
Aug 17, 2019
Talking about how bad a game has become is fun. Arguing with people with shit taste that you know will never understand why it's bad is also fun.
I see your point, but at this moment, I think everyone in this thread understand why it has become bad haha (even more with Shakiexit)

I'm not sure about all of these criticisers having fun, as it is not uncommon to see people becoming upset due to some "best girl" shoutings.

But it is fine, speaking as a typical reader, I have to say that these discussions are even more fun for those who read the thread xD

Evizzy89 I didn't play the new version yet. I think the current one (release in 2022) brought a new Rosita scene, if I'm not mistaken.
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Succubus Hunter

Conversation Conqueror
May 19, 2020
Stop excusing and normalizing his blatant laziness and scam. That kind of parasocial relationship you have towards him is weird as fuck and pretty damn cringe. He doesn't care about you, his patreons or his games. Just take a moment to finally realize it already. You can't just keep posting about "Best girl", "Worst girl", "Harley Queef" and other cringe shit on here, pretending everything is fine through pink tainted glasses when everything is definitely not fine and the game has taken such a massive shit turn and it was all due to Deka's laziness. How long do you really plan on living in denial? We've been through some of the shittiest updates, 6.0, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0 and 9.0 and as much as it gets worse and worse by the update, you still have faith in the guy.

Get some help, go fap on some poorly made game and reach post-nut clarity. Time has never been the issue. He has had all the time in the world, so pretending it's because he runs out of time after delay upon delay on every deadline he gives himself after nearly a whole year and his excuses remain the same "I don't have all the CGs" and so on, blaming everyone else but him, I don't know what to tell you other than it's his bad and he's terrible at everything. He commissions like 6 fucking PNG a year and apparently the game always comes out late because he doesn't have the key PNGs (Which he keeps on leaking most of them on Patreon anyway). I'll spell it out slowly for you.

He. Doesn't. Want. To. Work. He just wants his money people blindly give him for no work so he can pay the rent while doing nothing. Now either wake the fuck up or take the easy way out and keep reacting with the facepalm reaction that you always do when you're being called out when you say the most absurd shit on every fucking threads. I would normally prefer just to ignore you, but I can't ignore the pure willingness to being conned by the most incompetent dev in the femdom games community.

I'd like to point out that you seem to have a bigger problem with my being greatful for a "Free" game that has brought me hours of fun than I have with your "Ignoring" me....

I can agree with this. Yeah, this is rough and has a lot of standard artifacts you'd expect to see in AI images if you look close enough. This is hardly surprising, considering prompting is always a bit of a gamble, and editing AI images to be presentable is a skill within of itself. But I don't think most people will realistically care about the details of Nacrissa's horns or Mary's brows while playing. And I think I'd prefer AIslop with consistent updates over what we have now.

I'l be honest, this post reads like the definition of "no fun allowed". I've recently skimmed through the pages I missed in this thread while I was gone and his posts have usually been some of the most fun to read because, well, they're consistently talking about the game. If anything, from what I read, you seem to have more of a parasocial relationship with the creator, because you talk about him more than you do about the game. I'm pretty sure I even recall already seeing you bother SH over simply talking about the game before and suggesting to create a thread about "gamedev lolcows"... I get the impression you want this thread to be about Deka the lolcow, rather than Domina the game. I don't see any other reason to go on a self-righteous spiel wall of text over a single remark about the creator. I mean, for all the grand posturing in your post, it's effectively pointless. You're not saving the world. You're not dissuading any actual patrons (because they don't come here). You're quite literally not changing anything. This is a pirating thread on a pirating website, nobody here is paying Deka regardless, so nobody is being scammed by him. If you're concerned about the people that pay him, make an effort to reach out to them.

Before you miss the point of my post and brand me as "Deka cocksucker making excuses for his laziness", let me elaborate. Some people are just invested in the premise/the girls of Domina and come here to talk about them sometimes. Not everyone gives a shit about the creator or his history, so not everything people say should be taken as a statement in some imaginary war of pro- vs anti-Deka. This is fine and there's nothing wrong with it. If you're burnt out on the game and aren't interested in the content anymore after waiting for so long and seeing so many buggy updates, nobody can blame you. This game is extremely flawed, everyone knows that at this point. But you know what I did last year when there were no new updates or bugfixes on the horizon? I left and forgot about the game for a year. I only came back this week and might leave again if there's no new material in the near future. I didn't stick around trying to turn this into a "Lolcow Deka the general" and getting mad at people who don't want to join in on this and dare talk about their favorite girls in good fun.

Bottom line is, if you stay in the thread for a game you don't care about anymore and then get annoyed when you see someone talk about something they're invested in, this really isn't the other person's problem. If anything, waifu autism is something I'd expect to see from a thread like this more than KiwiFarms lite.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write this. You have put many of my own thoughts better than I could have and added some more good points to boot. Imo Metalkick is just frustrated with waiting and needs something better to do. Needless to say, I NEVER said I approved of all the choices Deka has made, just that we should focus on the positive sides of getting to play such a fun game FOR FREE.

Hold on.
I'm pretty sure the past handful of pages make it clear that he doesn't do the art himself. He had an artist that quit and now he's trying to use AI. He didn't even bother cleaning up some of the AI mistakes in his promo picture.
Shakie quit? I thought she came back and would be using the AI as a tool to create more art faster? If all this "Update" does is replace the images we love with this... AI replacements than this is an outright downgrade.

This is the Domina equivalent of Tower of Trample's idea to make Ethan a silent protag. Thankfully Koda didn't follow through on that idea after seeing the fan backlash.

Screenshot (1422).png
Jan 27, 2021
Is there a gallery for this game or do u just save at every scene?
The latter, unfortunately. I can however provide you with this link, although it's quite outdated, only having all scenes up to version 7.5.

(I'd also like to warn you that some of the first few pictures contain gore, so please be mindful of that)

Honestly I'd play the current version. The AI art is truly aweful... and let's be honest. The game is awesome... that's why despite all of Dekas bullshit this game has such a huge fanbase. It's on a downhill trend but the game is still solid.
I was hoping somebody would say this. Despite the clear-as-day downward spiral this game is currently going through, it is still amazing at its core. And despite everything that's going on, I still wholeheartedly believe there is hope for Domina, even though Dekarous' ambition seems to have outpaced his ability.
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Succubus Hunter

Conversation Conqueror
May 19, 2020
Is there a gallery for this game or do u just save at every scene?
Fvlaenix made a modded version of the game that has a gallery. It's on his thread here:

The latter, unfortunately. I can however provide you with this link, although it's quite outdated, only having all scenes up to version 7.5.

(I'd also like to warn you that some of the first few pictures contain gore, so please be mindful of that)

I was hoping somebody would say this. Despite the clear-as-day downward spiral this game is currently going through, it is still amazing at its core. And despite everything that's going on, I still wholeheartedly believe there is hope for Domina, even though Dekarous' ambition seems to have outpaced his ability.
My hope is dwindling like an angel betrayed but hopefully Deka will can the AI idea as he doesn't already have the familiarity with the tool and doesn't have enough faith from his community to take time away from the game to learn. The game needs Shakie, an end to feature creep and perhaps even a reduction in features in favor of more regular updates.
Jan 27, 2021
My hope is dwindling like an angel betrayed but hopefully Deka will can the AI idea as he doesn't already have the familiarity with the tool and doesn't have enough faith from his community to take time away from the game to learn. The game needs Shakie, an end to feature creep and perhaps even a reduction in features in favor of more regular updates.
It seems hope is the only thing we can do at the moment, as the situation is ultimately out of our hands. I do believe we'll get to see the story of Domina reach its end some day, it's simply a matter of how long we'll be waiting at this point. And remember, fellow champion:

"Hope is the only thing keeping us going. Hope is what keeps your world alive and the darkness at bay."
-Llavanya, Goddess of Light

so 9.2 is lastest version for now , is there any new link ?
I believe version 9.5 has only been given to Patreon supporters as of present, though I'd say it should be public in about a week's time, possibly less.


Jan 24, 2018
So, no one has early access, I would like to test it.
Then pay for it. Patreons who pay for this AI garbage will surely not share it here since these people are butthurt that the majority here is no longer eating up dekas bs.

Succubus Hunter

Conversation Conqueror
May 19, 2020
It seems hope is the only thing we can do at the moment, as the situation is ultimately out of our hands. I do believe we'll get to see the story of Domina reach its end some day, it's simply a matter of how long we'll be waiting at this point. And remember, fellow champion:

"Hope is the only thing keeping us going. Hope is what keeps your world alive and the darkness at bay."
-Llavanya, Goddess of Light

I believe version 9.5 has only been given to Patreon supporters as of present, though I'd say it should be public in about a week's time, possibly less.
I sure hope so. I imagine we we will but rn Deka has one game with completed endings, another that's been put on pause, and this one which have undergone a repeated feature creep, delays, and plotholes. I love this game for the experience it provides while also getting the player to experience things out of their comfort zone but even I, devotee of the Goddess of Light have my limits.

I can see the white flowers starting to blossom from the jet black tiles...

is there castration in this
You are going to love the 6th and 7th Dominas...

Then pay for it. Patreons who pay for this AI garbage will surely not share it here since these people are butthurt that the majority here is no longer eating up dekas bs.
Not true, it will get shared here the very same day. The real question is, do you want to start picturing the Dominas in that new artstyle?


New Member
Nov 16, 2020
Spoke to Deka a week or so ago; (I create AI RPbots and made one based on Narcissa. (best girl)
He's still working on it, so don't lose heart, and clearly, he is still checking the community since he saw my post of the bot. Said that there would be a lot more expansions to come within the universe too, so IDK what that means, but I dearly hope it's more content after the main questline ends.

(Also for anyone interested, a Rosita bot is coming soon. Can't vouch for the quality of these since I make them and the platform has its weaknesses, but I use dialogue from the game to train them, so meh.)

As for anyone moaning about art? You could always become an artist...
Not going to be super easy to find someone match the style and produce niche fetish content.
Mar 28, 2022
Spoke to Deka a week or so ago; (I create AI RPbots and made one based on Narcissa. (best girl)
He's still working on it, so don't lose heart, and clearly, he is still checking the community since he saw my post of the bot. Said that there would be a lot more expansions to come within the universe too, so IDK what that means, but I dearly hope it's more content after the main questline ends.

(Also for anyone interested, a Rosita bot is coming soon. Can't vouch for the quality of these since I make them and the platform has its weaknesses, but I use dialogue from the game to train them, so meh.)

As for anyone moaning about art? You could always become an artist...
Not going to be super easy to find someone match the style and produce niche fetish content.
snorple is there castration in domina
Mar 28, 2022
I sure hope so. I imagine we we will but rn Deka has one game with completed endings, another that's been put on pause, and this one which have undergone a repeated feature creep, delays, and plotholes. I love this game for the experience it provides while also getting the player to experience things out of their comfort zone but even I, devotee of the Goddess of Light have my limits.

I can see the white flowers starting to blossom from the jet black tiles...

You are going to love the 6th and 7th Dominas...

Not true, it will get shared here the very same day. The real question is, do you want to start picturing the Dominas in that new artstyle?
tbh how do i beat mary
May 25, 2022
I sure hope so. I imagine we we will but rn Deka has one game with completed endings, another that's been put on pause, and this one which have undergone a repeated feature creep, delays, and plotholes. I love this game for the experience it provides while also getting the player to experience things out of their comfort zone but even I, devotee of the Goddess of Light have my limits.

I can see the white flowers starting to blossom from the jet black tiles...

You are going to love the 6th and 7th Dominas...

Not true, it will get shared here the very same day. The real question is, do you want to start picturing the Dominas in that new artstyle?
what are the names of the two other games please?
Mar 28, 2022
Ok, I have never done serious programing or anything, (just some modding for a few strategy games and toying with renpy in the past, plus one data edit for this game because Narcissa was too tough to beat on my class lol) and I do not even know what all the acronyms in your post stand for, (I assume MV/MZ is for the type of engine/rpgmaker-like program dekarous used) but still gotta appreciate how "in the zone" some of us are open to even share purchased licenses with each other!

It's an off-topic remark, but I often feel that this community is more wholesome than half the mainstream internet (definitely much better than twitter at least... :LOL:), and if people on mainstream social media would be as nice and considerate of others as is the norm on a lot of f95 threads these days, the world would be, at least marginally, a better place! You have my full respect for making this offer to another user - it's this kind of things that make f95 special! (well, this and the fact that it's the best porn games database out there...)
about the 5th dom i cant get past her or the seal she just says she is the keeper of the realm
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