VN - Others - Completed - Discount Girlfriend ~Once I Won the Lottery, I Started Flirting with My Niece~ [Final] [Appetite]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Gallery unlocker "game". One choice in total, you get totally different games. You can go and read the text but I skipped it all and still know what was going on and what happened.
    Same concept as Mob-something something but instead of BDSM you get exhibitionism, which I like much more than the former and in my opinion, better looking girl and scenes. Just liked it more. Sound part is good, gallery and scene repeat are good, skip text works, can hide text box, all QoL stuff is there except fullscreen/borderless windowed but that's it.

    I'd give it a 5 if it intrigued me at any point, like Once in a Lifetime, which I was skipping too but resetted coz it got my interested halfway in. And when I was done with it, I felt same hole I have when I finish reading good book or watching something damn good. But this ain't it chief. So, 4.