To be frank I think 2 stars might be too generous but I'm a generous guy. English is terrible and continues to get worse as you proceed through the game. Many of the women are referred to as "he" when a simple google search and minor English comprehension could tell you that is wrong. It's a sandbox with shitty navigation, probably have an easier time navigating a different country without a map. Renders are not good, in a neutral pose they look fine but god forbid they show any emotion, absolutely horrendous. Especially Claire, she ages by like 20 years when she frowns. Animations are incredibly basic and bad, might have been good a few years ago but not anymore. Story is boring, prologue takes about 4 in game days and that is too long, one or two days max should be all is needed. MC is another wimpy retard with a huge dick and that is really fucking tiresome. Overall, don't play this.