Developing Game


Feb 6, 2021
So I know how to make 3D models, but I am interested in making rpg game, like open world One1One1 type game, probably multiple protagonist . So The problem is I don't really know where to start, please guide me!
Following are the list of things I want to achieve.
1. It should have H scene in Combat.
2. Complete stats about the characters corruption.
3. It should be able to run on most of systems without lag.
4. Clothing System.
5. 3D Map.
6. NPC have daily life cycle.

Thanks you in advance. :D


Aug 17, 2020
Learn how to make a simple game first, and use a game engine (unity, unreal, godot) to save a lot of time since they carry built in mechanics, a community to help you and learn from, and plugin for mechanics that aren't in the base game engine.

You should have an understand of having to learn to do something from your 3D modeling experience where you didn't get exactly what you wanted but learned to reach it through mulitple models you modeled.


May 16, 2018
I will just post a quote a post that Papa Lewd made earlier on this thread

I can definitely relate to you because your goal is pretty similar to mine a few years ago. So if you're really serious, but willing to compromise and willing to take things slowly, here's what I would suggest, in a speedrun format lol:

1. Download Unity and watch some beginner tutorials to learn the interface and the absolute basics.

2. Download a free sample character model from a site like models-resource. Learn how to import that character into your game.

3. Learn how to get a very basic movement script on that character so you can move them around your game world (scene).

4. Learn how to import some basic objects to your scene, also downloadable from any number of sites online. Things like small huts or houses, boxes, trees, etc.

5. Learn how to test your collision against these objects so you can push them around (if it's an item you CAN push around), and so you CAN'T push around heavy/non-movable items like trees.

6. Import another character model into the scene, and watch A TON OF TUTORIALS on adding dialogue so you can talk with them. At this point, you aren't trying to animate them, you just want them to talk back to you. I don't know why, but I swear this is one of the hardest things I ever encountered as a beginner in Unity. It's something that every game requires, yet there are a million ways to implement dialogue and NONE of them are very beginner friendly lol.

7. Ok, if you're still alive at this stage (lol), now you can try to animate your NPC to walk around the scene in a preset direction. Maybe just from one side of the scene to the other and back. Don't try to animate their facial expressions, or any complex movements like shoulder swaying and sauntering, just get them to walk from point A to point B. That's it lol.

8. If you still haven't given up, keep watching tutorials on every topic you can find regarding Unity. You will never run out of things to learn or watch, and you can even go back over the previous steps and learn more about each one in depth. Learn how to add more complex animations, learn how to add your own textures, learn how to play around with different scene settings like lighting.

9. Much much further down the road, you'll want to start learning how to add a pause menu, inventory and other hud options, a GUI, how day/night cycles work, and a million other things. But the whole reason I wrote this is that I want you to look at the whole process as individual steps you can break down and accomplish one at a time. If you can tackle step 1 today, you can tackle step 9...someday.

It's a slow process, but it is very rewarding and very fun to learn all these new things. You'll have days where you are very frustrated because something in your code isn't working at all and you don't know why, but then you'll figure something out and it will be like the greatest day of your life. Game development is a fucking roller coaster every step of the way. But if you're brave and willing to work hard, and you REALLY LOVE IT, you can do it. Good luck to you, and feel free to ask anything you like along the way. I'm certainly not an expert in any one topic, but I've been around Unity awhile and gamedev in general a little longer, so I can try to help in any way I can.

In general, every road block you run into will be one that thousands of others have before, which is great. Because you'll never have a problem that someone somewhere hasn't already solved! I hope some of this helps.