VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Delicate Taboo [v0.10.0.3] [Delicate Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots of girls for everyone to like! The devs are amazing in the comments section and help anymore out with questions. Though it does get kind of confusing with all the different paths, I love the game and cant wait to see what else comes.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    When I first tried this game a year ago, I did not like it lot. Then I downloaded it again and I was impressed with the improvements. If you like a light story with multiple branching paths and a lot of fap material, then this is your game. I highly suggest getting the Inc. patch though, It makes it easier to follow the story of who is hitting on who.

    This game is not for everyone, the faces maybe a turnoff, but DAMN the bodies and those tittes are real nice to look at. This game is perfect for a quick fap and then continue later for another fap session. High replay Value.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Models may not be for everyone, overall they look very rough with shoddy lighting and some weird faces, but the writing is captivating and its branching paths give a lot of replayability and diverse types of content. BEWARE! Certain paths may have NTR coming out of nowhere. But there's so many branches to go to that I can kinda forgive it. Give it a try.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Very mediocre from the erotic scenes to the absurdity of the script, especially the good and bad endings give agena shame, the only thing I liked was the ost :V Another thing I almost forgot something that directly half disgusted and that is that we took control of other characters I do not know the amount but in my case it reached 3 then half disgusted and I deleted the game :v
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    So, in the ending I got in my single playthrough (maybe it happens in all of them idk), there is this really cringy sequence where the dev attempts to take the piss out of a specific bad review here... Like, the review was so impactful that it is quoted within the game and there is a whole multi-render sequence addressing it (and nothing else). I mean, on one hand props to dev for finding something they care about, on the other hand, yikes lmao. Positive feedback or... uh... OR ELSE I'LL CALL YOU A FAT NERD IN MY GAME..?

    Regarding the parts of the game you probably care about, they're... okay at best. I feel like if you're relatively new to F95zone or the H game scene, you might like the game. For those who have been around the block, I doubt it. The problems are mostly writing and story related. Also, the models, they're honey select and the dev put some effort into making them unique, unfortunately I don't think they're very attractive. They look worse in the game than in the preview images (others have mentioned this, due to the previews I thought they were just picky as the models looked okay to me, but I came out of the game with the same opinion). Also, the multi-protagonist thing sort of took me by surprise, that's on me Edit: not on me, the tags weren't there. Just know that you will "play" as multiple male and female characters, which sometimes have competing interests to the actual MC.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Lust Demon

    Short version: The art is OK/acceptable. The story is pretty good.. The "content" vs. story is well done. The way the paths branch off is actually straightforward for once, and aside from some "alternate endings" doesn't need a walkthrough.

    Sure, there's a few grammar and spelling issues, and the art pixel rate could be better, but... the game doesn't crash, the views and view choices are very well done, the story more than makes up for it, and the fact that the dev doesn't cater to [sic] and makes the game the way they wanted earns them the fifth star.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I was lured to this VN because of the pregnancy tag but unfortunately the whole thing was so disappointing that I really didn't care about the pregnancy at all.
    There were a lot of paths in the story and it branched out and merged again many times, however it wasn't that interesting and the English in it was terrible.
    The scenes were either too bright or too dark and suffered more than other games/VN from the Honey Select draw backs.

    Unfortunately I can't rate this higher than this.

    Rated: 2/5
    Based on: v0.8
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Holy shit, this game is full of jokes. The animation isn't the best but it doesn't matter if you get some laughz and lolz. I'm playing only for the story, not the porn.

    Good on:

    1. Story.
    2. Replayability.
    3. Making the player forget "oh this is a game" and give him a good while.
    4. Big titss.

    Bad on:
    1. Models. They aren't that "tasty" or visually beautiful.
    2. Inevitable paths. (They aren't lots, but anyway it counts)
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    After reading other reviews, I downloaded this.
    I was hoping it would be a rare example of "so bad it's good," but in all honesty?
    It just sucked.

    I really hate saying that because, despite an art style I wasn't crazy about, it had a lot of potential. Many characters, divergent story lines...

    If the story was more sane (didn't go from 0 to 100 at the drop of a hat), there were more scenes to flesh out some characters (Gwen, for example, you go from holding hands, to ass fucking, to getting blown while her sister watches, to sex, to her kinks... in what seems like an in-game week, where as some time actually passing would make things seem more natural), if it didn't feel like it jumped scene to scene, and didn't just drop characters and plot points...

    I don't know. I could see it, with the right polish, pacing, and fleshing out of characters, being a 4 star game, while still being true to what it is, now.

    but as is, the pacing sucks, the story bounces all over the place without ever establishing itself, and things escalate to quickly (and weirdly) which just makes the whole experience a disjointed mess that I sadly just can not recommend to anyone at all.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    If you enjoy the early 2000s comedy movies but with way more gratuitous sex scenes you'll enjoy this you'll probably enjoy this. I can't fap when I'm laughing so hard. As with anything with a CYOA, there are times when the stories just end abruptly its kind of disappointing but there are several stories going. It's definitely good, I only give it an excellent because a particular storyline appeals to my Maso-Muscle Bitch fetish.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    So this was a hard game to rate. Yes there's grammar errors, yes the animations can be clunky. But here's the thing, this game does provide the most important part of any sex game, lots, and lots of kink. And you can't go wrong with plenty of xxx content. I also like how involved the devs are here. They accept feedback from posters, and have a great attitude. All in all its strengths far outweigh its weaknesses.

    As an aside I wasn't a huge fan of the dad. And the game needs a Marion and MC route.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Sex scenes have animations with different angles and animation physics is not bad.

    Bad Points
    - Girls/Women are not attractive and their faces are kind of weird.
    - Animation and render quality are really bad. They are like 360p or something like that, which is not acceptable at all.
    - We have an unoriginal, badly-written, and weird story.
    - Like all bad points are not enough now it's abandoned, and keep in mind this DEV's other game is abandoned as well... So don't wait for him to come back and start updating this game again.

    For The End
    This was a poor game before, but especially with abandoned tag now it's not even poor, I suggest not wasting your time with it and looking at other games.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I found myself clicking through the text. It just did not captivate me at all.

    Art: 2/5 I have seen worse.

    Story: 2/5 There is text.

    Characters: 2/5 They have themes I suppose.

    H stuff: 3/5 These were alright. Animated too.

    Overall: 2/5
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I really wasn't expecting much ( especially with those models) but this game
    is shockingly really good! the writing and slow pace( but not too slow) save a lot of the game short comings and most of characters aren't hateable assholes. all and all i say give it a try
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    With Rando Civ's warning, I entered the game expecting the worst. The more I was surprised to find a project which I would put above 80% of games on f95.
    Your choices has heavy impact on the story, characters are likeable and funny. Because of branching the story is kinda all over the place, but the game has thanks to it good replayability value.
    I'm really looking forward to this.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    When it first released (which was quite a while ago), I had played it and then quickly forgot about it because it was nothing to write home about and just plain bad in some aspects. With the new release I thought about giving it another try and I was treated with a much more fleshed out story and a good game in general. Currently I'd recommend trying the game out and I'll be looking forward to what it has to offer.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    A decent game, sort of fast paced, and has a strange story with branched paths. Though to be honest, I wouldn't have found the grandma storyline, if I didn't replay the game with slightly different choices.

    While early in development, with male models that don't exactly look great in comparison to other games, the female character models are pretty attractive, and it has branching paths with actual different outcomes (It's taboo as far as the eyes can see, which is pretty neat)
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    People have said that they have big tits, I hate monster tits myself,it scares the shit out of me , but I would say the tits in this game are just at the boarder of too much, the story is going pretty good so far, and will wait to see where it goes.
  19. 2.00 star(s)

    Agent HK47

    Based on 0.1 version

    Well, I am glad the dev left a warning not to expect too much from this game. After all, it is hard to be let down if you are below ground already.

    Story is pretty boring, with the classic absent father and bitchy older sister. I will give props for adding 2 older brothers though, as brothers are a rarity in adult games. It gives a hint a fresh air to the story.

    Grammar is terrible. Gave up trying to count the mistakes after the first minute of gameplay. Speaking of game length, the game is around 3 minutes long, with about 1 minute being filled by what can only be described as a manual animation.

    Visual are pretty bad, if not terrible. In this game, dicks have the magical ability to phase through clothes, which is pretty damn weird to see.

    Characters appears to be pretty boring. I have stretch "appears to be" since no character other than the older brother gets any real exposition in this version.

    This is probably one of the most disappointing games I have tried this month. I am usually vary of giving a review on the first version of a game, since I want to give the dev a chance to find his footing. However, with such alround low quality, I can't justify keeping silent. This is simply not good enough.

    If you think about downloading the game, take my word that you won't miss anything if you just leave.

    *Mumbles to self* Manual animations. Now I have seen it all......

    *** Update for 0.7 version ***

    So after not playing the game for 2 years, someone reminded me of its existance, so I got curious and decided to see if it had changed for the better.
    After 2 years of development, the game certainly has changed. For the better though? Well, I guess that is in the eyes of the beholder.

    While playing the game, I constantly had all kinds of questions popping into my head. Normally it is good for a game with a mysterious plot to make you have questions, but maybe not when the questions are stuff like:

    - Why does the older brother always call his mother-in-law "mother-in-law"? Is it to spite her, or can't he simply be bothered with remembering her actual name? The game never acknowledges this interaction (which happens multiple times) so I guess it is up to us to decide.
    - Why does the mother suddenly become a slut for her son? Why does she suddenly feel the need to strip down to her underwear in front of him, just to send him to the grocery store?
    - Why is a woman absolutely outraged for being mistaken for a teenager, despite being 32 years old? I know women who would comit crimes to be viewed as 15 years younger.
    - Why do we play as multiple people? I thought the youngest son was the one we controlled, but we also make decisions for his father, older brother and even the brother's wife. It makes me feel less like I am playing the younger brother, and more like I am the almighty overlord in a "Sims" game.
    - Why is Eve a chameleon? I chose the Eve route, because I liked the way she looked and acted. However, I was soon forced to settle with liking the way she acted, because her looks keeps changing every other scene. Why can't she stay the cute girl I was attracted to, instead of gradually being turned into a boy? I hate short-haired girls, which is one of the reasons I found Eve initially attractive.
    Fun side note: I always choose names from movies, games or cartoons when I play these games, and this time I named my MC "Butters" from South Park. Imagine my surprise, when at the end of the game, Eve ended up looking fucking EXACTLY like Butters from south park.... WHY?!
    - Is Alex (the older brother) a Ped? Seriously, in one scene he is facing his wife, who is 2 feet from him, and her head barely reaches his mid-section. Either she should be a stand-in for the next "Smurfs" movie or he should become a pro-wrestler under the name "Tower of Terror". Or maybe the models are just insanely FUCKED for this scene.

    The game has come a long way since last time, and there are some neat little details that I liked in the game. Like Eve being a nerd, despite the fact that she acts like the bane of all nerds in public. Also, she apparently has periods, which is usually a bodily function only remembered in legends on this site, so props for that little detail.

    But a small nugget of gold here and there, does not a good game make. I played half the game, settling into the role of a normal young man, trying to figure out the non-existant solution of how to talk to girls, and then suddenly the game turns from a slice of life to... something else?
    The game suddenly introduces all these new elements to the story. Superpowers now exist. Mind control potions are not only real, but they have been used for years. But superpowers and mind control could easily become boring during the 10 FUCKING MINUTES since they were introduced, so let's throw in a fucking cloning facility, because why not? What's that you say? You are not impressed? But wait; THERE'S MORE!!! Have a spaceship and some aliens my good man!

    Bear in mind that all the above elements was just from a single story-branch, so god knows what else is in the other storylines.

    After getting a headache trying to keep track of all these new elements, presented to me in an unreasonably short timeframe, the game seemingly took mercy on me and slammed on the brakes, going from 1000 MPH to dead-stop in less than 2 seconds and slapping a "The End!" on my forehead. Can't you guys keep a steady pace going, all this 0-100 and back to 0 is making me feel sick.

    I tried. I really tried to give the game a chance again, but it is like trying to train a headless chicken: It won't listen to you and it dies in 30 seconds anyways.
    The story is better than last time, probably because there is simply MORE of it this time around, but almost none of the story makes any sense. The game and story is slow and regular for a while and then it starts bombarding you with mind control potions and spaceships. Just... no. In a game like this, you need to build up supernatural elements, you can't just throw them in there, because you feel like it. Also, most games struggle to use a single supernatural element convincingly, but this game has like 5 or 10 of them, and it just becomes a giant cluster-fuck. You bit off more than you can chew, and funnily enough, I am the one feeling the pain because of it.

    Giving the game 1 extra star, because I do see an effort being made, but the game is just too much of a mess for my taste.