does anyone know how to beat madeline she deals a lot of damage even tough i have bought the best items and swords i cant still beat her
You can use Fury of Llavanya 2X BEFORE you enter combat. This gives you a 2X attack buff on turn 1.
While in combat, the turn during which you cast a spell counts as a turn, so when the game tells you that the spell will last 5 or 3-5 turns, it ACTUALLY lasts for the next 4 or 2-4 turns respectively. Casting spells BEFORE entering combat gives you the full 5 or 3-5 turns respectively.
In combat. when you cast Fury of Llavana, you can refresh it on the 4th turn following the turn on which you cast it. If you cast if BEFORE combat, you can refresh it on the 5th turn into combat. Hopefully the Domina doesn't debuff you during that time
Almost always, by the time you get to Madeline (and have used "Tome of Shadowbound" "Tome of Llavanya's Melody" and "Tome of Soul Link" you are able to use the exploit WITH the Golem Sword equipped:
1. Shadowbound (prevents losing for the next 2-4 turns)
2. Surrender (reduces HP to 0 and gives you 100TP... allows you to use Llavanya's Melody)
3. Llavanya's Melody (Use 100TP to restore... 75% or 80% of your total MP or something like that... enough to use Soul Link AND Shadowbound)
4. Soul Link
5. Go to 1
The only way you can lose is if the opponent is in her "State" (indicated by the Swirled Circle for Katrina, the Gear for Madeline and the Skull for Narcissa next to their name) AND you are debuffed enough so that your Soul Link attack doesn't steal enough HP to survive 1 turn. If you're worried that might happen at step 4, just go back to step 1.
Other than if you've used Shadowbound BEFORE combat, I wouldn't risk there being more than 2 turns between using Shodowbound. If/when you're at Full MP after using Llavanya's melody, you can switch to:
1. Shadowbound
2. Llavanya's Fury
3. Surrender
4. Soul Link (To steal a *buffed* amount of HP AND have still have enough TP for a Golem-Sword-Equipped Precision Strike or two (Which don't miss like the normal attack with the Golem Sword)
-Go to step one of the first exploit I mentioned.
Or you could stock up on potions from the reaper to restore your HP, gamble on using the Doomblade of Bruh to poison her for 200HP for 3 turns, use Sword Flash to poison her amd make her miss if you have the Doomblade of Bruh equipped. There's plenty of ways to beat Madeline.