I found the debug items on start and ran through item tests.
1) The Rose transformation seemingly does not work. Every other transformation potion did work.
2) Many transformation forms have the skills Breath Armor and Breath Weapon, which are probably placeholders but fine enough.
3) I noticed the interesting linked transformation forms of normal Bee and Queen Bee, in which a normal Bee can promote themselves into a Queen Bee, but there can only be one Queen Bee on your team, so the skill to upgrade your unit won't work otherwise. I noticed the Queen Bee had the usual Breath Armor and Breath Weapon skills that seem to be placeholders on the Lamia and Mermaid as well, but I suspect more will happen between the normal and Queen Bee forms later. I don't think the normal Bee form had any new skills, IIRC.
4) The new beast head is kinda nice. It's more pronounced than the old one.
5) I noticed some interesting transformation items that fine-tune body shape, which was nice. I also noticed permanent base stat boosters. Something that powerful needs to be limited by cost difficulty but those potions are fair game in RPGs.
I've not had the time yet to actually play, but I started from zero so I'll see how it goes. If there's anything I suspect I might have trouble with, it's rushing the first area so fast I'll miss collecting blue herbs. But I'll see if normal mindful effort is enough to handle that.