutty, seductive, costume, casual etc.) and to top it all off, lots of routes and stat focuses to further define the kind of character you want to go for.
There is a ton more I could say but I think this is pushing the limits of the average attention span, so I'll hold myself back lol.
Essentially, it's a great game especially if you're into the degenerate fetishes included, and there are a whole lot of them, it's great. Even if you are not, there is a purity path and a lot of compelling content as a life sim of a young girl/boy in a super perverted city. - You can pre-emptively determine everything from gender ratio of people approaching you to the actual genders and 'sizes' of the more prominent/main NPC's.
This game does what it does well. If you made it this far, just fucking play it dude, stop stalling.