Others Digital Dark Pin-Ups


New Member
Apr 17, 2023
Hello all,
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask for this, but it's possible that someone can, either here or privately, send me the collection (complete or partial) of the "Digital Dark Pin-Ups" .stl files.
I have searched a lot of websites of dubious origin and I have been able to find a few but I would like to have all the models of this artist with all the variants to be able to preserve them.

Thank you.


New Member
Apr 17, 2023
Hello there,
Yes, I was able to get them (all variations) from Kemono from this link:

The problem is that they no longer update to add the newest ones.

That link that I gave you is updated to the stl figure called "NAUGHTY ZELDA NSFW MODEL", from there to the newest ones, I have not been able to get them.

If anyone knows where I can get the newest ones I would be grateful.

Thank you.
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