Identify Do you know this Star Wars VN?

The Crimson Fucker

New Member
Sep 16, 2018
My first post ever, this is going be wild.. So, quite a while back, I played a Star Wars VN that I found on this site and obviously, I can't remember its name.
If I recall correctly, the MC was a female Togruta Jedi. It might even was Ahsoka, I really can't tell. Oh, it's not Orange Trainer btw.

As you played through the story, you got like force vision of things that happened before the actions of the game occur.

For the main part of the version I played, you just hid out in an apartment of this shady planet that you started on, with stormtroopers and thugs coming by every so often that you had to fight off. You had to earn money to get off of the planet, and you started out with low earning jobs, unlocking better and better paying ones along the way.
All the jobs had minigames - I remember the first job was stacking or sorting boxes in a med center. After that came a massage parlor, and after that a job from a jawa clan that lived on the planet. Every job had at least one sex scene. The scenes had really nice animation, and the overall graphics were pretty awesome too.

I would go totally apeshit if someone could tell me the name of the game, it was in a pretty early stage when I played it, but it was one of the best VNs I've played so far!