
Feb 22, 2020
Wow. The nerve on that Teacher. Embarrassing you in front of everyone and ruining your first impression for what exactly?! The reason she gave me was just to tease me about the girl I was talking to. And that's her lead-in to asking you for something?! And after all that she couldn't even offer an apology of any kind!

I'm sure those French lessons would have been hot but I'll never know cause FUCK THAT BITCH!


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021


Dec 7, 2023
Wow. The nerve on that Teacher. Embarrassing you in front of everyone and ruining your first impression for what exactly?! The reason she gave me was just to tease me about the girl I was talking to. And that's her lead-in to asking you for something?! And after all that she couldn't even offer an apology of any kind!

I'm sure those French lessons would have been hot but I'll never know cause FUCK THAT BITCH!
Funny, I came here to say pretty much that same thing. There would be plenty of simple "first day of class" reasons to politely ask the MC to stay after class for a moment. Instead she chooses to ask such questions on the first day of an introduction to philosophy class, and publicly scold us for not knowing the answer? I wouldn't have even answered her when she asked for the favor, I would have just walked out.
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Jun 12, 2017
Hey brother. Some kind words about your question regarding the money:

To me it's the same with every other thing in the world. Mainstream music, sugar, fast food, porn, basically anything. Taking pop music, it's not bad, it's just using a much used-before groove and sometimes slightly altering it, slightly deepening it or making it only slightly better.
Most pop music sounds great and fresh right off the bat, but then when you listen to a lot of it, it all starts to sound the same very quickly, because it's all build from the same patterns, the same tricks in high quality production, the same ideas with slight twists, and usually made to cater to as many people as possible and sell quickly.
As soon as you divert a little too much from this groove, or path, less people listen to it because they don't recognize it as what they know, or they just don't find it as easily, or they can't fit it into their idea of what they usually like, or it doesn't go down without chewing properly.
A lot of the time, these things are also pretty one dimensional and short lived. You may listen to your favorite song many times because it's literally build to stimulate your dopamine as much as possible, but it won't blow your mind or make a deep expanding impact.
Sugar hits pretty hard but it's not enriching, nourishing, long lasting or satisfying.

Finding hidden gems where people put their soul, emotion, care, boldness and personality into the songs has so much more depth and can make me feel so much more + literally change me by showing me a reflection of me inside that person's genuine creativity rather than forcing the creation of something that will stimulate, or even just reach, the most amount of people.

If I may give you some reassurance: To me you are part of the hidden gems here. It doesn't matter what the exact lines are, or getting too precise with how everything fits together, or how their faces look (even though feedback can be a good tool sometimes). To me, I feel that you created this with a genuine appreciation and humble creativity wanting to give a life to a vision that made you feel joyful to imagine and bring into being. I feel as if there is a soulful presence emanating from somewhere "behind" or "on top" of the visuals and words itself. It just has character.

I'm not trying to overpraise or exaggerate on the quality here. I'm just stating a literal sensation I'm getting when I play this game. It's immersive and draws me in.
It seems like you had a genuine spark to create something personal here which I and others can feel. That just makes it more rare and less quick to catch attention from "the masses" :p

You could also see it this way: You have JUST released your game and you are already getting some super positive feedback and it seems like people are enjoying and recognizing the love you put into it. That's absolutely awesome and will take you a long way in the end probably! You will build a more dense following rather than a quick following. It could have gone a lot worse :)

Anyhows, have fun creating!
Hey! Just wanted to say quickly. Appreciate you for writing this review of the game. It's really thoughtful - and clearly took a few minutes to write out - and I'm sure that effort meant a lot to the dev. I think a lot of the time people don't say those things (especially not in such a considered and passionate way) and it's really nice that you took the time to do so.

I also want to add (much more briefly) that I absolutely feel this way too. ElCharlo I love your game (the visuals (great great asses, as one other poster commented, there's a madison beer-y thing going on with some of the LIs that I also love), the teasing, all the interactions between the characters). I don't really have extra money to spend at the moment but hope I can support it at some point in the future. Really looking forward to the next release and hope as well that you're staying in good spirits! I have a (really) small business and I suspect it's the same in some ways as solo game dev: you can feel really lonely, there are great things about it (not least, it's something you're doing because you're passionate about it) but also a lot of challenges, and it can be hard to stay even and level rather than get affected by the rollercoaster (when you have a great day you feel on top of the world, when you have a bad day it feels like rock bottom and it'll never work). So yeah, not nearly as much or as eloquent as Kasoklar but wanted to write just to say that I hope you're hanging in there and feeling good + level about things overall and maintaining your enthusiasm. Because it does come through in what you've made and there absolutely are people who appreciate what you're doing + if you stick with it I'm sure that pool of people will grow!!


Active Member
Aug 21, 2020
shouldn't this one have "interracial" tag since MC look like refugee straight from a fucking boat while all LIs are white?
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