

May 21, 2017
Yes, that world famous anime .... Harry Potter.
Not nearly as good as Cory, in my humble opinion.

Anyway, perhaps there is not that many parodies of anime (I wouldn't know, that's not exactly the kind of thing I am looking for), but if you consider anime as a genre or style, then there's plenty of games that look anime-ish, Visual Novels usually follow that trend.
I would guess that people are more interested in making their own stories rather than doing a perverted twist of something that already exists. Witch Trainer has very little relation to Harry Potter, it only features a few names from the franchise and the overall concept, other than that, it's highly focused on Hermione because Emma Watson is hot.

Since Harry Potter is an anime, then let's say that League of Legends is an anime too. In that case, there's Noxian Nights that does the same thing. But yeah, I can't think of fully independent games dedicated to parodying a specific anime.


Aug 24, 2016
Because Japanese IP holders are more protective with their properties. Western companies let parodies slide but Japanese suits go ballistic if someone uses their IPs for profit and/or porn outside the alloted period for doujin sales during Comiket.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2017
Because Japanese IP holders are more protective with their properties. Western companies let parodies slide but Japanese suits go ballistic if someone uses their IPs for profit and/or porn outside the alloted period for doujin sales during Comiket.
This can't be further from the truth when you consider that Japan has a burgeoning doujinshi market in places like Tokyo. They don't go ballistic on their IP. Now if you mean the larger companies like Namco go ballistic on Youtube with a system created by Hollywood? Yeah, I agree with you.

But the overal usage of IP laws is a result of America directly through Hollywood and their 40 year Inquisition... Er... Campaign against Fair Use and user supported copyright laws.
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Jun 7, 2017
Because Japanese IP holders are more protective with their properties. Western companies let parodies slide but Japanese suits go ballistic if someone uses their IPs for profit and/or porn outside the alloted period for doujin sales during Comiket.
But SuperDeepThroat exists and it has some girls from anime.


Active Member
May 28, 2017
There are 2 Naruto trainer games on this forum if you have not seen them. Sadly they are both early in development.

I got to say, anime is pretty popular subject matter for hentai games. Just off the top of my head, I can mention zone (kill la kill, ghost in the shell, many many more)

Of course they are all flash games, and may not be the sort of visual novel you are looking for. In that case you do have a real problem though, which stems from the fact that creating adult games is a real business in Japan, which automatically makes it impossible to sell and market games like this without infringing copyrights. The only reason Akabur's witch trainer or mitty's elements trainer are immune, is because you are not paying for the products, but you are supporting the artist through patreon, who then in turn rewards you with a product. It is a clever way to circumvent copyright law, something that the Japanese are yet to embrace entirely.

I too would like to see highly developed games based on anime franchises, but lets not despair entirely, a major bulk of all existing hentai is based on anime, you just have to accept it in flash games or comics/pictures.


Oct 29, 2017
the flash classic sim girls is a take on the dna2 anime from 1994 and there is also a flash game based off love hina, both of these i played on newgrounds many many moons ago


Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
Jul 25, 2018
Because Japanese IP holders are more protective with their properties. Western companies let parodies slide but Japanese suits go ballistic if someone uses their IPs for profit and/or porn outside the alloted period for doujin sales during Comiket.
I think it not so much slide as there is a certain amount of negligence towards parodies. Also there is some wiggle room under the parody laws, where you can make parodies without issue if you follow certain guidelines. Tho, some times when things get too big companies will step in either due to being forced to or because something got out of hand or they got greedy. Like in recent Disney Star Wars and Star Wars Theory youtube channel, where Disney got greedy, due to a popular fan made project they did.

Also, Studio Fow received seize and desist orders when they made a World of Warcraft movie. And when they made a Zelda movie. And were forced to pull them both from their website. And Nintendo shut down a Pokemon fan game, after it got super popular and ended up on the news. Because at that point they could no longer "pretend" it didn't exist or they "pretend" they didn't know about it.
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The Hentai Witcher
Jun 2, 2018
I imagine there are tons its just most aren't translated into English or involve stuff that breaks rule 7 so they can't be on here. Theres a hentai game called Bite! which is a parody of Kill la Kill for example but I haven't translated that as I've been busy with my own things. Potential lawsuits don't encourage people to make parody hentai games and are more risky than say coming up with your own stuff in the event it becomes popular enough to catch the IP holders attention so theres another reason.
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Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
Jul 25, 2018
I imagine there are tons its just most aren't translated into English or involve stuff that breaks rule 7 so they can't be on here. Theres a hentai game called Bite! which is a parody of Kill la Kill for example but I haven't translated that as I've been busy with my own things. Potential lawsuits don't encourage people to make parody hentai games and are more risky than say coming up with your own stuff in the event it becomes popular enough to catch the IP holders attention so theres another reason.
Yeah. I think thats why there's almost no yugioh porn games. There's a few 2 minute flash ones where you fuck Dark magician girl or think there's an Akiza one too. But there's no elaborate ones. Because getting hitting by Konami is huge deal breaker. No wants Komani lawyers breathing down their necks. Which is kinda sad. I wouldnt mind an adult version of ygo
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Jan 20, 2019
Although this might urelated or close enough, but rpg Meritocracy of the oni and blade included three character based from
shingeki no kyojin : levi, petra, and the man who always bite his tongue (I forgot his name). Just from physical appearance alone everyone would found their are look alike...


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
There are some parodies made of Anime and/or Manga in this market I'm sure... Just can't remember their names... But in the Western Market of developers it is extremely rare to see anything other then parodies... The Japanese market might have some, but as to what someone else said in the thread, most likely they are not translated or will never be translated into English and other languages (either because the companies who made them just haven't done so, or those same companies will not give permission for them to be translated by 3rd parties)...
