Ren'Py - Desert Stalker [v0.16a] [Zetan]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    [Reviewed v0.14d]

    This game is quite special -- great premise and story, tons of H-scenes with animations, hours of content and regular updates. If you like family harem games with sci-fi / fantasy settings, this is close to perfect.

    The Good ((y))
    • A diversity of girls with different personalities and body types (though "curvy" is definitely a prominent theme)
    • Well-done renders and environments, with some unique settings
    • Great, varied animation
    • Well-crafted story content -- there are times when the narrative storytelling is better than the game elements
    • A harem game that makes sense within the story
    • Nice score / sound design (not the same songs on repeat)
    The Not-So-Good ((n))
    • A bit of a cliche "MC is the savior and everyone is in love with him" setup, but this is part of the narrative so it is more forgivable
    • Given the Middle Eastern setting and family elements, most of the female characters have similar features -- dark hair / eyes and darker skin (I love it but may not be for everyone)
    • Some updates are lighter than others with H-scene content and are more focused on progressing the story
    This game has become one of the steadiest, most enjoyable titles on the entire platform. Keep it up, Zetan!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A dreamy, loving wife that grooms more female subjects for our pleasure, a world that enables those who posses strength to thrive in social taboos. A queen that is not a genetic defect and is actually desirable. Daughters that are loyal and willing to serve their household by any means necessary...

    What more could a man ask for? (There's always something else to desire, I know <3)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best adult games I've ever played. The author FEELS what you need and deliver.

    Although I'm not objective bc I have pretty high compatibility with the author's fetishes, but even without that, the game is solid.

    The things that melted my frozen heart:
    • Family and incest are integrated into the story and don't look like typical staff "what if my neighbors will know that I fuck my sister oh no". No, here the relationship inside your family has a cozy warm feeling. You all live like family (and fuck like one). Family members love and serve each other.
    • The protagonist feels like a real person and not like a story function, he is powerful and manly but still cares about his closest people.
    • Women are submissive but still have characters and soul. It's actually pretty hard to write a submissive woman not as a doll in your story. This game is a great example of how it should be done.
    • 3d models are sexy and inviting, but not stupid instagram-hot like in many games these days.
    • Each sex scene is unique and well-integrated into the story. You can feel emotions through these scenes and connect with the characters.
    • I'm really excited about the upcoming pregnant staff, there are already some in this game (hive queen and the latest scene with kat), but I hope the author will explore this theme in more colors :3
    • The feeling of a cozy home versus a dangerous outside world is always getting me. I liked that in M**T and here it's even better.

    What could be done better:
    • More interaction in the house without our protagonist. I really liked the dynamic between Ain and Emilia and I want more scenes of how girls interact with each other (not necessarily ecchi scenes).
    • The video quality is meh, I can understand the desire to make the game smaller, but it's not even clean 1080p. I hope the author has the ability to rerender scenes in the future with better quality. Bc game outside of cutscenes is beautiful.

    I advise everyone who is positively shocked by this game to subscribe to zetan's patreon/ss and support him. People with such talent and fetishes should be rewarded!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Game have very nice graphics.
    Characters looks interesting, girls are beautiful.
    Story quite good and protagonist is interesting, but I'm not used to some possible choices like sharing thou I find them interesting.
    It's quite interesting that I can't say which choice is right just from dialog and which effect it will in future
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Just one word: Excellent!

    The story, the world building, the characters.. Everything is excellent. I especially love the complexity of a realistic dystopian world being presented through the MC. It makes the experience thoroughly enjoyable.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is Great, the worldview is built up well, and you can easily immerse in this wasteland world.

    Sex scenes are really delicate, and the fetish in the game is just right at the point. One of the NSFW games you have to try.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Slow start but loving the story and characters build up. It nice to have a game with 'proper' story line instead of those regurgitated college ones

    Just hope the updates are much quicker and hopefully will be completed eventually. Great work!
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Story: It's retaining my interest so far, however simply barely. There are are bunch of sexy bitches in this game and 90% of which are li’s. The GAMEPLAY TYPE PLAYS is transferring speedy with women, however the overarching tale does not appear to be hitting me yet. The main issue we see is a touch of a mystery plot with one of the girls, io don’t remember the name.

    Writing: The English is often awkward or even whilst it is extra natural, it is nonetheless bland. I assume it is only a mediocre translation and it is able to use a few proofreading past simply spellchecking. it is funny however, it did make me laugh, but some times I feel like yif you suck at writeing just use an AI.

    Renders: the renders are both good and bad, but overall the quality is there, you may need to squint to find it sometimes.

    Gameplay: typical VN, nothing you have not seen before. neither good nor bad. just normal, I would recommend this game to anyone with some timew on there hands.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Went in with low expectations, but wow, this game feels right at home. Love the semi-arabic(?) setting and the freedom. What i like the most, is that the author is not playing it safe at all, there are options, incest, sharing, gore, and while the latter is surely not my cup of tea, it doesnt feel forced and fits in the theme. The main character has maximum authority, basically untouchable, no bs you can do literally anything that fits in your moral codex without giving a fuck about law, order or consequences, and in a game that expects the player to be having 0 morals, it is always great fun to be the goody two shoes.
    Aside from this, i really really love the whole dynamic between the Queen and the stalker, it is so finely crafted, extremely rare to see something like this to such a deep extent.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great renders and an interesting dystopian setting. First dystopian vn i have experienced. The character models are beautiful especially for the neighbors ward. Certain outworld elements are interesting enough for me to comeback.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Not much to say here really, I've seen a lot of games with exeptional renders, tons of effort, amazing stories and virtually any other quality needed for an amazing game, but not a single one surpasses this one. You'd be lucky to find one that competes in a handfull of these areas, but if there is one that is even comparable to this one on all of them, then I'd very much love to play it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    my favourite game so far on this website. Visuals are really clean, story is intriguing and has some good choices, soundtrack is fitting.

    I hope in the future is possible for the mc to punish the cruel queen and become king of the city himself.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good, something about post-apocalyptic setting that I enjoy... The assertion of the MC and willfulness of the characters was just right... can't wait to see what's in store for future updates... The graphics and rendering are excellent...
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't really come back for games, but this one....

    It's an excellent game, you can't go wrong playing DS!

    Characters are beautiful, animations are really smooth, following the story is pretty simple, and the variety of choices makes everything better!

    I'd love to see more games like this.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Short Review, played to the end of the update.

    Best parts of the game would be the violence and combat. Theres very few porn games that actually have those, so its amazing when it does. Unfortunately, thats only the best part since everything else feels lackluster.

    I've seen people praise the game for the multiples choices but I wasn't impressed. There's no reason to kill women since they lock you out of content every time. The choices for women usually boil down to how you want to treat women, either a slave or not a slave. The only meaningful choice is if you want to side with a human eating hive mutant colony or not.

    There's also the annoying sandbox. It's not grindy which is a plus but its annoying having to skip time for an 3 part event that only happens in the morning. Eventually I just started fast forwarding characters I don't care about.

    2/5 game. It was fun in the beginning but the game goes downhill once you stop doing main story stuff. Stuff like the mutants and raiders are fun, but side content like your ex gf is boring. It loses all the charm Desert Stalker had just so you can be another porn game about family incest. The game would probably be a high score if we just stuck to raiders, stalkers, and mutants. Instead we gotta deal with family drama like every other porn game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    "I hope it won't end now"

    How many times have you got this feeling when playing VNs? Apart from BlackHeart Games, this one was the one that did it for me. The dev simply KNOWS how to writ a story, and what to make of a game.

    It has just the right amout of RPG, the right amount of free world and a PERFECT history to go with it.

    All the characters are unique, even the ones with only one scene. The protag has beliefs, a past and is consistent with it. The game just hugs you and you really hope it will go on.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily the best renders I've seen on this website. I am a hatred of most 3D models because of how shit the renders are, but this game's renders are amazing.

    The story itself is definitely a nice twist of Mad max. Will be paying close attention to this game for sure.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Cant do 1/2 star so im just giving 3 star but if im being honest id give this more like 3.5 /5 stars

    If it wasn't for any interesting setting and story I don't know if I would honestly like it. This game seems to get mentioned a lot so I thought it would of been better than it actually was.

    Story : Honesty this is only reason to stay and enjoy this game in my honest opinion. Tho if im being honest I actually liked the female protagonist you get play as for one section of the game more than the actual MC. Hope we get more of that later.

    If I'm being honest I thought the world setting was more enjoyable than alot of modern games even games with a similar setting like Fallout. While the setting and story was good there is a dry spell here and there where it starts to feel boring. Probably in part do to this game being a sandbox and having to pick which events to do and because of that you may end up doing alot of non essential events before progressing the story and can get boring for a time. The other reason well for me personally I feel like this game at times throws to many lewd scenes and events at you it gets tiring and boring. But once you progress the story it gets enjoyable.

    Characters : They are good and boring at the same time. For about 1/2 the game I want to say I did not care for any of them and thought they were boring expect for one. Then you start to finally get events that isn't just lewd scenes but expands on character development here and there. While I wouldn't say they are anything amazing they are still pretty good and different than most AVN's that make them refreshing.

    Animations and Renders : animations are pretty good most of time and some of the lewd ones can feel pretty natural. Then there is animations that are outsider of lewds and that is always refreshing to see. Renders arent anything special like the top tier games but they are pretty damn good at the same time.

    Overall I say this game is good maybe slightly above average overall and a few of the negatives keeps me from calling this game amazing but just feel like it's overhyped. But in the area's is does well in it's amazing at. Now if you are player that likes lewds more than character progression then this game probably be amazing for you. As this game has something to offer everyone in terms of lewds.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely some of the hottest characters/scenes. Game does a really good job with the various sex scenes and everything looks great. Some of the game sections aren't fully fleshed out yet but what is there (which is quite a lot) is well done. Highly recommended.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Desert Stalker v0.13c - A Must-Play Gem

    If you're open to a dark and thrilling game that combines explicit content with a gripping storyline, this could easily be considered one of the greatest of all time.

    Desert Stalker is a true masterpiece that deserves your attention. If you're seeking a game with an enthralling plot, stunningly beautiful characters, sensational music, and top-tier renders, and animations, then look no further.

    You'll find yourself engrossed in a gripping narrative that feels more like watching a movie than playing a game. The Mad Max-inspired world, accompanied by fitting music, immerses you completely.

    Desert Stalker excels in world-building, storytelling, and character development, earning a perfect 10 out of 10 in every aspect. The highly detailed world comes to life through engaging scenes and dialogues, sparing players from lengthy exposition. Each character possesses a distinct personality, offering insight into the game's culture and seamlessly advancing the plot.

    The numerous lewd scenes feel natural within the game's context, contributing to the immersive quality of the world. Even without the adult content, the story alone is a masterpiece, deserving of a perfect score.

    1. Compelling Plot: Desert Stalker delivers a banger of a plot that will keep you hooked from start to finish.
    2. Visual Excellence: The game boasts the finest renders, featuring exquisite characters, rich environments, and intricate details in the clothing.
    3. Character Depth: Every character is a work of art, not only in appearance but also in their unique personalities. They're not just eye candy; they contribute meaningfully to the story.
    4. Superb Writing: The writing is top-notch, ensuring an engaging and immersive experience.
    5. Outstanding Music: The game's music enhances the atmosphere, adding to its overall charm.
    6. Balanced sandbox: The sandbox experience, avoids the tedious grind found in other games, maintaining a natural and fluid feel.
    Non for me.