Tool Unity Disable EasySave 3 Encryption [BepInEx Plugin]


Aug 2, 2020
This is a little follow up from this guide.
Before following this little guide, if you have any save files please follow my previous guide and decrypt your save files and replace the encrypted files. (If you follow this guide without decrypting your save file you may lose that save file, because Easy Save 3 will detect them as invalid save files and may delete them).

What does this plugin do?
This Plugin will on startup deactivate the encryption of EasySave3 (only Mono Unity games for now).
What this means is that your saves wont be encrypted when saved so u can easily just edit the file with notepad.

Why did i make this?
If u regularly edit your save file it is a hassle to always decrypt and encrypt the save file, so i made this plugin to disable encryption entirely.

(0. Backup and Decrypt your save files)
1. Download and unpack the dll out of it.
2. Download and install BepInEx from to your game.
3. Move my dll file to "Game_folder/BepInEx/plugins/"
4. Start the game up and make sure the saves load correctly, if not look for errors in the BepInEx Console.

Always make regular backups of your save file, because if the plugin for some reason doesnt load, then the encryption will not be disabled and your save file will be invalid and may be deleted. This also means you always have to have this plugin running in the background.
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