Unity - Completed - Demon Sword: Incubus [v1.17b5] [Brianode]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I'd say its comparably worse than Holy Knight Ricca

    I dropped this at stage 4 boss. maybe its just me but the keyboard control is too janky. and the game expects me to be frame perfect in my attacks and counters. I would probably have been much better if I used a controller but eh, the encounter has ran my patience too thin too fast for me to continue. I'll just git gud somewhere else.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has good replayability if you don't mind grinding from some points of the game. Model is good but the story is plain at most. Gameplay-wise, it is fine but a bit rough. There are noticeable input delays as well as problematic difficulty scaling, and personally I am not a big fan of its key mapping

    Final review: 4/5; some rough parts are just annoying at most

    Also if you find it difficult to get H scene in game, try to play the game without that one ability on bottom left. I enjoy it more this way
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is kind of mid/average... The story is cookie cutter at it's peak
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    The game shines however in it's combat or more like the amount of skills/magic available to the player once unlocked but the downside is that the game is poorly balanced, at normal difficulty enemies start to deal a shit ton of damage/ you do little damage (at early to mid game) because of that I changed the difficulty to easy and it became a fckign breeze the enemies deal so little damage to the player and take a lot of damage (also because of the latter skills/better stats at higher levels). Finished the game and there's one more "superboss" that I haven't beaten because that boss is post game (after finishing the game) and can only be played on normal (can't play at easy against this boss) so I don't know what unlocks after beating him/it but I don't have the patience to grind levels just to beat it (already maxed my attack stat and defense stat and crit). The variety of skills/magic is really nice as it's very diverse in the visual effects department.

    As for the H content it's the Standard Action RPG monster x heroine. A lot of it is just that, and a few lesbian/girl monster x heroine scenes. But the costume system is kind of nice as a change of pace throughout the gameplay and it's kind of fun to get a new costume after finishing a chapter (although the costume does not change much but visual style). Game is also voice acted and it's kind of meh to okay.

    TLDR: worth playing if you just want to waste your time (there are a shit ton of better alternatives to play) with a mediocre H Action game (mediocre not implying it's bad but it's kind of not good either) or if you're looking for an H game that focuses on heroine x monster (1v1) scenes.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    As a platformer player, its really good with the combat and the animation isn't half bad. the grind isnt tht much and the game is pretty enjoyable . The replay value is there but if its a hentai game its too long and quite a few repeated animation thou. But doesnt mean its not a 5 star rating h-game =)
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The game play is decent at best and the animation scenes aren't that great. You can customize clothing but not the overall apperance of the girl. There are custom sex scenes for different mobs and bosses but that's pretty much the only good thing about it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I`d still 5 star this for being a good game even without having to see one H scene because I spam that kamehameha at one direction and kill all enemy at one skill. Played for like 30 mins before finishing it.

    The fnishing blow seems bugged because everytime I use the "ultimate" skill as finisher, the camera falls under the map and I don`t see anything.

    Fun gameplay
    Various skills and enemies
    Animated and voiced
    Voiced cutscenes
    Lots of enemies
    Decent game length

    The H scenes are not that great
    Hard to get H scenes at battle
