VN - Others - Completed - Demonheart [v1.61] [Rolling Crown]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    THIS IS AMAAAAZIIIIIIING, I'm in love with this game and its characters, already played 'Demonheart: Hunters' and I'm just begging the world for a third part (if there gonna be one ;D)
    I really like the style of art and how scenarists worked on the dialogues, even when you try to hate some characters - it's just hard, because all of them have their motivation and throughout the game you are creating some kind of a bond with all of them (I mean, the main ones - Raze, Ari and Brash). Some events were really not expected and made me choose the option 'Scream', because that's what I would do in rl :D
    I just loooove this game, I even love to replay it with the same options that I already made only because of the story itself. It is pretty good, I mean it, just find some time to play this game, I dare you - you gonna like it :D
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    They need to add the sequel and this more of a rating for both combined.

    They are for sure above average story, characters development, simple rpg, art, and grind/progression.

    The characters and how they are handled I would say is the best part even the semi rapey guy has plenty of good points and really more developed in 2nd game.

    Good twists (though obvious if pay any attention).

    Can have a F+M or F+F romance ! both are great in their own right.

    Could use more sound, adult art, and maybe a little more rpg stuff to make this closer to a 5/5, but this 100% underrated again though need to play both without sequel is silly sequel is what really helps.