This was disappointing. I was hoping for a Dungeon Keeper lite or even a Tower Defense and it's sort of a dumbed down Tower Defense at best with super generic sex scenes.
There are nine stages. You start with a grid of blocks with a point where enemies will come in (like a Tower Defense). Clicking on blocks destroys them and there are four types: Blank - Do nothing; Cracked - Summon a monster; Gold - Gives money; and Sparkly - Gives experience to any monsters currently spawned. Once you run out of setup time you have to place the Demon Lord somewhere on the board. Enemies will come into the entrance and sort of wander randomly. Your monsters just sort of mill around. Once enemies and monsters get close to each other they'll fight. Repeat until all the enemies are dead (in which case it's time for the next wave or you've beaten the heroine of that level). Between levels you can upgrade your bricks and monsters using Gold.
Also, after you beat a heroine you get a super generic rape scene. The backgrounds and girls aren't even fantasy themed. You click on erogenous zones to strip them and then get to see them have sex with one or more penises. Move onto the next heroine. These scenes could literally have come from any of these "play minigame and get sex scene" type games.
So there's not much strategy to the game, unfortunately. Just carve out a long tunnel, plop the Demon Lord at the end of it, and then click as many resource blocks as possible while combat plays out. Do some upgrades, rinse repeat.
It's a tiny file so not much harm in giving it a try but I was disappointed.