Discussing my Upcoming Breeding Sim/Brothel Management Game (Futa and Femdom themes inside)


Jan 24, 2022
Hey there, I've been planning to develop an adult game for a good while now, and I am currently working out the documentation so I can start actual production soon. I was hoping to get some feedback on the current ideas and planned mechanics.

The Premise: The game is planned to be a 2D Unity game that is primarily a monstergirl breeding sim, with brothel management, VN elements and light combat mechanics. You would play as a junior breeder who has to assume the responsibilities of bringing up their estate back to form through the presented game mechanics, whilst competing with other breeders and brothel owners in the same kingdom. Initially, the MC will be male only, but I am open to including female/futa/other varieties at a later stage (it's not too difficult with my given pipeline, but it's too messy to include early).

The Art: A big point for me is that I intend to have a strong visual identity for the game, as this is not in any way a text-based game (though it would have some VN elements for story progression). I've been working out a way to create a 2D modular art pipeline to create different monstergirl types with, because I intend to animate all sex scenes once I reach a particular mile stone of development. But the idea is to have a large variety of visuals to represent the different monstergirls species, as well as some perks/traits that have an associated visual element.

Kinks: Initially, I intend for the game to be heavily focused on two primary kink themes, that is futa and femdom.

Futa is intended as a present theme for the lore/mechanics (think Tales of Androgyny), where most of the other named NPCs will be futa characters. The monster girls will only be futa/female (I am open to introducing male monstergirls at a much later point, but it is absolutely not a priority given the work load).

The femdom component will have different degrees of femdom themes (ranging from gentle femdom to more traditionally strict domination) and encompassing a wide variety of sexual sub themes under that umbrella, I.E. anal training, body worship, face sitting, foot worship, etc. And, yes, also, some non-femdom related kinks.

Presently, I don't plan for the player to have any sexually dominant role in the game, but I am open to suggestions on that point.

The Engine: Why Unity? That's actually one of the things that severely delayed me starting on this project. Personally, I have little to no skills in coding, and I've been learning how to, specifically to develop this game. I considered the different engine options and I concluded that the only real option to deliver the kind of experience and game mechanics that I have in mind is through something as modular as Unity. On top of the fact that I would like to have an Android version of my game down the road, and Unity makes that significantly easier than other options.

The mechanics: I won't dissect everything minutely here so as not to bore you, but I'll discuss the basic principles for some of the major mechanic.

I am taking inspiration from a lot of different games on this one. Because I intend to populate an array of varying NPC attributes (Strength, Endurance, Agility, etc), traits (think Crusader Kings III but sexually themed), and sexual skills (oral, anal, domination, etc). The goal is to have enough reasonable variety in character stats and modifiers that individual monstergirls can stand apart mechanically as well as visually.

Besides that, I decided to have pregnancy occur in a way similar to Breeding Season, where some supernatural fuckery (explained in lore) will work out the interim of the pregnancy + the first 18-20 years or so. Because, you know, how else can you have a breeding sim. But I've also been toying with the idea of having the impregnation occur in two stages.

Stage 1: If pregnancy occurs, the pregnant NPC will hold an egg for 1-3 ingame days.
Stage 2: The NPC will lay an egg that will then be held in an incubator for a few more days.
Stage 3: A new monstergirl is born.

The point of doing it in multiple stages, or going with the idea of "eggs" at all, is because I want to add two modes of purchasing/selling/fulfilling contracts for new monstegirls. Either as NPCs normally, or as eggs that can have a component of risk/reward, kind of like gambling on the stats/visual style. Since you'd be able to see their "seed stats" while in the egg stage.

Also in that way sex can be impregnated in a way that makes sense (female, male, futa, dick girls, etc)

Oh, and I think there is some value in extending the pregnancy stage a bit, because I always thought breeding sims suffered from the issue of producing way too many new monstergirls over a short span of time, which made them feel more generic and approached the "mindless" grunt work line more than is necessary.

As a sub mechanic to breeding, the player is part of a Breeder's Guild that will furnish him (as well as other NPC breeder's) with different contracts for specific monstergirls. Fulfilling these contracts will unlock higher paying ones as well as more challenging ones. But ultimately, it will progress your status in the guild, unlocking more monstergirl options as well as progressing certain parts of the main story.

Also in the same theme of having "competition", the available contracts (will refresh over a fixed period of time) be open to all breeder's, meaning that contracts may be taken up by another breeder before you, and therefore marked as unavailable, after X amount of time, if you didn't take it up. The idea is to add some meaningful competition between you and other breeders, but also making it so that contracts are a finite resource, and therefore some breeders can either come out on top or fall behind, without having to fake

Sex will be plentiful, since for a breeding sim this isn't something hidden behind grind (not that's ever a good idea necessarily). But I intend for sex to be more than a one and done system, by continually adding a variety of sexual positions/kinks that can be unlocked through different game mechanics / progressing in the main story. And since I am working on visually designing modular NPC art assets, the idea will be to allow most monstergirls to have access to most sexual kinks depending on their individual stats. That is, think Breeding Season's dynamic sex scenes, if they ever finished more than a few models.

Ultimately, it's important that I can animate all sex scenes (ideally, using Spine 2D) before the game is too far into development. That's why I am creating the art assets to begin with in a way that makes them ready to be imported into a 2D animator. But that won't happen for a while, due to development priorities and the prohibitive cost of getting a Spine software license.

Having said that, I don't presently have any plans for making the sex scenes themselves controllable by the player. Because a) The concepts of this game are quite involved as it is. and b) It would be more suitable for a game that doesn't have sex as such a highly repeated event, as it is normal for a breeding sim/brother management game. But I still intend to give the player some measure of control on the type of sexual interactions and the choice of different stages of it (apart from main story sex scenes)

Fluid Harvesting:
I don't have very big plans for this, but it is a reasonably easy to add mechanic that would tie in beautifully with having NPC stats reflected in a meaningful way. So think milk/cum harvesting similar to Fantasy Slave Trainer. It's also another easy to manage, and hopefully fun, income source.

Brothel management:
At present, I am planning a brothel management sim mechanic that involves training your monstergirls in different sexual skills, and collecting specific sexual traits/perks that would play well into your chosen style of brothel. You will have to cater to the different tastes of your customers and I am toying with the idea of giving the player the choice to individually designate which monstergirl serves which customer in real time. A big part of the challenge will be implementing a competition system between the different brothels in the game in a way that will split a finite stream of customers between the different brothels based on the skill/kinks available within.

There will also be a variety of random events that occur in the brothel, which the resolution of will affect the brothel's reputation as well as the monstergirl's happiness in different ways.

This particular mechanic I am still considering, because it's not the focus of the game. But the game's themes will heavily involve you interacting and competing with different factions in a way that makes sense to have a combat component involved. That said, my current vision is to do combat in a way very similar to . Basically, it's a tactical mechanic where you prepare your army based on a combination of pros vs cons to different units, and once combat initiates, it resolves over X period of time through a series of dice rolls that take all different opposing unit stats and combat trait into account. You may lose units, have them wounded, captured, etc.

In this way it wouldn't be a throwaway, low quality combat implementation that gives seemingly meaningless choices/skins/actions, nor would it be a highly involved mechanic that requires significant development that can't be justified in this type of game.

Also I have a bunch of ideas to make winning or losing battles more interesting. Well.. it IS a femdom themed game, after all.

Main Story/Map Traversal:
The main story will involve different core NPCs that represent the different factions involved in the game's universe. They will each have their own physical location on the world map that will require traveling to and from using your army (well, it's more of a squad than an army, really). Progressing through the story should open up new game content progressively (new sex positions, kinks, new monstergirl species, etc), as well as unfold unique stories/sex scenes with each individual NPC.

You will also have the option of traversing the map freely, which will trigger random hostile encounters that can be resolved by more wasy than just combat.

The game's economy will be split between your sources of income (contracts, brothel earnings, selling fluids, selling monstergirls, and combat winnings) and your money sinks (escalating monthly tax, purchasing new monstergirls/eggs, upgrading infrastructure and losing combat encounters). The idea is to have multiple useful ways to spend money, so it doesn't feel meaningless, while still having a way to gradually up the difficult to remain profitable and continue to expand even as your business becomes larger and you become more experienced with the management aspect of it.

I think.. I've rambled enough. if you've read this far, what do you think? Do you have feedback? Suggestions? Questions? Criticism? I am aware that giving this game a strong futa theme right out of the door will considerably limit the audience that may be interested. But personally, I find high quality futa games to be woefully lacking in this genre and I'd like to add my own.

P.S. What this game isn't:
- A slave trainer sim: the in fiction universe will be aware of slavery but it won't be allowed or practiced.
- A VN: While the main story and dialogue interactions will occur in VN style, with some range of meaningful choices and consequences, the VN bit is the cherry on top, not the cake itself. I am taking pains to avoid obvious literary cliches and cheesy dialogue in writing the plot, but, if I can make a "serviceable" story that isn't rife with cliches, but present it with quality game mechanics? Then I'll be satisfied.
- A perpetually developed project: I mean, I can't see the future, but this whole game idea is coming from a personal desire to play this kind of game, as well as make it. I have no interest in jumping ship to a new project at some point, nor am I even necessarily interested in having another project past this one at all.

Edit: Added some details to the Breeding mechanic explanation.
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Dec 22, 2017
get real, srsly :HideThePain:
learn from the other games, too many features/mechanics mean a lot of coding
while stated yourself your coding is shy at best (bug tracing and fixing is no joke)
paradox stuff is complex, yes, but they had purpose for that
and their theme (historical or sci-fi) is actually in nod with that kind of complexity
while breeding monstergirl with this superfluous mechanism with only goal to restore the mc mansion. . .
is like selling ultra thick condom with triple flavor for a tiny dick, you need to ask why is this again
start of as simple game (2-3 feature at most), and hone your shaft from there

for reference maybe, so you can actually measure the estimation if this concept viable to be go down to or not, timewise
try dumbed down strife[maverik] for our minimum expectation. . .
they got most of the feature you planned iirc, it's years since i played them

don't get me wrong
i'd love that one day this concept actually come to fruition and executed perfectly into a game, it's a superb concept
but srsly, learning to swim while on deep water and let a lot of people bet on that
we got a long way to be invested in that, not to mention futa and-or femdom is niche in the first place

nor am I even necessarily interested in having another project past this one at all.
we'll see :sneaky:

either way you take, may your passion-effort and the support will carry you to the place you deserve


Jan 24, 2022
get real, srsly :HideThePain:
learn from the other games, too many features/mechanics mean a lot of coding
while stated yourself your coding is shy at best (bug tracing and fixing is no joke)
paradox stuff is complex, yes, but they had purpose for that
and their theme (historical or sci-fi) is actually in nod with that kind of complexity
while breeding monstergirl with this superfluous mechanism with only goal to restore the mc mansion. . .
is like selling ultra thick condom with triple flavor for a tiny dick, you need to ask why is this again
start of as simple game (2-3 feature at most), and hone your shaft from there

for reference maybe, so you can actually measure the estimation if this concept viable to be go down to or not, timewise
try dumbed down strife[maverik] for our minimum expectation. . .
they got most of the feature you planned iirc, it's years since i played them

don't get me wrong
i'd love that one day this concept actually come to fruition and executed perfectly into a game, it's a superb concept
but srsly, learning to swim while on deep water and let a lot of people bet on that
we got a long way to be invested in that, not to mention futa and-or femdom is niche in the first place

we'll see :sneaky:

either way you take, may your passion-effort and the support will carry you to the place you deserve
I have considered the work load involved in coding this. And yes, it's not particularly small, and there is room for trimming mechanics to produce a minimum viable product. But as it stands, this is my current plan for development until I can produce a vertical slice of the game with the main mechanics, and gauge the journey moving from there.

In many ways, the only truly complex systems are the breeding, brothel management mechanics and the main story content. The others are based on simpler foundational mechanics that gain value by being integrated into other bigger mechanics. I gave this a lot of thought, and if my estimations are anywhere near accurate, it's a lot more reasonable than it appears.

As to restoring the MC mansion being the end goal.. it's far from being an end goal, it's only the opening premise to the story. I didn't see the point in iterating the bigger beats in this already long post, since I am more interested in getting feedback on the game mechanics.

Having said that, I'll be starting with the named core mechanics at first, to allow for a proof of concept before I progress with other supporting mechanics. Ultimately, if I find that I have too much on my plate to begin with, I'll keep some of the other mechanics off the table until such a time that enough of the core content has been created.

Regardless, thank you for your feedback. Feature creep is real, and I am trying to keep it in reasonable check. I'll definitely consider the risk further as I proceed (I did back Star Citizen about 20 years ago, after all).
Sep 21, 2020
Sounds interesting! If I were you, I'd take a page from Strive for Power's book and, rather than make a ton of art assets for each possible combination of characters, instead make it more text based and give players the option of uploading their own pictures. It works surprisingly well in SfP, and could be easily implemented if you're modeling your game after CKIII.


Jan 24, 2022
Sounds interesting! If I were you, I'd take a page from Strive for Power's book and, rather than make a ton of art assets for each possible combination of characters, instead make it more text based and give players the option of uploading their own pictures. It works surprisingly well in SfP, and could be easily implemented if you're modeling your game after CKIII.
You know, I thought about that. I played and enjoyed Strive for Power. But personally, I found that the game was a lot less enjoyable due to the fact that there were no dedicated art assets. Of course, the player can just use their own downloaded art, but it ends up being extremely generic, since the visuals stop having a meaningful association with the built-in mechanics. And fail to update to keep up with any dynamic changes. And you end up having far fewer reasons to find value in individual NPCs.

That and I feel like there is a saturation of text based sex scenes, and I would like to see something more visual come alive.

That's a whole consideration, of course. The art asset commitment alone is going to be a a large time sink for me, but I feel that it would be worth it on the whole. Especially because once it's created and implemented properly, expanding it becomes significantly easier.

Also, I as really want to add 2D animated scenes at some stage, it makes no sense to offload the art asset creation stage.

And I wouldn't say that I am modeling the game after CKIII. I wish, but that would be a mammoth task that I couldn't accomplish alone. I am however borrowing some ideas from them, namely: the combat, some of the traits/attributes interactions, and some of the random event concepts.

If anything, the core of this game is intend to be very close to Breading Season, with some influences from other games like Strive, Tales of Androgyny, Fantasy Slave Trainer, CKIII, etc.
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Jan 24, 2022
Sounds great! Futa and femdom :love:
Centaur girls planned:love:?
Any size play like minigiantess?
Good Luck with Development! :coffee:
Actually, yes. I do have centaurs, and a few other taur types (as well as lamia) planned for later. Not too early though because the radically different body types adds rather a high workload and will require some creative problem solving.

As to size play, also yes, but not extreme size play like a giantess. As I am designing multiple distinct body types and assigning a limited number of those body types to each individual monstergirl type. Say for body types there are chubby, slim, Amazon, and there are cow girls, cat girls, and dragon girls. Each monster girl type might come in only 1 or 2 (or more) out of the available body types. And the planned body types cover a wide gamut of heights and sizes. So in that sense, there will be specific sex scenes that only trigger between 2 partners of wildly varying heights (I. E. amazon vs slim and short), besides the other scenes that trigger for non height related pairings.

And thank you!
  • I just jizzed my pants
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