Succubus Hunter

Devoted Member
May 19, 2020
Can you tell me how to beat Frarcizka?In her second phase I can't kill her at all, she kills me with one hit
What class are you playing as? I usually play as Crusader - Berzerker and I usually beat the hell out of Francesca as soon as I can get my hands on her. What I do is:

- Buy about 5 large healing potions.

- Pre-battle Cast Fury of Best Girl (Llavanya) as many times as I can, recharge at the fire, then cast spell that heals you for 5 turns.

- Beat up Harley Queef

-Use Guard everytime she's "Boutta smash ya" with her giant hammer

-Steal her seal and strut out of her realm like a boss

Since you are at that part of the game you might be interested to know you are exactly where ou need to be to activate the multiclass glitch. For best results use a save where you still have three of your party members in the Bloody Corridor.

What you do is level up our party against the undead there so that each time one of your party members reaches level 5 you can start them on their own skill tree. Everytime you choose a class for one of them it will reset your class/ skill tree allowing you to learn an additional set of skills and gain the powerups from that skill tree. These stack so you can have up to 4 maxed out classes before beating up Harley Queef.

Just the mechanics in general.Or just what you think is important.
Off the top of my head I can think of a few things:

1. Do not play on "Easy mode" Easy mode starts you off with better stats but does not allow you to grind exp. This quickly leaves you much weaker by the time you make it to the 3rd domina and worse the 6th domina - Harley Queef.

2. Crusader is a sturdy first time class. It has good stats and is easy to play without knowing the advance mechanics of this game. It also makes the difficulty spikes Katrina (1st), Narcissa (2nd), and Harley Queef (6th) much easier.

3. Take the game's advice and SAVE often! The game gives you a ton of save slots for this very reason. Not only is that the only way to see previous dialogue but it also prevents you from locking yourself if you make the wrong decisions Always dedicate at least 4 save slots to each domina : one for when you enter her realm, one for before you beat her, and two more for inbetween.

4. The most difficult grind is your first one one. Most players are around lvl 10 or slightly higher before successfully beating Katrina. Your best bet is to grind near the stairs to her celler starting by only fighting single lost and working up to larger numbers. Also remember you cannot die from losing to them, the battle just ends with you at 1 HP.

5. You can cast Fury of Llavanya and the skill that heals for 5 turns outside of battle. This can be a big help both with kicking domina butt and grinding exp from the lost.

6. For now, asside from corrupting the portrait of your character, there is no other consequence to unlocking the corruption skills

7. Everytime you die you will come back stronger

8. When in Narcissa's realm DO NOT bully the Cireo the merchant. If you do he might never sell you anything. Also, lose to Narcissa twice in her THRONE ROOM. Doing so will allow you to get the rusty sword from her donjon. YOU WANT THIS and it is MISSABLE.

9. ... In Worst Girl (Mary's) Emerald Throne, there are 10 scripted losses. Also, prepare to feel very sad. Yes, there is a way to submit to Worst Girl but you have to be crueler than most dominas to do it :cry:

10. In Rosita's realm (6th domina) After you beat her up, DO NOT accept her last meal! (Scat)

11. In Harley Queef's realm (6th domina) When in the Teddy Room GET THE CROSSBOW of DEATHLY DEATH! It will be useless when you get it but it combos very well with a ring you will get in Hora's realm (9th domina)
11. B. In Harley Queef's realm (6th domina) there is a multiclass glitch that allows you to unlock multiple skill trees worth of skills and stat boosts (Stackable). While in the Corridor of Blood, grind your party's levels up to five, unlock their skill trees, and when it gives the option to choose a class it will start YOU on a new class skill tree. You will retain all of your previously unlocked boosts/ skills and can do this for every member in your party.

12. In Mika and Maki's realm (7th domina) You have to lose 4 times to progress the story. Prepare to be very sad once again when you beat them.
12. B. They will try to steal Best Girl's weapon after you beat them up (You will know who when you get to this point) but you can win that fight. They only attack every 4th turn and you can negate the damage with Aspect of the Bear if you are a Crusader - Berzerker or Shadowbound if you are any other class.

13. Raa (8th domina) is a sore loser, her servants are VERY physically powerful! If you have Aspect of the Bear USE IT, otherwise abuse the hell out of Shadowbound. NPCs also share the weakness of the domina who's realm they inhabit and in this case it's ice element attacks. Poison and ruse damage can be a good option as well.

15. There you go, one tip for every domina. I suggest bookmarking this post so you can come back to it as you are playing. Best of luck on your crusade fellow Champion of Llavanya!



New Member
Oct 22, 2024
Каким классом ты играешь? Я обычно играю за Крестоносца - Берсерка и обычно избиваю Франческу, как только она попадает мне в руки. Что я делаю:

- Купите около 5 больших лечебных зелий.

- Перед боем произнесите «Ярость лучшей девушки» (Ллаванья) столько раз, сколько сможете, перезарядитесь у огня, затем произнесите заклинание, которое исцелит вас на 5 ходов.

- Избить Харли Куиф

-Используйте Guard каждый раз, когда она «разобьет тебя» своим гигантским молотом.

-Укради ее печать и вырвись из ее царства, как босс.

Поскольку вы находитесь в этой части игры, вам может быть интересно узнать, где именно вы должны быть, чтобы активировать мультиклассовый глюк. Для наилучших результатов используйте сохранение, в котором у вас все еще есть три члена вашей группы в Кровавом коридоре.

Что вы делаете, так это повышаете уровень нашей группы против нежити там, так что каждый раз, когда один из членов вашей группы достигает 5-го уровня, вы можете начать их с их собственного дерева навыков. Каждый раз, когда вы выбираете класс для одного из них, это сбрасывает ваше дерево классов/навыков, позволяя вам изучить дополнительный набор навыков и получить усиления из этого дерева навыков. Они складываются, так что вы можете иметь до 4 максимально прокачанных классов, прежде чем победить Харли Квифа.

Навскидку мне приходит на ум несколько мыслей:

1. Не играйте в "Легком режиме" Легкий режим дает вам лучшие характеристики, но не позволяет вам набирать опыт. Это быстро делает вас намного слабее к тому времени, как вы доберетесь до 3-й домины и хуже к 6-й домине - Харли Квиф.

2. Крестоносец — крепкий класс для первого раза. У него хорошие характеристики и им легко играть, не зная продвинутой механики этой игры. Он также значительно облегчает пики сложности Катрина (1-й), Нарцисса (2-й) и Харли Квиф (6-й).

3. Прислушайтесь к совету игры и СОХРАНЯЙТЕСЬ почаще! Игра дает вам массу слотов для сохранения именно по этой причине. Это не только единственный способ увидеть предыдущий диалог, но и не дает вам заблокировать себя, если вы примете неправильные решения. Всегда выделяйте по крайней мере 4 слота для сохранения для каждой домины: один для входа в ее царство, один до того, как вы ее победите, и еще два между ними.

4. Самый сложный гринд — ваш первый один. Большинство игроков находятся на уровне 10 или немного выше, прежде чем успешно победить Катрину. Лучше всего гриндить около лестницы в ее подвал, начиная с сражений только с одним проигравшим и постепенно увеличивая количество. Также помните, что вы не можете умереть, проиграв им, битва просто заканчивается с вашим 1 HP.

5. Вы можете использовать Ярость Ллаваньи и умение, которое лечит на 5 ходов вне боя. Это может быть большой помощью как в надирании задниц доминам, так и в получении опыта от потерянных.

6. На данный момент, кроме порчи портрета вашего персонажа, никаких других последствий разблокировки навыков порчи нет.

7. Каждый раз, когда ты умираешь, ты возвращаешься сильнее.

8. Находясь в королевстве Нарциссы, НЕ запугивайте торговца Чирео. Если вы это сделаете, он может никогда вам ничего не продать. Также дважды проиграйте Нарциссе в ее ТРОННОМ ЗАЛЕ. Это позволит вам получить ржавый меч из ее донжона. ВАМ ЭТО НУЖНО, и это МОЖНО ПРОПУСТИТЬ.

9. ... В Worst Girl (Mary's) Emerald Throne есть 10 запланированных поражений. Также приготовьтесь чувствовать себя очень грустно. Да, есть способ подчиниться Worst Girl, но для этого нужно быть более жестоким, чем большинство домин :плакать:

10. В королевстве Розиты (6-я домина) После того, как вы ее избили, НЕ принимайте ее последнюю еду! (Скат)

11. В мире Харли Куиф (6-я домина) Когда вы в комнате Тедди, ПОЛУЧИТЕ АРБАЛЕТ СМЕРТЕЛЬНОЙ СМЕРТИ! Он будет бесполезен, когда вы его получите, но он очень хорошо сочетается с кольцом, которое вы получите в мире Хоры (9-я домина)
11. B. В мире Харли Квифа (6-я домина) есть глюк мультикласса, который позволяет вам разблокировать несколько деревьев навыков и улучшений характеристик (наращиваемых). Находясь в Коридоре Крови, прокачайте уровни своей группы до пяти, разблокируйте их деревья навыков, и когда вам предложат выбрать класс, вы начнете с нового дерева навыков класса. Вы сохраните все свои ранее разблокированные усиления/навыки и сможете сделать это для каждого члена вашей группы.

12. В мире Мики и Маки (7-я домина) Вам нужно проиграть 4 раза, чтобы продвинуться по сюжету. Приготовьтесь снова сильно расстроиться, когда победите их.
12. B. Они попытаются украсть оружие Лучшей Девочки после того, как вы их победите (Вы узнаете, кого именно, когда дойдете до этого момента), но вы можете выиграть этот бой. Они атакуют только каждый 4-й ход, и вы можете нейтрализовать урон с помощью Aspect of the Bear, если вы Крестоносец - Berzerker или Shadowbound, если вы любой другой класс.

13. Раа (8-я домина) — неудачница, ее слуги ОЧЕНЬ сильны физически! Если у вас есть Аспект Медведя, ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ ЕГО, в противном случае злоупотребляйте Shadowbound. NPC также разделяют слабость домин, в царстве которой они обитают, и в этом случае это атаки ледяной стихии. Яд и урон от уловок также могут быть хорошим вариантом.

15. Вот и все, по одному совету для каждой доминанты. Предлагаю добавить этот пост в закладки, чтобы вы могли вернуться к нему во время игры. Удачи в вашем крестовом походе, товарищ Чемпион Ллаваньи!

View attachment 4439701
In general I don't understand classes I just buy the most powerful weapon that gives me the biggest statues and go into battle to be honest I don't understand what exactly to do there


Jan 27, 2020
Sadly you can't. That chest is more a bigger trap than the chests in Francesca's Prize Room lol It's like a mimic that lures MC in, surprises him, forcefully undresses him, wrapping him in the scarlet cloak of shame then destroys the cloak lovingly given to him by the loving doting angel just to add the final pain to the wound.

The only thing you can do is restart from an earlier save and avoid the brightly illuminated chest of fail.
Thanks! Do you also happen to know if there's any benefit to mega buffing Raa with 5 tablets?
  • Thinking Face
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Succubus Hunter

Devoted Member
May 19, 2020
Are you referring to the menu options? If so, than I am guessing this is your first RPG Maker game in which case the best way to learn is to fuck around and find out.

Your attacks will be in "Mastery" and "Magic". The "Attack" option does a basic attack which does little damage but gives you more SP. "Guard" reduces the damage you will take her next turn and also gives you more SP. (SP is the green bar of energy that will will spend to use some of your skills).

Has anyone figured out how to piss Franciska off, I want to know what happens for myself.
You DO NOT want this scene, there are some images that you cannot get out of your head. The scene is called "Toilet meat" and it involves MC getting chopped up, put in her toilet and then used as a toilet.

If you are STILL convinced you want to see this you have to get her anger to 100 and your stress to 100. Choose dialogue options that will anger her and ones that say they will increase your stress.

Don't say I didn't warn you fellow champion... :oops:

Thanks! Do you also happen to know if there's any benefit to mega buffing Raa with 5 tablets?
I am glad to help my fellow champions :) I haven't been suicidal enough to give her more than two so I have no idea. From what The Reaper says I think she will gain a stat boost and an attack that causes an eclipse where she will be weak to light. I suggest creating a save file before being masochistic enough to give her that much power to beat you up with.
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New Member
Apr 20, 2023
Can anyone tell me how this game works?Im confused.Mostly bout the beat Domina and the become slave thing.
1 - Just grind some level and you should be winning easely(if not then ask for help here I don't know ._.)
2 - just lose a few times until eventually you fill up the thing to 100, that thing in the top left corner as far as I remember.

Succubus Hunter

Devoted Member
May 19, 2020
1 - Just grind some level and you should be winning easely(if not then ask for help here I don't know ._.)
2 - just lose a few times until eventually you fill up the thing to 100, that thing in the top left corner as far as I remember.
Don't forget to save before becoming a domina's bitch slave


New Member
Dec 5, 2018
v-v this game end is a cliffhangerr now i have to wait for years to see what happens to the story lollll on the second game. anyways good game only complaint is i couldn't slap mary. also it's funny how the creators potrait is just istp from mbti also it still sucks that this game is a fucking cliffhanger and not a proper end to feel satisfied v-v


Dec 26, 2021
v-v this game end is a cliffhangerr now i have to wait for years to see what happens to the story lollll on the second game. anyways good game only complaint is i couldn't slap mary. also it's funny how the creators potrait is just istp from mbti also it still sucks that this game is a fucking cliffhanger and not a proper end to feel satisfied v-v
It really is just ISTP. I didn't realize.


New Member
Oct 5, 2022
Is it just me or does the Mac link not work for anyone else? My finder refuses to open and register that it's even a game. It happens with other RPG maker games aswell anyone know a fix?

Succubus Hunter

Devoted Member
May 19, 2020
Yeah... more like chocolate strawberry.

Chocolate Strawberry? I take it that is how MC looks after Harley Queef goes full BPD on him :oops:

v-v this game end is a cliffhangerr now i have to wait for years to see what happens to the story lollll on the second game. anyways good game only complaint is i couldn't slap mary. also it's funny how the creators potrait is just istp from mbti also it still sucks that this game is a fucking cliffhanger and not a proper end to feel satisfied v-v
It won't be years, I would guess we will be seeing an update in a month or two. Deka is changing Ruby's artwork since he's gotten a lot of harsh feedback about her looking too old and ugly. She is the first domina since Shakie disappeared so it's no wonder she's not in the Domina style we've all come to know and love.

What is mbti? Are you referring to the MC or Deka's actual avatar with the powerdrill?
Apr 6, 2022
Chocolate Strawberry? I take it that is how MC looks after Harley Queef goes full BPD on him :oops:
Eeyup. Long ways from 'Vanilla' lol.

It won't be years, I would guess we will be seeing an update in a month or two. Deka is changing Ruby's artwork since he's gotten a lot of harsh feedback about her looking too old and ugly. She is the first domina since Shakie disappeared so it's no wonder she's not in the Domina style we've all come to know and love.

What is mbti? Are you referring to the MC or Deka's actual avatar with the powerdrill?
IIRC, mbti is a personality quiz. ISTP is one of the types, meaning Introverted, Observant (doesn't start with S but eh), Thinking, and Prospecting as traits.

But yes, they were referring to Deka's profile icon. Google search for istp and you'll see.
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New Member
Jul 13, 2023
Still no update? Based Deka getting paid for AI slop.
Also hello my little friend
Chocolate Strawberry? I take it that is how MC looks after Harley Queef goes full BPD on him :oops:

It won't be years, I would guess we will be seeing an update in a month or two. Deka is changing Ruby's artwork since he's gotten a lot of harsh feedback about her looking too old and ugly. She is the first domina since Shakie disappeared so it's no wonder she's not in the Domina style we've all come to know and love.

What is mbti? Are you referring to the MC or Deka's actual avatar with the powerdrill?
  • Angry
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Succubus Hunter

Devoted Member
May 19, 2020
Eeyup. Long ways from 'Vanilla' lol.

IIRC, mbti is a personality quiz. ISTP is one of the types, meaning Introverted, Observant (doesn't start with S but eh), Thinking, and Prospecting as traits.

But yes, they were referring to Deka's profile icon. Google search for istp and you'll see.
You're right, this was literally the first image that came up when I typed it in:


Now I am curious what Shakie's Myers Briggs personality type was in the pic where she was riding him.

And yes, I know you are right about Chocolate Strawberry, so very very right :eek:

Still no update? Based Deka getting paid for AI slop.
Also hello my little friend

View attachment 4458889
Don't be AI bashing, people have already made some great artwork using AI tools. And Shakie left the project high and dry so Team Deka is doing the best they can with what they have.

And what is she even saying in that image, I can barely understand her.

Cant wait for mods to remove this one too.
View attachment 4458890
Because you're getting fat?
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