VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Depraved Awakening [v1.0] [PhillyGames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    good story. mostly good 3d modeling. the animations could have had a little more bounce. making the right choices can be pretty tough so definitely play w/ the mod. dialogue gets a little repetitive towards the end of the game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    What a fucking game, jesus christ. I wasn't expecting a story as good as this. Lots of plot twists and unexpected scenes I wasn't ready for. Clearly the developers knew what they had in mind when making this game. A perfectly executed one. I haven't unlocked all endings and i'm already excited. 10/10 would play again.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I played through this game after I enjoyed a version of City of Broken Dreamers, so I had some expectations for Depraved Awakening. I am happy to say that I am more than satisfied.

    While my standards for plots in adult games may be a bit low; plot is likely seen as justification for sexual contents to several creators, so I knew what I was in for when I download one. The story is a nice take on the Film Noir genre, with its cynical (and possibly amoral) protagonist, intricate plot and distinctive lighting. There is also clear emotional weight in the story as some scenes (sexual and otherwise) did tug my heartstrings. Not exactly innovative for the genre but a very good story nonetheless.

    The love interests are excellent as they grew more significant as the story progresses. This makes which ending you end up choosing actually feel important as some endings - combined with emotional investments in some characters - can feel either gut-wrenching or triumphant. Of course, this doesn't apply on every available love interest since not all of them are directly involved in the central plot.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I always loved a good detective story, this one is really excellent, characters are interesting and graphics are beautiful. the film noir vibe really works well and gives it a perfect touch of mystery.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played many different VN's, and only rated this one. Perfect game in my own opinion.

    Graphics 10/10
    Lewd Scenes 10/10
    Story 15/10 - (Only VN to almost make me cry during certain scenes).

    Overall, there are many different options of how you want to play it - and how the scenes and story evolves.
  6. C
    4.00 star(s)


    Game's decent and definitely worth a download, especially if you're into film noir.

    All girls have character, plot is pretty good, animations and renders are alright. The game will grip your attention, in some moments your feelings, and in others your naughty bits. There are quite a few fappable scenes.

    You won't find any fancy tech under the hood, like in other RenPy games that are barely even VNs at this point, you won't find any stellar characterisation, plot, dialogue, or anything like that. But the game doesn't need that to be good. It knows what it is and it makes full use of that.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    To be honest with you?Propably the best game I played.The story is fucking great and interesting,also the most important thing is that its on your own how you go through the game.The choices are really important and can cost you a life of each girl or even your own life.Second things that really show how developer created a good game are BEAUTIFUL RENDERS and how the scenes are showed.

    Overall 5/5 for this game and really greetings developers for this game :)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Yes the renders are great and get amazing towards the end. But it's really in service of an amazing world-building game among the best.

    The (few) critics will say well isn't sex kind of just thrown around meaninglessly in this game? My rebuttal is this is really a fictional city in an alternate universe where life is gritty and sex is casual. The game goes out of its way to remind you of the world you live in: the music is dark and fantastic, if the characters aren't sexy girls they're absolute madmen or jerks who will do anything. It's not just sex, everything is dirty in this world. In this game sex is just the way people cope and you buy that because of the consistency of the theme. This is what separates it, for example, from other games that have inconsistent tone but constant sex.

    Other major strengths of the game: legitimate branching paths, choices matter, a good diversity of scenario plotting.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved the high quality models/renders. Plus the choice of more... realistic proportions on the women seems to have made the immersion... more immersive? This is a well put together game that will require multiple plays to find everything. It was also well written and did not suffer from awkward "googlese" translations (at least the English version) that many games have these days.
  10. 5.00 star(s)



    This is honestly the best adult game I've ever played! Incredible movie-quality story line, beautiful 3d animated scenes, great dialog, and a variety of options during sex scenes! I played with the incest mod and once I started playing, I could not stop. Took me about 6 continuous hours to play from start to finish, and the storyline was soooo good!

    I will be watching for more titles from PhillyGames. - This one was 10/10!!!
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Depraved Awakening Review / v1.0 / Played with Lain's Mod

    - 4/5 - Good Story / Choices Matter / Music Adds to Atmosphere / Girl Facial Designs Take Getting Used To

    What I Liked:
    1) Story -
    It's not perfect, however, the story is dark, mysterious, and tense, and murder mysteries are cool.
    2) Choices Impact the Story - A wrong choice has serious consequences and ultimately affect the MC's fate, sometimes fatally.
    3) Music Adds to the Atmosphere - I like the music. It's apt and appropriate for the setting and theme.

    What I Don't Hate:
    1) Girl Facial Designs Take Getting Used To - For me, some of the girls have odd facial designs (ex. Kira's eyes, Mi-Do's jaw line and hair color, etc.).
    2) Animations Aren't The Best - When sensual scenes occur, the bodies smashing into each other produce illogical movements (ex. chest areas and gravity).

    What Needs Improvement:
    1) Sensual Scenes Feel Misplaced - I felt that the scenes where just kind of thrown in there to be there as opposed to serving a plot purpose. Perhaps this is a bit too critical or nit-picky.
    2) Some Underdeveloped Characters - There are a few characters I wish we could've got some background on (Carli, Matlock, Mi-Do, Kira, Christina, and even the MC). I wanted to figure out more about their motivations and knowing their histories better would've helped me.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story and great scenes! One the the top notch VN, every choice has consequences, and the sex is there to enhance the story as well. Now I just gotta go and wait for city of the broken dreamers to finish.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The models are beautiful, that I can say. I really enjoyed fucking the red head and I believe the diversity of boobs and asses can satisfy many

    The storyline keep you there for quite a while and your actions have consequences so I had to be careful.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    First game I played from Philly. God that was some dark shit for a storyline, but great, I tend to like dark stuff. Art work was awesome. His latest game City of is right on par or better then this. I'd definitely recommend playing both if you like dark shit lol.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    I had a really hard time picking a rating for this.

    On one hand, it's well polished, there's all those good tags on it, multiple endings, an good idea for the the world...

    But on the other hand, it just didn't hold my attention... I found myself not really giving 2 hoots about any of the characters and it wasn't really worth playing for the smut as that was average at best.

    I feel like 3.5 would have been fairer but there's no way of doing that... I can see some people really liking it, I just didn't much.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent story, great scenes.
    Bound to keep you entertained for quite a few sessions.

    Scenes are thought out and fit the story, progression feels natural. The main character doesn't come off as a creep which is a big plus for me.

    Will definitely replay to see what difference choices make.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, theres lots of plot in here and the characters are amazing. Some very different personalities aswell. The sex is awesome too. There is one thing i didn't "love" about the game though which was you could get rough with every girl and every girl seem to like it. Its still worth a 5 star rating but it kinda makes it abit "unrealistic" that every girl got into the rough stuff.
    Still though the routes were awesome too. Endings amazing aswell. Allround a great game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Good Story - interesting enough to keep you entertained without being overly long and boring

    Good Graphics - the girls were hot

    Multiple Directions - story is somewhat linear but has enough choices to make it replayable; ad most importantly, no "instant death" choices (I hate those). So no matter what you choose, you will make it to the end (good or bad).
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a fantastic game - a rare treat for those who will look beyond the fact that it's a 3D rendered visual novel funded on Patreon. It might be slightly marred by an unimaginative opposing force, but it's a mere trifle in comparison to everything else it can offer and I can fully recommend it to everyone

    Full review can be read here.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a fantastic game. Game has noir investigation atmosphere with a bad ass but average guy private detective as protagonist. Render is absolute top class. Story is interesting and exciting. Characters are well written with different endings. Game has a lot of content. I played the game twice and second time I choosed different route of the entire story and only a few scene was common so absolutely replayable.