Unity - Dimension 69 [v0.23] [Dussop]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly competent writing given the meme game title.

    Character models are fairly distinct given they're using a shared base for the most part. The penis on the MC is comedically large though, same with all the male love interests.

    Weakest part to me is the animation and the cutouts for characters instead of using renders in real time, feels like a bit of a waste to use Unity and not take advantage of the fact that you have a full 3D game engine sitting there ready to render the models in real-time.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible and mega boring sandbox with "plot" that puts you to sleep. Encounters are mega copy paste, and the game has no redeeming qualities; pair this with the repetitive sandbox element and you got some mindless slop that provides 0 entertainment and only makes you wish you took a different route in life.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoy the pacing and art style. I especially appreciate the option of turning off gay content. Also I don't try too many unity games like this, as their UI always seems awkward or clunky. This game's UI, on the other hand, is much better than most. Additionally, the art in this game is much better looking than most games with this art style. Good job.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    very good played 3 version till now , I'm waiting for more updates !! I love the way you can choose different options on the game and that it feels real even though it's a game . I usually never got the feeling I'm in the game and treat it like it's a 1 time use game etc. But this game I downloaded all of the versions and the story makes sense and love the casual talk inside of it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The Good:

    Somewhat unique twist with dimensional travel that doesn't get in the way of playing the game (easy to understand and do). Allows for some 'creative' choices that would've caused whiplash without it. Story is alright, but that's okay for a game like this that isn't trying to achieve something that is 'story rich'.

    Renders are very appealing. Knocked my socks off to say the least. The lighting is phenomenal! Same can be said about the animations.

    Weirdly optimized. My secondary PC build usually restricts me to RenPy games, but I managed to play a Unity title on it for once!

    Sound design was groovy, but after playing a while it can be a little grating. Definitely recommend having more than one audio loop for an area's "theme."

    The Bad:

    Hit the same exact softlock twice while moving through the map & progressing time too quickly. The only fix was to go to an earlier save, so thankfully you can quickly skip through dialogue for instances like this.

    It is still unclear what conditions must be met to have a 'safe save' for updates. Across 3 different updates I had some good saves and some broken saves. The broken saves basically required me to speedrun content, and refer to my softlock issue to understand why that can be frustrating.

    All in all I give this a 4/5 because minus the bugs and potentially broken saves I got exactly what I wanted from the game: a smooth & enjoyable experience across a couple of sessions. It'd be 5/5 if saves were more reliable across versions.
    There's not too many games I try to keep tabs on, yet this is one of them.

    EDIT: Pretty much every issue I had with this game has been resolved, so I am changing to a 5/5 as promised! Keep up the great work :)
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    My thoughts on the game based on the first couple of hours of gameplay,.

    This game is a treasure trove of bad anime trope characters, but don't worry they will all fall in love with the MC because of the power of horny

    MC - cardboard character, but with super powers now
    Dad - non existent to the point that they haven't been seen in years
    Roommate - the totally not sister, has zero respect for the MC
    CH friend 1 - dates the bully and treats the MC like trash, but don't worry she will fall in love with the MC
    CH friend 2 - is obsessed with the MC, but is a goody two-shoes so that's seen as bad
    Best friend - is only missing the piece of toast hanging from her mouth as she runs into the MC every morning, also she has the athlete trope built in
    Monster girl 1 - very mean but she's got some very minimal non-human visuals.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Really love this project. One of the few games on this website I actually read. It's funny, diverse in the harem choices and genuinely got a pretty good plot for what it's worth.

    The tropes of "basically incest", "childhood friend who drifted apart", "innocent tomboy", "alien plant", "alien superior", "horny other species", all exist here and they're pretty well done for the better part.

    Very small thing I'd have for this is that they should be a little bit more visually distinct. Make Alex more tan and muscular, make Azalea more non-human coloured (redder? Pinker? Either or even full on green lmao), make Kit less endowed in the chest / more petite in general. They're already leaning more into their stereotype than most games, but there's no need to stop short. That, and the animations being a bit janky (aswell as the rollback feature breaking the video) being the only three minor issues I have, which is why I think it's almost perfect.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    No idea where the 3 star and above reviews are coming from. This is a FIRMLY mediocre game with a cowardly, weak willed, inept protagonist who's also dumb as a box of rocks.

    Cast: The cast are either bland amalgamations of tropes or just straight up abusive towards the main character with the major lynch pin for me being Roxy and the bully. Roxy's just a straight piece of garbage with no redeeming qualities (regardless of her reasons she's still a piece of shit and dumb as a box o'cocks) and the bully is autistically focused on trying to make the MC suffer. For some reason.

    The Porn: The animations and what not are fine but are again bland and mostly uninteresting. Also they happen sometimes with very little or no build up. Jarring as hell.

    Story: is mediocre, an interesting premise but executed by someone with Chunibyo syndrome who has a masochistic streak.

    Engine: Unity was NOT the correct pick for this game. Like at all. Stuttering, menus taking 5-10 seconds to respond to inputs, EVERY transition takes far to long ect. (Personal PC specs 3700x, 2070 Super, 16gbs ram only had firefox (( Minimized )) and discord open at time of play)

    Total Play time: I gave it around an hour before I just couldn't take it anymore.

    So to sum it up, this game is in my opinion not worth your time.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This one is oddly underrated. The premise is crazy, fun, and entertaining, allowing multiple types of diverse settings and characters to exist, creating many very entertaining subplots. Characters are just as fun, and the dialogue is snappy and funny with lots of quips. It's also got a very rare (and skippable) trap/otokonoko character.

    In most games like this, the only real content is making money and hanging out with the main girls, so that's what I did for a while. Here, there's actually a lot of little things around that can be found while exploring and only figured this out very late in to the game since I was conditioned to expect nothing but worthless space in other games. This very much adds to the open world feel and I wish more games did this.

    I have a couple of generally easily forgivable/fixable issues with the game, though, and this section should be considered more feedback than it is complaints. The UI looks very good, but it's a bit cumbersome to navigate to different locations. Load screens are a little long (about 3 seconds?), which isn't an issue on it's own, but is one with how many times we have to enter one when trying to navigate, really adds up. Might I suggest more shortcuts permanently on the UI? The items in the shops also look pretty well done, but they don't have a name or description so I have to guess what it is I'm buying. Currently still have no idea what to buy for Kit.

    The game is also oddly restrictive about staying on one character's questline, very often blocking progress of one character and forcing you to advance with another girl before coming back. This is annoying when you're very much in to the plot of one girl but have to stop and start up another for arbitrary reasons. At the same time, the game has a lot of (minor) continuity issues, things like characters talking about me banging other girls when I haven't yet. It's a bit odd to have both of these be an issue.

    With the already pretty hearty amount of content for it's devtime, I see a bright future here and can't wait to see where this game takes me.

    P.S: Can I request some blaring neon lights in the cyberpunk city? Feels like it's really missing something without it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is five stars. I almost rated it four because it's literally called Dimension 69. Come on. I had been skipping this whenever I saw this game just because of that name, and now I'm angry at both the developer and myself for committing such grave sins. Yes, I'm that kind of person.

    I love this game. This game is a wish-fulfillment fantasy, and it knows it.
    The writing is very lighthearted (and sometimes kinda unfunny, but I can bear with it). If you didn't like the game the writing in the beginning, it'll grow on you.

    Well, I appreciate games for what they are. This game knows it doesn't need to be an Umineko tier drama-comedy that thinks incredibly hard about every scene. Sometimes you just want to sit back, relax, enjoy life, and have fun. And this is that kind of game. It's just fun. I appreciate it when a developer likes what he's writing as opposed to those moments when you can tell the dev is just writing fluff for the sake of it. tldr I love the writing. It has a few hiccups, yeah. Which I'm going to talk about, but the rest of the game more than overshines those hiccups.

    This game is polished RIDICULOUSLY well. Nah, this is too good to be on F95. I'd GLADLY go on a tangent about how shit on here have the most atrocious UIs known to man, and it's as if the dev understood that, threw most of my complaints in a box, then threw that box in a nuclear waste disposal drum, then shot that drum into space. I am exaggerating, but this is a testament to how clean the UI is. I intend to build a (not-adult) VN soon and I'm DEFINITELY going to take notes from this game.

    The story is very straightforward. You're a nobody who somehow gains the power to rip apart spacetime and traverse different dimensions. Of course the Universe Space Agency (that's not the actual name) doesn't like that and you track heat because of it. Simple enough, good enough plot. Straightforward and I know what I'm expecting off the intro.

    I like the humour. It has a very anime feel to it, which I'm not complaining about at all. The MC is caught in a juxtaposition of both being funny-but-weakest character in the story. Personally I'd like to see the MC be less of a wimp, but he's funny enough and his actions actually feel (kinda) (sorta) reasonable if you were in his place. But yeah, I'd take a better MC any day. Literally the only "ehhh... okay" part of the game. Take the humour and make him a more active person, if that conveys my words properly. That's my side of things.

    I love the other characters though. Strongest part of the game for me. Characters don't just feel like copy-paste tropes from anime. Very often you see games that just have characters that seem to be picked from a random -dere archetype generator. Characters here feel natural. Sure, they are tropey still in a sense that you might foretell what kind of people they'd be, but that's not because they're made to be in a video game, but because they've had the kind of development that makes them act that way. The characters and their tiny quirks and how they interact with the MC is the main selling point of the game for me.

    (I'm also okay with no incest, I'm not going to kinkshame people who are into it, but... yeah, I'm glad that's not in here.)

    I... don't think the H is super duper godly amazing, and that's fine. The character models are incredibly cute and lovely still, but I'm spoilt to death by Bishop's stuff and I don't think I can go back after that. Lord save my soul.
    But yeah. I think I found the writing more interesting than the actual H stuff.
    I'm not going to say it WASN'T hot, but that I wanted more of the 'cute character interactions' I've been on a tirade with.

    Ah.... the sandbox. It doesn't add a whole lot. That's that. It does what it does straight up, and that's good enough for me. I know the dev will add onto it though, so I'm looking forward to that.

    It took me around... four? Or five? Hours to be done with this game, and I'll say I enjoyed 95% of it. The 5% doesn't warrant four stars. I like rating games I truly enjoyed with 5 stars to give the dev more of an incentive to keep working on them. Hey, dumbass dev, if you're reading this, keep working. You've made something great.

    I'm rating this on the basis of 'did I enjoy the game?' and not 'is this the best well rounded super duper awesome special game you've ever played?'. Yes, I really did enjoy the game. I have a hard life, college, code and exercise eats up so much of my time, so I just want a game I can relax and feel at ease with.

    You will not like the game if you're looking for the best story ever. Many INCREDIBLE games have subpar stories (ahem ahem, Ace Combat) but what make them so amazing is the immersion and the suspension of disbelief they induce. This game right here is one of them. I just want to enjoy a game, and this is it.

    Sure, you may disagree and want to skin me alive for this opinion, but one amazing advantage of the Internet is that I can simply turn my computer off and move on.
    That's that.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well-made game, from the animations to the UI. Everything is well-crafted and presented.

    There is a good variety of girls with optional trap content.

    The writing, while not award-winning, is for the most part pleasant and does a good job in moving the game forward.

    My only issues with this game are:

    The sandbox elements: Since this game is mostly linear with barely any choices to be made and also lacking in the ability to approach specific characters (at least at this point in development), the map and time mechanics end up disrupting the flow and dragging out the time between scenes while adding nothing to the experience.

    The same goes with the currency in the game. It serves no other purpose but making the player spam the "work" activity a few times to progress to the next events.

    These two issues are the only things that keep the game from being a 5/5 for me. But 4 is the least I can give, given the attention to detail this game otherwise has.

    v0.22 edit

    The most serious issues I had with the game are now gone.

    The game feels less tedious and more polished than ever.

    The animations and character visuals have also been revamped.

    It is clear that the developer cares about the project. They are actively listening to feedback and making adjustments and improvements.

    I am looking forward to what is to come.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Kinda crap.

    First, the engine. I didn't get far, but from what I've seen, no reason this couldn't have been ren'py. Unity just never feels right with these games. There is a weird lagging, and you sometimes have to click forward multiple times so the text can continue to fill the existing text box.

    The characters are unlikable.
    Borderline idiot and coward of an MC.
    Little sister who hates you.
    Teacher who treats you like a gradeschooler instead of a "college" student.
    A bully (whose actions seem to be ignored by other people, like the teacher) who is, even in the game's own words, cartoonishly evil (and may be trying to actually kill you?)
    Ex-best friend who betrayed you, treats you like garbage, and is willing to let you suffer, because her current BF has blackmail on her maybe. If you take into account her BF/your bully's intensions towards you, at face value as the game suggests, he is willing to either severely harm or kill the MC, and she intends to help him do it to protect herself from a picture leaking out.

    No incest patch, so your sister is literally described as "a girl I think day picked up off the streets."
    No choices (sure, pre-sandbox is prologue, so maybe choices come to bear later... but from what little sandbox I played, it's doubtful), so you can't choose to do things like NOT perv on your sister, or to try to fight Todd, or to tell Roxy to go fuck herself.

    You gain powers you can suddenly use without any learning or training, and end up somewhere, where the resident plans to kill you for entering without permission (seems like she's even dumber than MC, as if she takes her privacy and sanctuary so seriously, you'd think she'd at least want to know how this happened).
    You get sucked off by said being (a short, unsexy scene, that commits a cardinal sin in VN's: you have no choice, it is avoidable. Even people who play games wanting to or expecting to fuck everything still prefer to get a choice in the matter.)

    Now your back home, and horned lady announces you should be under arrest, but instead recruits you for a mission. MC doesn't think to ask who she is, who she represents, under what authority she should arrest you, or how he was supposed to know he did anything wrong, and just rolls with it. And she, being as unabashedly stupid as everyone else in game, has no questions for you about who you are, and why you have this power.

    Now that the prologue is out of the way, where all the drama was dialed to 11 and everything happened lightning fast because the dev has never heard of story progression or pacing and just wants to shovel the into at you so his story can happen, you are in free roam.

    In free roam, you can move to places where you tend to see two options: either events you can't do because the person isn't there (example, go to roof, select roxy, and you're told she isn't there). I mean, no shit. Maybe code your game so the option to select events is only present when the event can actually occur?
    And a skill option, which you can't progress with.

    Then I ended up wandering in the park or something, and clicking an option, which told me "this isn't available until you progress with sister." Another red flag, because that suggests the story will progress in a static, unchanging way, and you're simply going to click to see events you have no choice in, which will unlock other events.
    And then, despite telling me this other character was unavailable, it gives me her interaction screen, and any choice on that leads to a pop-ip saying "this content shouldn't be happening now lol."

    The engine sucks, the coding is worse, the characters are trash, and the writing is worse.

    And it's all played off in a "don't take this seriously, just skip all my text because nothing actually matters, and fap" sort of way. I mean, it is obvious that the dev doesn't take his story seriously and has put no effort into writing it, so why should you respect it enough to trudge through it, dealing with the over the top melodrama and insufferable characters, while given no choices, just to maybe see a sex scene and have more godawful story spewed at you, that you don't even care about?

    So, why two stars? Bad as the writing is, it is at least legible english, and the renders look nice enough. I have no bugs or crashes. If your expectations are rock bottom low and your patience for bullshit and bad writing is high, you might find something actually worthwhile here. So, on that note, I can't justify giving it just one star.

    Seriously though, this is most likely NOT going to be worth your time, whether you're looking for a story, OR looking to just fap. This should be a hard pass, for everyone.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has everything it needs, story, characters, dialogues, visuals, all very high quality. The only problem is that it's pretty buggy and doesn't run very well at least on android. Just to talk to a girl, or sleep you the game makes you wait like 10 seconds. It often gets frozen. Quest tracking is very weird, sometimes you restrart a characters' story from the start after you completed it for some reason. It's kind if confusing. But I guess it was a test version, and if these problems are hopefully resolved it will be a great game.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    The dialogue in this game is obviously written by someone who chronically watches anime. It is painfully cringey for lack of a better word.

    Multiple characters are already stuttering in the most typical cliché way possible. Even the MC who seemed to have been written with the intent of an edgy, sarcastic teenager that isn't phased by anything randomly blurts out in his thoughts "N-not that I liked her or anything".

    If this style of writing and characterization is your thing, knock yourself out. But I'm not investing any time into something that feels like it was written by a 13 year old that just finished their 8th viewing of Sword Art Online.

    The art is nice, I guess? Other than that, it's an abysmal attempt at making a supernatural school life VN. Within about 12 lines of dialogue, the MC develops the ability to teleport, gets sucked off by a dryad, accepts and already perfectly controls his new ability and the plot just moves on.

    Once again, the other high ratings prove that people on this site will give 5 stars to absolutely anything.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is so good so far that I just gotta review it. Not only is the writing on the upper echelon of hot, it's also funnier than most other lewd games. My only gripes with the game as of v0.8 is that sometimes on Android the interface will freeze while going in between menus ( idk if that's because of my phone, graphical settings, or Unity) and the latest Kit event was a bit of a tease (but it certainly has me looking forward to the next update). Best project being worked on right now in my opinion
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Well then, another day, another overly lengthy review from yours truly.

    • As of time of writing, I am a supporter of the game.
    • As per usual, my reviews are generally overly lengthy and tend to be quite a mouthful, to counteract this...
    The TL;DR up front:

    So, Dimension 69 then. The title is quite indicative of what you'll be dealing with here as well as the lighthearted tone that it is generally going for. It's a fun little romp, spanning all around 2-4 hours of playtime depending on your pace, that doesn't take itself too seriously, but is still mostly polished in areas where it counts, all the while having some nice scenes to pack it in. So it's an easy recommend from me and I can only suggest you to check it out as well.

    So let's hop to it, by talking about the story and writing up first:
    Overall, it's really damn solid. The premise is quickly established during the intro - you gain the power to hop dimensions and attract the attention of someone who is monitoring the local cluster and get roped into helping her as a result. The story unfolds nicely and at a pretty good pace given the current length of the game, with very well-written dialogue overall, all the while being packed in a more comedic tone. There's been barely any typos in the text in general and the comedy more often lands closer to the hit than the miss, which is perfect for a game that decides to take a more humorous approach. The dialogue itself flows very naturally and character dynamics are very easily grasped as a result, which helps us jump into an MC that isn't exactly a blank slate, as tends to be the par for the course when it comes to sandbox games.

    But, since I now mentioned that topic and story and writing are for nerds, let's actually go and talk about the characters in particular:
    You'll be in for a very fun time, that's for certain. The characters on display a varied and both personality and appearance. And yes, while they are definitely following classic stereotypes that you most likely will be able to call out from a mile away, it feels still natural enough simply because their tropes aren't being played for laughs and constantly being called back to, and characters actually feel like they existed in the world prior, being written as a result of their surroundings, not simply "well, what would be cool to have in a harem game?".

    Oh well, mentioned the tags, might as well get to the gameplay and GUI next:
    It's pretty much what you'd expect from the tags. You'll have different times to check different locations and talk to characters to trigger the next events. So far, so sandbox. Covered in all and all a really clean and fitting interface that feels quick and easy to navigate to boot, even! While the open world does not add a whole bunch of extra to the gameplay yet, it is not overly obstructing either, as in many other games that decide to take the sandbox approach. Navigation is made very easy and quick, which I feel is an important factor as the own pace that a sandbox allows for goes great in a game such as this, where you can (and will) fuck around and fuck many different girls - the last thing you want is to navigate several interlaced menus to simply reach the next stop. With an interface as accessible as you'll be presented here, getting lost is more or less impossible as a quick hintbook and quest log are a simple button press away, yet the game isn't overly obtuce and just paying attention to dialogue would be enough to get through everything.

    But then again, who cares about the technical stuff? You'll most likely be here for the lewd content on display, and there's already a nice bunch of it for you to get to:
    The game is very quick in its payoff, and while it does at moments feel like you are going at it at a breakneck pace, it does not exactly feel unnatural or overly rushed, thanks to the prior mentioned writing and tone. What you'll be offered here as a result is quick to come and enjoy. The animations are all nicely put together and go very smoothly. There's nothing out there like stiff animations or the likes that instantly pulled me out of the scenes on display. Already a very good sign. Over the course of the games current length, you'll have various scenes with different characters to enjoy.

    But with all things enjoyable will have to come some not so enjoyable things to give some contrast. There's some issues that I managed to come across:
    (Short aside: I'm not too well-versed with Unity to guarantee that those issues I ran into - that are mostly technical in nature - were due to me managing to break stuff on accident or if things were a bit unstable here.)
    For once, the transition times can - seemingly at random - be offputtingly long. I've had it happen that the transition from the end of an event back into the sandbox took several seconds of staring into a blank screen until the game was done loading, on a machine that handles streaming in 1080p at 60fps basically in its sleep. Not entirely certain what the issue is here exactly, but it's been noticeable enough to receive mentioning.
    Somehow, I also managed to lose what amounts to half an hour of progress, simply because the game does not autosave from what I have seen and I managed to softlock the game into not responding to any interface presses, by running into an end of content message wall.
    But this leads into another niggle I came across - the quest log and character event log did not properly update their numbers for me. The textlogs on the right were properly updating and instructing me on what to do, even mentioning that there's gonna be new content in the coming updates, yet the event counter on the left hand side did not properly increase on my end, meaning I simply saw the numbers on the left side, noticed that something was not yet completed and bam, ran into the above mentioned issue by accident... whoops.
    So while the game is most definitely polished in the lewd area as well as writing and storytelling, I personally ran into some instability here that soured my mood a bit. Your mileage may vary.

    Oh well... To close this overly lengthy review off then.
    I personally had my fun with the game and it motivated me enough to once again go and write a review and decide to support the developer as a result, more or less on the spot, so hey, if it managed to do something like that for me and you don't have much of an issue with the whole thing being a sandbox, you should most definitely check it out. The playtime as of right now is relatively short at around 2-3 hours, depending on your reading speed and willingness to get invested. For what it's worth, that's a decently enough length to not miss out on much, but potentially finding something very worth this little time investment.