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  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm actually really liking this game!! Super hot! Hot pics, hot content. Love the sub stuff.

    Only thing I'm still wondering is how much do I need to raise the homo stat for rodrygo to be considered homo? or has that not been implemented yet?
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is the classic interactive picturebook that you can find a 100 times over and over again. It does not have anything special about it. Still it is decently made and you have 2 paths you can go on so I will give it a 3/5
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    game is grindy and buggy. if you activate some events you never actually unlock things in correct order.

    i triggered the event where you buy panties because your sister told you to too early. then when she told me to i couldn't buy it.

    seriously the game has been out too long for nonsense like this
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game. Hope it will be upgraded in the future. Why can't I just rate the game without having to write 10 million billion symbols in review? God damn it.

    Feminization themes are abundant, yet feel somewhat unexplored in reactions from the world to protagonist's changes, especially on the front of your girlfriend noticing them. Gf content felt unexplored - at times it felt like I don't even have a gf or that I've reached the end of the gf content for the current patch. Cuckoldry theme is extreme and it was great, as there isn't much content on that topic to be found in games. End review.

    Writing is impeccable by the way, for a porn game it tops all the imaginable charts. Fantastic stuff, keep it up.
    Likes: gaaby
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    NoWay Jose

    I truly do not get why "games" like this exist. Does it feature any originality? No. Same story told a thousand times by other, better games. Nope, not really--make an innocuous decision or two early on and you're either an alpha male or a sissy cuck, with nothing in-between. Visually appealing? No. The interface is unattractive and, well, sucks ass. Engaging? Nope. Every day is essentially the same handful of choices, with the same outcomes. In most cases, there is only one canned response to a decision, which you see over and over again with no variety whatsoever.

    Successful games in this genre tick at least one of these boxes.

    Example: Play submissive until you get feminized, and then go touch mom's and sis's bodies every night. Eventually, you get to the point where you dom sis in one scene, but get BBC'd by her boyfriend the next. Where mom forces you to suck a dildo, but then sis helps you dom her. If you've maxxed out your dom points, you still get dommed by the teacher every single day. There is no nuance--the game just sees how many points you have in a category at any given moment and does one thing, whether or not it makes sense in relation to the rest of the story.

    Nope. Just...nope.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Great topic, failing on the execution. Should drop the whole male-Dom story-line altogether, or at least wait until the sissy route is complete.

    Issues: I know this is an adult sex game but I have an issue using the ret* word. It is very disrespectful and very lazy for the Dev to use it. be creative.

    Way too much grinding. Also, due to the excessive grinding, there are events that one can spawn prior to the storyline triggering it.

    The Tips section is obtuse.

    Why the hell is the MC wearing clunky brown male lace up dress shoes with a dress? If the MC is going outside wearing a cute dress, then the MC must have at least some cute flats working up to heels. (bingo instant content with Mom seeing the MC without cute shoes, takes the MC to the mall to get some flats and heels, then can teach the MC several times how to wear heels)

    Need to have a link to "go to therapy" directly from the MC bedroom. There is a "go to class" and "go to work" link there, why do we need to click click click click to get to the therapist?" Also if the therapist scene is a repeat, indicate somehow that it is currently EOC or don't require it..

    There should be a quick link to go to the MC's sister's room directly from the PC if they are locked and need a release. If it is night time, there is no option to talk to her as she is asleep (even if the MC goes into the hall and sees the sister entertaining guests.

    I'd highly suggest to the Dev that they have a better idea as where the paths are going and what can trigger the events. As it looks now, it seems that the Dev is patching ideas along an undeveloped story line. That can only lead to story breaks or abandonment of the whole adventure due to writing themselves into a dead end. (or causing the players to restart several times due to missed and unavailable new content)
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Wow! I was seriously hoping for something really good based off the ratings but sadly this was not it. Why? While it may look like you have real choices you are way more limited than you think. You are very restricted when it comes to clothing choices both in the home and especially out. There are very limited options for commando under your outfit and it never allowed me to do it out of the home or without a shirt as well in the home.

    You have as far as I saw extremely few options of what you can actually do and read carefully as this game likes to maneuver you towards feminine options and gay activities if you don't pay attention. You can quickly max out your domination points with certain activities but the points are limited with each type of activity. Oh and it is always the same scene every time and even the same garments involved. Lack of variety is very boring. School is the same scenes. Your either a wuss or a rude ass but nothing ever changes, Laptop is for porn ONLY. Good games have ways to earn income and build skills. Skills, guess you really don't need em. Income, for what ? Money is apparently shown but I found no use for it.

    Lots of grind but very little reward in my opinion. I don't mind a bit of grind as long as there is something to show for it.

    Hey if the Dev took their time and added some substance and variety to the scenes then this could easily be that 4 game the ratings showed.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A lot of fantastic things in the game and I love where its going, a lot of games with this focus end up abandoned and I hope this isn't one of them so please keep up the good work! I'm sure this game will be fantastic once its completed
    Likes: gaaby
  9. 3.00 star(s)



    The game uses stolen porn, but it's mostly consistent with the pictures, so the characters can be recognized and they don't change that much from one picture to the next.

    The gameplay is the standard: click buttons to repeat the same events and grind some stat, which in turn will unlock new events to grind.

    The only relevant stats seem to be submission and domination. Submission is used as a synonym to feminization in this game: using lipstick or wearing a bra make you submissive. Just the same, domination seems to be overlapped with rapey actions.

    I think it'd be a great improvement to rework those elements: dom/sub is all about power dynamics, and there aren't any involved in masturbating to a sleeping girl or to a pair of used underwear.

    I'm giving it an extra star because unlike many similar games, it alerts you when there are new events and when you've reached the current end of a path, so you don't waste time clicking everywhere trying to get new content that doesn't exist.

    As usual, the review will updated if needed.