ColonolNutty as always thanks for the update. and...
I'm wondering if you are going to implement something for the "woohoo partners" (if it's there and I missed it sorry lol)
but yeah the "friends with benefits" relationship state from the base game that allows to woohoo, but don't require or raise romance.
suggestion for the kinky module: skip the requirement to "introduce yourself" to the victim.
ie:I made a boarding house "vampire nexus/bad neighborhood". basically a save the roommates scenario. keep them happy and they wont leave.
but Vlad and company... well... let's just say they are not cooperating under these circumstances lol (yeah already added the trait)
and having to take control of the vampires, bring them to the lot, and go around the house. "hello, my name is Vlad/Lily/Caleb/RandomlyGeneratedVampire and I'm going to be your r*pist for the night" is too much micromanagement (even for the sims lol)
and quoting the skyrim forums "unimmersive as f*ck" XD
I could do it with a club but. . . it would still require introducing and clubs tend to overstay their welcome for extended periods of time. . .