VN - Ren'Py - Divimera [R11] [Redikal]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting story, excellent hud/text system, animated characters and really well done sex scenes. One of my favourites visual novels and it's not even finished, can't wait to see what else they add in the future.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    An absolute masterpiece of an atmospheric adventure game featuring visual novel elements, Divimera lands you on the role of a young, helpless man, shipwrecked in a 1800s African colony. Searching for your sister while suffering from a weak physique yourself, you are in constant danger.

    • An original setting, set in a colonial, isolated African island, shrouded in mystery.
    • Simply excellent atmosphere. You constantly feel you are running out of time, as your sister is somewhere out in the wilderness, away from the safety of the walls which you are constantly (suicidally) trying to get out of. All in all, a perfect mix of supernatural and societal dread.
    • Horny busty women all around you... But you should still walk on eggshells around them, because it doesn't change that your life is very much in danger and they hold the upper hand.
    • Adventure-style gameplay consisting of simple inventory puzzles.
    • Absolutely gorgeous 2D graphics. The developers have not been stingy with the artists.
    • All the ladies have the same bodytype. Not that big of a turn-off because they have different personalities, but they could still use more variety.
    • Launching does take a while, even with high specs.
    Game gets a thumbs up for a recommendation without a second thought. Masterful, and I cannot wait for more.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the most unique visual novel experience I've ever played. Usually I shit on non-japanese visual novel because 99% of them are dogshit, but this makes the 1%.

    Good artist hired and story, gameplay, characters are interesting.. praying for a successful launch.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    My rating for this game is excellent.

    I love the artstyle and story, It's pretty hard making a porn game with a "dark-ish" theme, but this game has done it excellently.

    Theres not much content so far I would say (About 5 hours ?) But its still worth it, it prob has the best story out of any game I've played from this site so far.

    The only real downside is you have to make multiple saves if you want to unlock all the scenes. Other than that it is a 5/5 Bomb.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best vns i have played out there. characters actually feel alive rather than being some random drawn out cardboard cutout with no emotion whatsoever. having played games like my bully is my lover and eternum with kind of the same character design this was the first vn where the art style felt fresh and trust me very few vns actually can pull off both beautiful art style and a compelling story .glad the dev has decided to add impregnation and a harem tag.
    also this is the third vn where i actually skipped the sex scenes just to see what happened next in the story lol
    keep up the good work dev .
    really want to see an ending with all the women giving birth to the mc's baby :sneaky:
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the art style used in the game and the animated scenes are really cool, I'll keep an eye on the progress of the game, it looks promising, keep up the good work and thanks for this quality job (y)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I am very fond of erotic games, so I have played many that were bad and others that were just average. Being able to create characters that are entertaining and add something to the central plot while creating sex scenes that just feel natural to the story is very difficult. The characters are interesting, the story has and maintains the suspense. The game mechanics fit perfectly into the theme of the story, rarely have I felt so immersed in a game. Also that the game is in more than one language is very comfortable, it is definitely appreciated.

    I love it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game so far. UI - sound design-story-animations in the background etc...etc...

    Only downsides for me :
    - Only having 4 slots in the inventory, and have to go back to the MC room to change it...wasn't fond of that.
    - When I arrive at a crossing point there is this warning like "Are you sure bla bla you can't go back" I wonder if adding a variable that count all the things that you can actually do in the day wouldn't be nicer. Like, if I've done everything no warnings if not get the warning.

    Just some ideas I've got but nvm nice work !
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    nice artwork -- i'm a big fan of the styling on the UI, in particular. it's very old-school CRPG. the writing is also a cut above the rest; divimera is intent on selling its atmosphere and characters before it lets you stick your dick in anything.

    very unfinished, but promising.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Best Visual Novel compared to the crap package on this site.
    10/10 art, and animation.
    10/10 sound design and music
    10/10 storytelling. mysterious and surprising.

    A quality game made by a very small team it seems. The game is starting to have quite a bit of content.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game really deserve to be on first page and also as ads there

    First, The art. Combine with both anime and slightly west style always what I fascinating with and this game done it very well. It is main selling point here.

    Sec, The story. Adveutere and gameplay of point and click. It does bring the game to slower pace but if u enjoy reading story. I say this one deserve to be on the top. It is interesting for me but not super much but rather I feel blend to it but it has to do with that I been playing soo many game so I can guess where story going next.
    This game also got that feeling but yet even I very deep into the game and reach the end as ver 7.0 I still do not know how it would end. Very interesting game indeed.

    Thrist. The character. They are main role here where you will see their face everytime u playing and they all look good. The artist do draw all those kind of interestin sexual pose but sadly the game is not focus on that much. I say it is a waste of alll these character and their personality. The game itself is about the mystery but nevertheless. They design quite stay out and also UI and overall game theme very give me old game vibes. So I give more score into this as well.
    (Currently some of sax are not available so this might change)

    I been playing many game and this one is memorable
    their character there is hehehhe
    sry my eng not good I were force to learn many language in life time so thing kinda like string stuck together and mind go all over the place
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games around and even if there is a long time between updates, I'd rather wait than to have poor content put out rapidly. Love the art and the ladies but what really got me into the game is the story. The mystery of the Island and the hunt for Dante/The MC's little sister is intriguing.

    I also like how The women are written. Especially Lady Hale and Molly. The former being a dangerous aristocrat that is dominering and willing to show a softer side as long as the MC accepts she is the one in charge and Molly for actually being a nice woman with a bit of nuance despite her profession.

    Charlotte is also an interesting character because she's 30 and acts like someone half her age which has some implications on how long the village as existed for and why she is so sheltered.

    Overall I'd say this is the game for people that love Erotic VN games with a Lovecraftian twist. Nothing but respect for Redikal and Co.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I personally like normal sized tits, this style would not be my first pick. No issues yet everything has functioned. The save and load system works well and the story is pretty interesting. I am not a fan of the gambling mini game. I assume none of the rewards are required to complete the story? I may finish but I am not fully invested in this one so it will have to go on the back burner for now.
    Well I finished the 7.1 version of the game shortly after writing my review. Like I said, I really like the art but the wacky proportions aren't my thing. To my surprised the gambling rewards were not required to finish the game at this time.
    Story 4.5/5
    Art w/ animations 5/5
    Gameplay 5/5
    Proportions 2/5
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I honestly give it a 4.5/5 and this game alone has easily become my favorite on the site, so much so that I even went and supported the devs. They deserve it.

    The art's fantastic. The backgrounds alone are great and they do a good job of setting the tone of the current story beat and also subtly telling the story alongside with characters. Not to mention the heroines are all extremely good looking as well as some of the background characters. I will continue to patiently wait for some kind of content with that thicc ass GILF washing clothes. As for the story, this is one of those games that I could play for just the story alone. While it definitely feels linear and leaves no room for freedom of exploration, it's a satisfying story so far and I'm eager to see where it goes.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Really liked the story, UI, art and atmosphere. The dev seems quite passionate when it comes to the writing, it's definitely above average. I have to admit though there's a lot of reading and time in-between the fun scenes, but the scenes and relationship developments are worth the wait. Can't wait for more.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    It's an interesting game. The character designs aren't really my style (all the women have huge tits and physically dominate the MC who is tiny) but I can't really fault the developer/artist for that since it's personal preference. The story, writing, and art are very nice and I'm excited to see where it goes.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Better story than most porn games. I still couldn't bring myself to read all the dialogue in entirety but just skimming through will suffice and you won't be completely lost. Better art style than most. I find that most games that come out nowadays are unwankable. It's a bit disappointing that it's not complete quite yet at the time of writing this review, it leaves me craving for more. Overall I would say it's a good game right now with a few scenes. Definitely craving for more and overall a good game.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I liked it a lot, the story is original at least, up to the number of games I've played in this style, the character has a clear objective (something that in other games there is not something very well established), excellent in general, can't wait for future updates.


    -Drawing/3D modeling: 4.5 (the drawing looks great. on the one hand because it is a different type of style than what I have played and on the other because I know it well hehehe. the point is that the artistic design of the characters seems excellent to me and so far none of them come to displease you visually)

    -Music/Background sound: 5 (good music for each environment, that is, it is not limited to a single background sound, the effects also seem relevant to the actions that take place within the game.)

    -Plot: 5 (The story, if unique. At least for the amount of games of this style that I have played. It doesn't seem like such a crazy story to me, because the shipwreck, a village isolated from the world, mysticism, etc. can happen. I think it's a good argument and the way you're developing it so far seems right to me. The creator is clear about how the plot will continue and that is appreciated.)

    -Map: 5 (Well designed, comfortable to access)

    -Animation: 4 (Despite being a 2D game, it has animations, although they are not completely fluid, they are good and there are no errors in terms of animation. Apart from the non-sexual occasions, there are also good transitions and visual effects..)

    - 18+ Scenes: 3.5 (I have to be honest, there are few scenes... but the game is in development and it's barely in its early stages, even so the story is so interesting that the +18 scenes can be expected.)

    -Gameplay: 3.5 (It's a visual novel, but still, it lets you do some actions before moving on to the main story, so it's fine.)

    -Interface: 5

    As for the game, I like it. I think it's an interesting story, somewhat peculiar characters but not unpleasant, I recommend this game, even if it's to pass the time because the story is good, at least from what it has now, it's time to keep waiting for updates, but this is one of those games that if it encourages you to support the creator.

    :lepew: 4.3/5:lepew:
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    There still not much of a content but the game looks promising and also interesting. In addition the art is also good. The story also piqued my interest hopefully the story will be good not just the CG:ROFLMAO:

    10/10 for me :oops:
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    VN's and Ren'Py games are something I usually avoid and dislike.
    But this time I actually quite enjoy the game. It feels and looks much better than other renpy vn's. Great looking game and my favourite thing is the custom/unique UI.

    At the moment the storyline is still incomplete, yet the already existing content is well made.