I want to like this game. A lot. Character designs are great, visuals on the town, the UI, and overworld are great. Gyon, which is designed to be a large and confusing city, manages to be that, while being pretty straightforward once you figure out the town layout. I like the main character and I like the theme of the game overall. It's all very high quality and high effort.
But, I'm always getting kicked down every time I really start liking the game. While not as bad other RPGM games of this kind, there's still some of that RPGM jank around, breaking the game down if you happened to wander in to the wrong area at the wrong time and sequence breaking the game and possibly bricking the run, or a monster not taking it's turn in combat and soft locking the game. Character personalities are very bland and I found there wasn't really any trait to latch on to with any character. Even while fast forwarded, combat is slow, meticulous, and often times encounters feel too saturated.
Worst of all, and the main reason why this game is a 3/5 is how bad the quest tracker is. This is the kind of game where you pick up 3-7 quests in one batch, then go out and try to do as many as you can in one go, so little details given to you through dialogue is easily lost. A good quest tracker would help here, but this one almost worthless. The quest tracker would you where you need to get rent from a guy, but it turns out you need to be in the area at night, and he's in an alley, not even in a house that he's paying rent for. Or the main quest of the game telling you to "find a village far away" and the quest doesn't even tell you which direction you should be looking in the gigantic desert overworld map that you move veeerrry slowly in. Or a quest telling you to return to the NPC you picked the quest up from, and I don't even have the faintest clue on how to find her again. All of this leads to so much time wasted wandering around trying to find out where you need to be. If this quest tracker issue alone was resolved, I feel this game would be a 4.5/5 (5/5 rounded up).
TL;DR: A fantastically high effort high quality RPGM game marred by a quest tracker written and/or translated so poorly, you'll have no idea what you're supposed to be doing, which makes you waste a bunch of time wandering around.
I want to like this game. A lot. Character designs are great, visuals on the town, the UI, and overworld are great. Gyon, which is designed to be a large and confusing city, manages to be that, while being pretty straightforward once you figure out the town layout. I like the main character and I like the theme of the game overall. It's all very high quality and high effort.
But, I'm always getting kicked down every time I really start liking the game. While not as bad other RPGM games of this kind, there's still some of that RPGM jank around, breaking the game down if you happened to wander in to the wrong area at the wrong time and sequence breaking the game and possibly bricking the run, or a monster not taking it's turn in combat and soft locking the game. Character personalities are very bland and I found there wasn't really any trait to latch on to with any character. Even while fast forwarded, combat is slow, meticulous, and often times encounters feel too saturated.
Worst of all, and the main reason why this game is a 3/5 is how bad the quest tracker is. This is the kind of game where you pick up 3-7 quests in one batch, then go out and try to do as many as you can in one go, so little details given to you through dialogue is easily lost. A good quest tracker would help here, but this one almost worthless. The quest tracker would you where you need to get rent from a guy, but it turns out you need to be in the area at night, and he's in an alley, not even in a house that he's paying rent for. Or the main quest of the game telling you to "find a village far away" and the quest doesn't even tell you which direction you should be looking in the gigantic desert overworld map that you move veeerrry slowly in. Or a quest telling you to return to the NPC you picked the quest up from, and I don't even have the faintest clue on how to find her again. All of this leads to so much time wasted wandering around trying to find out where you need to be. If this quest tracker issue alone was resolved, I feel this game would be a 4.5/5 (5/5 rounded up).
TL;DR: A fantastically high effort high quality RPGM game marred by a quest tracker written and/or translated so poorly, you'll have no idea what you're supposed to be doing, which makes you waste a bunch of time wandering around.