I wanted to like it more but really, nope. Nice art, nice voice acting, yeah yeah yeah. A beautiful game ruined by someone deciding to make 300 maps as a maze, with tons of trees that won't let you see anything, be it enemies or simply yourself. So many times I was like "where the fuck am I?" The obsession making any interactable object or chest to be surrounded by impassable tile and letting enemies keep moving during the way too long interactions. 2 - 3 seconds to harvest a healing plant that usually is enough for you to be surrounded by homing enemies and lose more than the 20% hp that it'll heal.
Even playing on easy ends up being frustrating. I disabled battle sex scenes because enemies will spam them in every fight and it takes several seconds to finish that you can't skip manually.
SP scarces, you need to farm items so you can survive your trip to any boss area since there is no other way to heal that and (even playing on easy) it usually takes 2 - 3 sword hits per enemy, normally spawning 2 at the same time.
There are a few places that you can use as farming spots, especially if you can get the summon that halves SP use and switch to the magic weapon since the very first skill has light damage hitting all enemies and instead of 1 SP now it's free. The optional dungeon becomes your farming spot if you wanna max Koyori to level 32, enough to get all skills. No need to go further since leveling up does nothing to your stats.
Back to navigating, there are some signs around that at least tell you a bit where to go, but you'll get lost. A lot. It tends to show 2 paths split by a wall and one of them normally has a chest at the end while the other one has some stairs to continue. A lot of backtracking if you wanna check them out, since there are very very few pieces of gear around, in random spots, instead of at the end of a dungeon or some obvious place to have an upgrade. I just saw 3 clothes, 2 rings and 1 headpiece. Surely I missed something but it'd had been nice more variety. But the variety comes from the summons. Gacha that you can't collect. Every morning you can summon 1 new "card" to equip. Random (just reload till you get whatever you want). And whenever you summon a new one you lose your old one. Not fun. Also it's 1 roll per day, when just 3 or 4 days pass in the game. What's the point of so many different special accessories if just 1 is available with 4 chances per playthrough?
And about the h-content I read that going to the hot springs locks you into a bad ending so I avoided it, so I ended up with just the yokais. Supposedly it's all rape and blackmail. I have no problem with that but it feels weird that she goes to help them, random regular villagers rape her and she just wouldn't go away and ask her mother wtf mom where did you send me? Besides she easily could kill everyone in the village. Had it been the classic slums, full of thugs, ok, but that basically gave away what I always suspected about the ending.
Talking about the ending, at least getting the "virgin ending" softlocks you. Once it starts you appear right in front of the purple circle. It says you can summon as many times as you want. You do it or not, once the dialog is over it opens again on it's own. No matter if you press accept or cancel or try to move before it triggers, it locks you into asking you to roll another summon over and over again.
So in general something that could have been a better game, beautiful and well voiced, fun dialogs with Koyori's reactions, ended up being mediocre, extremely unbalanced even for normal difficulty, grindy and painful to navigate. Sad.