RPGM - Abandoned - Diminishing Perfect [v0.4b] [aRetired]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    art 7/10: first of all a plus for using that kind of style for the rpg part, I always like it. Now, for the 3d part, i'm sure i'm in need to explain myself. I think that there are 2 kind of art, the first one appeals by being super realistic Like Dream of Desire for example and the other appeals cause it leaves a lot to the imagination, is less aesthetically pleasing but more (its kinda hard to express it by words, especially for a non native speaker) rewarding in the made up situation that is running in your mind.

    Story 6/10: Slutty mom & daughter go to a corrupted town and the daughter will fight the crimes by blowing people up (not with explosives).Like Pale Pure is light and it drives you through sex scenes. it has it hole or rushed things but you can't say it's bad but neither is good. it is what it should be a plot for a porn game. (and i know that here there are people who whine that the sausage pizza movies lack realism cause no one will put a dick in a pizza or the delivery guy will always get paid with sex).

    overall 7/10: If you liked Pale Pure you will like this. The art style is unique, it's easy to understand, a lot of different fetishes all from the point of view slutty teen who never say no when it's about sex or fighting crime.. with sex :D. i will call it a light hearth fap game :D