I was meaning to talk about the fetish content and how the first girl's face looks exactly like Akame from Akame ga Kill but fucking shit that took a dark turn at the 4th boss. Up until that point it seemed like it was all in good fun even if the girls were talking about doing this and that to the world once they took it over, but that scene completely shifted the mood and my attitude towards game. Now that I'm no longer treating it as purely fap material, I have to seriously voice my complaints about the gameplay and plot.
First of all, the fights get old and really annoying as soon as you start trying to win rather than just dicking around to see what H moves the girls will use. They have a lot of health which would be fine except for the fact that there's an annoyingly long and unskippable cut in sequence pretty much every time they move even if you DODGE the hit. Like great, you dodged the punch! And now the punch knocked you down and you have to watch a scene and maybe take damage. Sometimes it's just annoying, other times it can be really frustrating if you're already not doing well in the fight due to RNG. It's like an extra insult from the game. You're already losing but here's a little bit of extra damage that you shouldn't be taking just for fun. Genuinely got me riled up a few times.
There is one more gameplay issue that REALLY pissed me off and I'm sure people who've played the game will immediately know why. I'm talking about the "unwinnable" fights. There were two that I won and both times it was just by some strategy, resetting and fairly regular means. Not like I farmed up 50 potions or anything if that's even possible.
And then when you win, the game goes: "You won an unwinnable fight. Go back and lose to progress the story".
If you're THAT invested in me losing then make it actually unwinnable so that I don't waste time trying.
This takes me to the plot thing I started this post off with. I get it was suppose to be this big moment to get you emotionally charged and maybe invested in the story but some of the plot points and events leading up to it are so retarded and/or don't make any sense that again it just pisses me off to no end. I'll list some in spoiler tags bellow: