Ren'Py - Demon Boy Saga [v0.71] [ReidloGames]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    this games wasn't even good back when it came out. The renders are grindy and not really any competition vs. the best this genre has to offer.

    The stories/tasks are equally sub-par, and told many times before: family falls from riches to rages due to the fathers wrongdoings, son has to step up, middle sister gets backmailed with sexy videos of her and you have to retrieve/steal back the evidence from her ex BF, former erotic model mom get sexually harassed at her new work, the laundry machine breaks down and mom (in a g-string) tries to repair it. Older sister sets up a clothing shop and needs money.. Mom needs a massage after work, yoga sessions...You get the gist.

    there is a half-working hint system

    Some images/animations are indeed nicely done and there is some voice over, but if you like the sandback-beta-male-with-comically-large-dick-corrupts-his-notfamily-genre, you are better served, elsewhere, bro
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    their is not much a story really as it is very repetitive with clicking a billion times just to get from point A to B then their is the other chunk of clicks it takes to further the story and at times you can get lost on what it is your suppose to be doing in order to advance the story , the renders are not all that bad they could be better . but what really does it for most is the excessive grinding and clicking that does it for most .
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a fantastic game! possibly the new MilfyCity.
    Amazing girls and very natural bodies. No plastic tits and square asses.
    I have reached the end of all the content. It's a game with inventory, stores, money and many other things.... Technically very good.
    People are liars if there are any sex scenes and I haven't found any paid ones. They are trolls although they are the typical ones who hate sandboxes or who want quick sex.
    The girls are already starting to be corrupted. Really looking forward to Sofia becoming a slut along with the sisters and the animations are fantastic.
    I'm really looking forward to the continuation of the stories.
    Don't listen to the liars below. You like MilfyCity and sandboxes try it. If you don't like them don't be a troll
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    nice looking model / NO SEX SCENE

    but for another thing this is totally one star
    worst thing is paywall scene if you want to sell it go to steam or make it patroen only

    story are kinda bad too
    the movement are bad and everything is hard to find

    the update are kinda short and slow too
    I'm okay with sandbox though just not okay with many pointleess travel system
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    The biggest issue with this game is the movement. The house and buildings are pointlessly hard to navigate. There is a map but it doesn't show your current location only the location of women. However with out being able to get your baring it's hard to even know where the women are.

    This game would benefit from eliminating pointless hallways and implement an easier travel system.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Outdated models and animations boring progression and annoying gameplay This is a game that has been eliminated
    It's a complete waste of time. He doesn't even have the stamina to play the game that the infamous brother has. You can beat several other better games
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    This literally has nothing even after 3 years of development.
    It's like the dev hates sex.
    Plot 1*

    Renders moderate and not high quality

    Literally no scenes - 1*

    There is a HUGE amount of Grind
    The title is misleading
    There are no scenes , no sex , no penetration ! No nothing! Just a handjob!
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Hidden sccenes with paywall. Its just cash-grab thing.
    No point in dowloading this game at this point.
    No content with mom.
    3 Sisters 1 handjob and thats it .
    pretty much no content game.
    have few other girls that are random and have 1 sex scene with one that is so bad that it shouldnt be in game at all.
    just move on there is much better games.

    And one more thing: im amazed that on this pirate sites guy (Darkmage)
    who is aparently friend with dev is deleting links when some1 post update. because they charge 15/10/5e on buying this game on their page.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Vincent Valentine

    DBS is a game that I enjoyed, but it didn't leave a strong impression. I think it's slightly underrated, so even though I'd give it 3 stars, I wanted to bump it up to 4. There's effort behind it, but I don't find the storyline particularly outstanding. My level of expectation since the update of certain games makes it difficult for DBS to enter my top 10. It has good adult scenes, so if that's what someone looks for in an adult visual novel, it's perfect for them. However, I believe it needs a more in-depth development of the characters' psychology and a stronger background story; currently, it feels somewhat superficial. Everything depends on what one expects from an adult visual novel.

    Now, as I mentioned from the beginning, there is real work put into it. The game keeps you engaged from the start to the end, which is not the case with all games, so that's very good. The visuals are good, and while the girls may give a sense of déjà vu, they do the job. I don't regret playing it; I just feel that the competition is tough. What saves it and what I find successful is the sandbox aspect. It doesn't revolutionize anything either, but it's effective, and I believe it was essential to have it this way, even though it could have worked without the sandbox element. It's a pity that we can't replay scenes in the sense that we can choose the order of progression, but that's a personal preference because, in the end, it's still effective.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Cmon another fullon grindfest. Renders are Okay-ish, tags/genres interested me but there is just too much grind. Hints are usless, game doesn't tell anything. Count me out. There are much better games out there.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    OK, the story is not the most original, but at least the father wasn't a veteran who got cancer. Good graphics, attractive cast, OK dialogue, easy navigation, the spooky part isn't annoying to me...
    What is not to like?
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    A two is just for the development effort. The rest is a big minus, there is some plagiarism and not enough content with the main characters. And instead of adding content, unnecessary locations and secondary characters are being created. So far it looks like milking. The same point, if you want to get extra content, you have to pay, it's a Ubisoft product?
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    i endure on this game for 1 or 2 hour
    only seen 1 nice ntr scene and some scene i need to pay for it
    wow just wow ! didnt know that before lol maybe im just too new for adultgame commu
    and mc look like more loser than demon to me
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    This game had no proper sex scenes for how many updates now? TO MANY TO COUNT and every scene has a paywall behind it as if it isn't bad enough. no content for free and possibly no content even if you pay is pathetic. not worth downloading really unless you have hope of which i have none.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    If you don’t like sand box game is totally fine but to put 1-2 stars only for that is a joke. I played the game and the stories with all girls are fantastic and the women body and faces are very beautiful. I hope to continue like this 5 star from me.
  16. 1.00 star(s)

    Digital Pimp

    I try to be patient with games, see where the plot leads and how the characters both evolve/devolve and develop. But when your plot is pure cliche and the characters cardboard cut outs, there's no place to go but down. Update after update I've watched this game go literally nowhere. The relationships (such as they are) are both stagnant and uninteresting. The main character leaves a lot to be desired also, particularity in terms of likability.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Creepy, kinda looser MC.
    LI have good assets, but some are annoying.
    Played some hours, felt no real progression.
    Feels like you're just pushed around waiting for something significant to happen.
    Only "progression" would be for NTR scenes, those came earlier, but just not my cup of tea.

    Might cater for a horny teenager audience, its not horrible overall.
    Just felt like a waste of my time
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    First of all , if you got a lot of free time and you're fine with Sandbox games, so this game isn't that bad , many bad ratings came from people hating grind and Sandbox, they just want easy fap, and they're not able to progress in the game, because the unclear guide and navigation maze.

    + for the models and sex scenes, it got some hot scenes and beautiful girls .
    Yes the Story world is generic, but i enjoyed the dialogues and the plot and the ideas to reach the girls .

    - for the unclear guide but personally i enjoyed solving that problem , Warning : you'll get stuck and lost with the quests.

    - for Navigation system Especially inside the home , hard progress .

    ● Edit : -2☆ Stars for making more P2W locked scenes with last updates.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm lucky I don't usually look at the ratings on this forum because they are 90% of the time ridiculous and very childish.
    Just look at how they give it 1 star and those who like it like Bruce555.
    If you don't like it I don't waste my time.

    This game is a hybrid between Bad boby saga and Milfy City (he is even one of the programmers of Milfy City).
    The character gradually becomes obsessive about the girls that are there (Normal models are very good and natural).
    I guess people complain because it starts off slow but little by little it starts to heat up.
    The system that everyone complains about and frankly I can't find any kind of explanation for it.
    It's the same as Milfy City, and other great games. The navigation is a clone of these. Summer time saga, Lust of desire....
    The game is frankly similar to Milfy city, same times, many different scenarios, many hot girls.
    The only thing that can happen is what I mentioned before and people don't dig deep. From my point of view right now it's in my top 5.

    The girls are totally different and so are the stories. Normally in games I usually get interested in 1 or 2 girls. In this game I find them all very interesting.
    I found Mandin very funny. And there are some very funny scenes.
    The scenes are extremely hot and you can tell that they are made with a lot of care and with very good sound effects.
    If you like Milfy city try this game and don't listen to people. At the beginning it's hard but then it gets better and better.

    Animations: 4,5 stars
    Graphics: 4
    Story: 4
    Writing: 3,8

    Total: 4 (But I'll put 5 because all the reviews I've read don't make sense).
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ Demon Boy Saga v0.61]


    Art's clunky. Premade assets are fine until attempts are made at emoting. The backgrounds, layout, and integration are all all amateur hour.

    Writing is bad. It's The Return of Unreasonably Hot Mom + Two Hot Sisters trope, subsection 13b2: Another extraneous sister. Narrative is both rote and ripped off and the characterization is halfassed.

    The porn is also clunky; there's no convincing buildup/payoff, stuff just happens. The faces make everyone involved a Brown Bag Special in the making.

    Gameplay is the truest indicator of quality here: the UI is ugly and terribly laid out, navigation in boner-destroying, and the game opens by telling you it's a fully free sandbox and then leads you around by the nose every step along the way like it's insecure that the player will wander off if not micromanaged between every frame.

    TLDR: Fear is the mind-killer. This is the boner-killer.