Seems to be a bug with the bats and vampire(ss). The game says they get hungry and bite, which is supposed to lead to an increase in corruption. However, no actual corruption seems to occur. But then if the vampire(ss) has sex with a character it does lead to more corruption; just of the wereslut type not vampire. There are also some pillars you can push the wrong way onto rocks which breaks the mechanic, and some of the jump points in the crypt will jump you onto walls instead of to the path underneath.
Also, some thoughts in playing through the cemetery and crypt area, I think the gender bending is getting weird. Not in the "it shouldn't be here", but just that if feels odd in when it is and isn't being used. For example, I was kinda expecting a point to having male and female undead, but the zombie gender when they bite you doesn't seem to matter. Which just feels like you are making more work for yourself since it seems you are making all the art for the game. Mummy attacks don't seem to differ between male and female types, which I assume at base would be the point of having a male and female type enemy if there is no TF involved.
The gender TF curse also feels more of an inconvenience than a curse. It rarely seems to stick and most of the time my characters can literally just walk it off. Meanwhile the ghost possession which feels like it should be on a timer, I generally have to go get it exorcised. The ghosts make a more threatening situation than a succubus turning a party member into a girl in front of an incubus (which on that thought, I feel they should tf male characters). Personally, I feel the gender curses should either stick upon timer runout or if you flee while under one. Or if to a female and impregnated, that might be a condition to make it stick. It also feels like that might make it easier on the coding side as well. Though to be honest I have no idea what wizardry you are using to make this game as awesome as you are with transformations like this.
Or as an alternative, maybe just make curses stick once reaching maybe 50% corruption? That would also be another way to make them more of a negative status effect. Maybe even have them add a bit of corruption each turn. Though on the note of corruption, it might be nice to have an item to reduce it for longer incursions into dungeons.