With the cheat to Max level everyone, the game is EXTREMELY SHORT!
You need to save for everything, all sex scenes are either interaction with something before combat or lose the battle and reload.
No worries, the combat you lose for the sex scene will be in the gallery at the end of the game.
At end of the game I think it was the last 3 to 4 bosses that DO NOT have defeat sex scenes, so just win it and be done with.
Wait there is tag for prostitution, so wouldn't there be some town scenes? NOPE, NON, I think its put in due to the first tiny town or base whatever you want call it that its own by bandits and slave trader but its just 2 scenes there, 1 defeat(its actually 2 defeat but they both end up the same sex scene) and 1 if you ignore the bandits for later after you win but you won't be back(Tip is save and ignore for sex scene then reload and don't ignore, as it will help with last dungeon a little).