HTML - Devious World [v100a/v44a] [Devious Skooma]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    It feels like 90% of the content just isn't there.

    I have no idea when the first release happened, but the first post was January 2018, its been two years and it still feels incredibly bare.

    My experience alone it had been roughly a year since I last had a look at this game only to come back and feel like nothing has progressed.

    I feel the developer needs to focus on finishing each path individually for the updates to feel like they have any weight behind them.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    the progress of adding paths is so slow, that you will grow beard before this game is near finished. Very short on visual content, huge text-heavy pages, and many many missing links due to non finished paths.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The writing is very interesting, but almost every path fails at some point due to discontinuous decisions.
    I achieved a game over twice without the developer being able to continue the game.

    I hate to bring this phrase again, but unfortunately that's the way it is.
    The game has potential and I would like to try later versions again. If it was just v50, I would probably only go back to v150, in the hope that many paths will then be completed and you will experience more than 15 screens before it doesn't go on.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great base characters which lead to interesting branching paths. Currently, there is a lot of great content and the options provided really help you drive the story forward while feeling like you're still in control. The downside with such a huge project is that you can get far in a branching plot but find yourself running out of options, since they haven't been written yet. In the future, these branching plots will receive content. Overall, it's a great text-based game with plenty of interesting content and branching plots that allow you to feel in control.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I tried this because the amount of tags seemed like there was probably more to the game than what was on the site, hoping to find content that was more to my interests (femdom or monster girls.) What I got instead was walls of text that make your eyes glaze over, an aggressive amount of inactive choices, and overall a feeling of something being too ambitious for its own good.

    The (minimal) Positives:
    • Range of playable characters seemed nice. I especially appreciate the inclusion of the 40-50something scientist woman, even if I found her story routes lackluster. Too much emphasis on de-aging her or transformations that tried to seemingly "make up" for her age & appearance.
    • There was one route I found that was pretty hot, at least?
    The Significant Negatives:
    • Too many inactive choices to the point where I wish they weren't even mentioned or displayed. Why give me the illusion of control if I'm just going to get railroaded into only the stuff the author bothered to actually finish or write? Especially frustrating when I tried to play as the single mom and ended up on parts where you have 4-5 choices and every single one is inactive. And then when you do get to make a choice, it often still ends up with you getting forced into scenes you didn't really want to see, or even scenarios you should be able to skip, being unskippable.
    • I don't mind reading in my porn games, I've played others that have quite a bit of reading (with no pictures, the horror!) The issue with this game is that often times you're given massive pages of text to read without any proper "breaks" in the action, often times with a choice at the end that leads into another 1000-word essay of yet-another-sex-scene. Other text-based games work so well because there's gameplay and interactivity that helps break up the text-walls, as well as stuff you can kinda "gloss over" because it's already content you've read and is there because it's serving a gameplay purpose (like text that says "you beat the goblin what are you gonna do with her?").
    • Some of the stories are just... unstructured. One plotline was the (somehow) common "put into position of power at a school and corrupt the students and faculty into sex-obsessed idiots," but then I took one choice and my character, who had already been transformed into a voluptuous dickgirl, was now suddenly in the body of the "average" Japanese high-school girl, complete with the dick she had just grown gone again.
    Things I'd Change/Add:
    • I know it might destroy the illusion of surprise for some people, but maybe something so you know what type of content is going to be behind whatever choice you make? A mouse-click or mouse-hover so it isn't in your face every time, but the ability to get a heads up if the setting or choice you make is going to end up making the girl grow a dick or if you're going to get transformed into a furry.
    • A goddamn save-system so I don't have to hit restart or back a bunch of times just to see where the rare actually-working multiple choices take me.
    Overall, I'd say if you want something text-based and heavily-fetishy, there's better choices out there, even if you've played them already.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played through all that I could find of this game (might have even missed some content, IDK), but from all of that, I've seen that this game has so many fetishes and so much content. It took me a month of reading to get through all of the content (again, I think all) and the game isn't even finished yet. I'll be closely following it from now on, all the content is well-written with few to no mistakes, plus there's just more content than imaginable.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    So many different path ways to take, and all of them have a lot of great fetishes and fandoms. Always a go to of mine. If you like branching narratives and some or all of the fetishes listed, you will like this. Probably.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    SO much fucking potential here, the author managed to create an array of unique stories each with their own twists and turns, now of course not all of them are finished ( or even started for some ) but the one that are are of top notch quality with engaging and spot on writing and a plethora of surprisingly compelling characters both humans and otherwise.

    And smut. A. Lot. Of. Smut. Ranging from cute and sweet vanilla to utterly fucked up and depraved whatever-the-fuck-flavor-this-is-supposed-to-be but even those are well written.
    If you don't let the occasional wall of text discourage you you could be in for a real adventure ranging from trying to nail your childhood best friend to accidentally killing the easter bunny and taking it's place to save the holiday and so much more.

    And yes the updates are few and far between but as long as the quality is there I don't see any reason to complain, plus some story branches are pretty much completely fleshed out and those that aren't still have smutty bad ends.

    So yeah 10/10 hope to see more!
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    [Review based on Version: 43]

    This is terrible.

    First this isn't a single game but what? over a dozen? And they are not supported, some are NOT supported at all. Which begs the question dev WHY THE FUCK INCLUDE THEM?

    I swear some stories are added just to be able to claim support for x playstyle without actually supporting x playstyle.

    I played three stories one ended almost as soon as I started it.
    The 2nd one ended after a couple of choices which left me thinking after fucking 43 releases why the fuck was this even included in the game? why not focus on ONE story and finish it?
    The third story had lots of choice and multiple branching paths but guess what? Every fucking time there was a choice/branching path the game "pinked" out all but one choice. So there was no fucking game or choice and even in that this broken state the story didn't end and had no sex. The fuck?

    I saw zero fucking sex content like zero. After three fucking attempts I said fuck this shit this is fucking pathetic and a waste of my fucking time.

    Hey Dev stop being an asshat with your game remove all the paths that have little to no content. ONLY add them when you actually have the stories done it has been over 18 months in development stop deceiving people. It is fucking annoying.

    Every negative point of this review could have been removed if the dev was honest and didn't pretend to support stories they had no intention of actually working on. Second why so many fucking stories at once? Just pick one or two and concentrate on those and drop the rest for the next game.

    Do not waste your time on this piece of crap people. Odds are you are not going to get any content on the story you pick and when three out three choices I made all resulted in zero sex, it pretty much shows this game is a waste of your time and effort in downloading.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a sound little choose your own adventure set up. Some paths are fairly fleshed out and go for a while, some end pretty promptly either by way of a game over to finish it or just ending it's support at the time. The author bounces all over the place as their mood strikes them, which isn't necessarily bad but can be annoying in when stuff just randomly ends.

    The quality is altogether good. Not the greatest, finest quality smut in the world, but definitely far above grade. However, the effort varies greatly. Some scenes have a rather heavy word count, while some are succinct enough to fit in a paragraph - again, seemly depending on the author's mood. They also really like bestiality, which shows up a enough to be noticeable and is almost always one of the actually written routes.

    The worst thing I can say about it however is the author has a pretty low-effort work ethic. Each monthly update doesn't actually add a lot even when they're having a good time, usually nine-ish paths are explored with 2-4 pages each. With most of this not being pornographic it's doesn't feel like much whatsoever. Still, that just makes for long pauses before checking it out again.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    There are dead ends all over the place, can't find one path that has some decent content or has any kind of resolution. What's the point of creating all these different branches, but not having any available content at all in them? Very frustrating game, will not play again.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is one of the best transformation games ive seen. Its updated regularly and each update adds quite a bit content. Ive seen people complain about unfinished paths but I personally dont have a probkem with it because every path that doesnt end is a path that more can be added to. I look forward to every update and the writing is well polished and varied enough to appeal to wide audiences. This game has increible potential and I look forward to seeing it realised.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has been in development for far too long to excuse the lacking content, and shallow branching choices. Much/most of it is futa content, which I myself dislike.

    After following this game for over a year, I've finally given up, due to no progress being put into any of the story branches that I actually enjoyed.

    The game has many nonsensical stories, which go to all kinds of crazy locations and involve many different insane plots, which suggests the dev, Skooma, likely just sat down for an hour or two when writing each, just to pad the game with worthless, meaningless content, trying to create the appearance of a world with lore and history, yet in reality just writing whatever he could think of. None of those stories ever go anywhere either, and either end abruptly or offer no ending at all.

    This game is a minefield of trying to avoid fetishes you dislike, so unless you like every fetish imaginable, you're going to discover something you won't want to read. Futa especially.

    It's a damn shame... The amazing concept of having a game with so many possibilities is ruined by the uninspired writing and ineptitude of its creator. (Yes, I believe I, or many others could do better)

    *Disclaimer: All fetishes are acceptable, no hate.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good, I hope to see more of this game in the future, I like the fact that you clearly have a lot of the base for everything already set up so that you just have to development from there. Of the endings you can get already, I am quit happy with keep up the work.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Devious World is a hidden gem among text-based smut. While it can't be compared to fleshed-out games like CoC/TiTs or Summertime Saga, it is, in it's own rights, a game worth looking into.

    The game itself is more like a hodgepodge of various ideas put into the same structure then a true linear story. It's something that would be right at home on

    UI 2/5 - One of the biggest hurdles new readers will have to face is the layout of DW as trudging through a swamp of dead paths and short lived breaths of writing can be discouraging. But when you stumble on a more in-depth story, then it becomes worth it as the quality of the writing starts to shine through.

    Returning readers will be able to find hyperlinks starting them on the latest updated paths in the Version History window.

    Writing 4/5 - The writing itself is pretty good and explores a very wide array of kinks. one of the main issues with the writing is not in the quality itself but how the game presents itself to you. You might be confronted with the choice of going left, or with going right. Where left will end in a series of lesbian cheerleader scenes, the right quickly has you turned into a condom and used by two giants fucking. (This is the actual choice presented and the actual outcomes btw)

    More often then not, this leads to the feeling that things are just happening to you, rather than you having a semblance of control over the consequences or scenario.

    This is partly due to most of the writing being done in the Teenager paths, where the author has stated that the teenagers are purposely written with very little free agency and are more malleable and open to what's happening. But if you're willing to go where the story takes you, you'll find you don't mind where you end up at.

    Author- Skooma has been plugging away for over four years and doesn't seem to be stopping. He does weekly updates for patreons and does monthly updates for free. He's currently been doing 25k+ words per monthly of story content, meaning that 100 of those words aren't just descriptors for your bone zone.

    Overall, it's worth a peek at the very least and don't be afraid to make judicious use of that back button in exploring all of the different paths and turns Devious World has to offer.
    Likes: Troqu
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    At first I thought this game was gonna be as good as “Corruption of Champions” and “Trials in Tainted Space” because those two are “worlds” in their own right. They were both insanely immersive and comprehensive html hrpgs and the amount of content they both have is insane and they even decided to add lore to the various races in their games because their fans were beggin for more of their incredibly detailed and extensive content.

    Looking at “Devious World” right now is a complete letdown for me. It’s good, but the version number, which is 24 btw, says a lot about how many revisions and edits that the base v1.0 had to have before people found it to be acceptable. I shudder to think about what v1.0 had been if people say that v24 is having a “it’s okay” response.

    All in all, needs more content and if you don’t want to add to the amount of words and stuff to tthe game then at least get some damn good pictures.

    At it’s current “point and click but you are limited to this scenario” state it’s in right now, it’s a 2/5.